Problem when trying to create a digital ocean app from gitlab source - digital-ocean

I am trying to create an app in digital ocean using source code from gitlab and I get the error "no detected components".
Any ideas?

make sure that your project's index file is named index.html. in my case i had a project where the index file was named landing.html changing this to index.html fixed the issue.

digitalocean cannot detect the folder of your project. After selecting your GitHub project branch go ahead and specify the directory which has your project contents. for instance \src.


How to deploy files for Sitecore using TDS

I'm starting a new Sitecore 9 project using Helix and TDS. I've got my basic structure setup, using Hedgehog's fork of the Habitat site as a guide. I'm also referencing Hedgehog's docs.
My solution is just a start, so it's very simple right now, only a Foundation.Serialization module that contains the TDS projects for the basic layer folders and a Project.Website module that contains a TDS project and an MVC Website project (MVC)'s got a basic Razor view and some random CSS/JS files.
The TDS Habitat readme, says to use Solution > Deploy Solution to deploy the projects. When I do this on my project it builds and the Sitecore items are deployed to Sitecore, but my Views and CSS/JS are not....presumably because I haven't configured anything to facilitate this.
Looking at the docs and the TDS Habitat solution, it's not clear to me how to configure TDS to know anything about how to deploy files. I'm finding info on the web that says that TDS will deploy files, transform configs, etc but with no examples of how to actually make that happen.
How do I set things up so Deploy Solution will also deploy files from all of the web projects in a solution to my local web root?
First, you will need to make sure the Sitecore Deploy Folder is set. From the documentation:
Sitecore Deploy Folder – Contains the path to the ROOT of the Sitecore
instance on the file system. This setting is used to install the TDS
Classic service when needed and to deploy the compiled code when the
TDS Classic project is built.
You also need to make sure that file deployment has not been disabled:
Disable File Deployment – Stops TDS Classic deploying files to the
directory specified in the Sitecore Deploy Folder.
If you are still not seeing the files being deployed, you will need to check if the process has access to the deploy folder.
You can also deploy files as a .update package and then use another automated tool to deploy the .update package to the target environment.
I figured out the issue. On the properties page for a TDS project there is a field where you indicate which projects should be built and deployed along with the sitecore items:

Configure a remote project

I am starting a Django project. I'd like to connect this project in such a way my partner could work remotly and we can see the trackings and modifications on that project. What do you suggest to set up those configurations?
The program is called git, its not necessary use GitHub, Bitbucket to deploy your Django project in a server, also you can have a version control of your project and work with your patner without problems. Read this to deploy your Django project and this is git

Pycharm not recognizing Django project

I've seen similar questions but they don't solve my problem.
I have a correctly installed django project. I haven't being able to make Pycharm recognize it. I can't get file name completions (i.e static files), imports from the project apps aren't recognized and neither are urls tags, can't run the server ... How can I solve this?
The problem was that I wasn't selecting the correct folder when opening the project. I opened the whole virtualenv folder with Pycharm cause I wanted quick access to the activate file in /bin where I keep my environment variables.
The solution was to delete the .idea folder and open the specific django project folder. I thought there was a workaround to this but there wasn't. The question still remains if there is a way to add the activate file in the /bin directory of the virtualenv to the project, even if it is outside the project root.

Django on production server (No module named urls)

I'm setting Django on production server and have this strange error(on picture below)
As you can see pythonpath seems to be ok(first row is my project folder), I definitely have module inside my project/project folder, I have init file there and my ROOT_URLCONF = 'project.urls'(I also tried without project name, but it didn't help either).
So, that is strange why it can't find it :(
I have to say that I tried to create a new project on server and then it seems to be ok, but with this project that is copied from local server it is behaving like this.
Printscreen of error:
The only problem I can think of is the process of package creation. What process have you followed to deploy your Django application?
If you have compiled the Django application on your local machine or CI server and then deployed the compiled package then you will run into Import module issues because pyc files will contain hard coded paths of your local machine or CI servers. To fix it before compiling the python files you should create the same hierarchy on your local/CI server and then compile and deploy.
Hope this helps.
I agree hardcoded paths in pyc files is PITA and we have been doing this in our production environment once we discovered it.
However I do not agree with you to re generate pyc files on the server because as your application will grow and you move towards a large application it will become very slow.
You don't have to keep your development environment directory to follow production directory structure. Instead you can have any directory path on development machine and create a separate bash script which will create a package for you by creating a directory structure that you follow on production. Bash script will have the logic of
Creating a directory structure similar to production
Checking out the code from source control
Compile the code using python -m compileall .
Create a tarball
You can untar this tarball on production server and your application should run fine.
For more information about package creation in python and best practices, check out this video
It doesn't look like your project is in your path, actually. The traceback is only showing Django packages.

Export/Import Django project settings in PyCharm

Actually I have project with about 20 settings (Django server, Django tests, fabric tasks). Now I want to move my environment to other computer.
Is it possible to migrate all these configurations or should I create manually one by one in new PyCharm instance?
Yes there is. What you need to do, is copy everything in your project directory, including .idea folder, and pasting it to the new place that you want to place it.
Now, all you have to do is open the directory as a project using PyCharm in your new workstation.