Pycharm not recognizing Django project - django

I've seen similar questions but they don't solve my problem.
I have a correctly installed django project. I haven't being able to make Pycharm recognize it. I can't get file name completions (i.e static files), imports from the project apps aren't recognized and neither are urls tags, can't run the server ... How can I solve this?

The problem was that I wasn't selecting the correct folder when opening the project. I opened the whole virtualenv folder with Pycharm cause I wanted quick access to the activate file in /bin where I keep my environment variables.
The solution was to delete the .idea folder and open the specific django project folder. I thought there was a workaround to this but there wasn't. The question still remains if there is a way to add the activate file in the /bin directory of the virtualenv to the project, even if it is outside the project root.


Django on production server (No module named urls)

I'm setting Django on production server and have this strange error(on picture below)
As you can see pythonpath seems to be ok(first row is my project folder), I definitely have module inside my project/project folder, I have init file there and my ROOT_URLCONF = 'project.urls'(I also tried without project name, but it didn't help either).
So, that is strange why it can't find it :(
I have to say that I tried to create a new project on server and then it seems to be ok, but with this project that is copied from local server it is behaving like this.
Printscreen of error:
The only problem I can think of is the process of package creation. What process have you followed to deploy your Django application?
If you have compiled the Django application on your local machine or CI server and then deployed the compiled package then you will run into Import module issues because pyc files will contain hard coded paths of your local machine or CI servers. To fix it before compiling the python files you should create the same hierarchy on your local/CI server and then compile and deploy.
Hope this helps.
I agree hardcoded paths in pyc files is PITA and we have been doing this in our production environment once we discovered it.
However I do not agree with you to re generate pyc files on the server because as your application will grow and you move towards a large application it will become very slow.
You don't have to keep your development environment directory to follow production directory structure. Instead you can have any directory path on development machine and create a separate bash script which will create a package for you by creating a directory structure that you follow on production. Bash script will have the logic of
Creating a directory structure similar to production
Checking out the code from source control
Compile the code using python -m compileall .
Create a tarball
You can untar this tarball on production server and your application should run fine.
For more information about package creation in python and best practices, check out this video
It doesn't look like your project is in your path, actually. The traceback is only showing Django packages.

Export/Import Django project settings in PyCharm

Actually I have project with about 20 settings (Django server, Django tests, fabric tasks). Now I want to move my environment to other computer.
Is it possible to migrate all these configurations or should I create manually one by one in new PyCharm instance?
Yes there is. What you need to do, is copy everything in your project directory, including .idea folder, and pasting it to the new place that you want to place it.
Now, all you have to do is open the directory as a project using PyCharm in your new workstation.

What is the .idea folder?

When I create a project in JetBrains WebStorm, a folder called .idea gets created. Is it okay if I delete it? Will it affect my project?
When you use the IntelliJ IDE, all the project-specific settings for the project are stored under the .idea folder.
Project settings are stored with each specific project as a set of xml
files under the .idea folder. If you specify the default project
settings, these settings will be automatically used for each newly
created project.
Check this documentation for the IDE settings and here is their recommendation on Source Control and an example .gitignore file.
Note: If you are using git or some version control system, you might want to set this folder "ignore".
Example - for git, add this directory to .gitignore. This way, the application is not IDE-specific.
There is no problem in deleting this. It's not only the WebStorm IDE creating this file, but also PhpStorm and all other of JetBrains' IDEs.
It is safe to delete it but if your project is from GitLab or GitHub then you will see a warning.
As of year 2020, JetBrains suggests to commit the .idea folder.
The JetBrains IDEs (webstorm, intellij, android studio, pycharm, clion, etc.) automatically add that folder to your git repository (if there's one).
Inside the folder .idea, has been already created a .gitignore, updated by the IDE itself to avoid to commit user related settings that may contains privacy/password data.
It is safe (and usually useful) to commit the .idea folder.
It contains your local IntelliJ IDE configs. I recommend adding this folder to your .gitignore file:
# intellij configs
The reason my device was not being recognized was because my emulator was frozen.
What helped me was to wipe my emulator's data.
Android Emulator freezes
Checkout #gimme-the-411 's comment on this thread.

How apps installed at pip really works?

I'm new at django and i was looking for a wysiwyg and i fuond tinymce.
I installed at pip command line and i expect that create a folder at my folder project like a new app. It dont created no one folder but i did the next steps and for my surprise the app works fine at my project.
I want to know how this app really works at my project, in case im gonne deploy this project and how to deploy the app installed at pip or something like that.
My englhish is not good but i hope that was clear.
The applications, or libraries rather are copied directly inside one of the folders inside your python directory called Lib/site-packages. This exact location depends on your operating system you can find usually find your newly installed packages under
For Windows
For Linux
When you run a python script, Python will automatically include these folders as available resources, and when you add for example import X to your code, it will check to see if X is listed.
You have more information on the topic available here.

What is a good way to package django apps?

I have a django project which is installed by customers on their servers. I've got a few more apps which are optional plugins of functionality that can be installed/uninstalled.
I'd like a simple way to package these plugin apps to make the install/uninstall painless. I dont want them to copy the template files to one directory, app to another one, media to a third one and so on. I would prefer that they need not edit, though its okay if it can't be helped.
The ideal situation would be if they could simply unzip to a location on the python path (maybe a special plugin directory?), and delete it to uninstall. Is there an easy way to package the apps so that they can be installed this way?
I'll skip over discussion of Python packaging (distutils, setuptools, pip, etc), since it sounds like you'd prefer using simple zip files or tarballs. I'll address the "pain points" you mentioned one at a time:
Template files: As long as you have 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source' included in the TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting of your projects, you shouldn't have to worry about this one. Each of your apps can have a "templates/" subdirectory, and templates in there will be loaded just as if they were in your project-wide templates directory.
Media files: App media is a pain. For development, you can use a custom serve_media view that operates similarly to the app_directories template loader (looks for media in each app). In production, you have to either copy the files, use symbolic links, or use webserver-level aliases. There are several utility apps out there that try to smooth over this problem; I now use django-staticfiles.
Editing No simple way around this one. For its models, template tags, management commands, etc to work, an app has to be listed in INSTALLED_APPS. What you could do is write some custom code in your that lists the contents of a certain directory and dynamically adds the packages it finds there to INSTALLED_APPS. A little bit dangerous (think carefully about who has permissions to place files in that directory, because they have the keys to your kingdom), and new files there will only be detected on a server reload, but it should work.
I think if you put together those solutions, it's possible to achieve your ideal situation: unzip to install, delete to uninstall.
Editing Your plugin can read its settings from its own settings file in its own directory. They'd only need to edit the root to add/remove the plug-in path from "INSTALLED_APPS".