Visual Studio 2022 - AWS Toolkit does not support Step Functions - amazon-web-services

There is support for Step Function in Visual Studio Code using AWS Toolkit. I could not find anything similar for Visual Studio 2022.
Is there any way for having Step Functions in Visual Studio 2022?

AWS Step Functions is not supported in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio today. The toolkit's team is interested in learning more about your use case and what features would add value to your workflow. Please create an issue on Github at to share any relevant details.

You do not need AWS Toolkit to code logic using AWS SDK for .NET v3. What you need to do is to install the required .NET Assemblies using NuGET in Visual Studio. Install AWSSDK.StepFunctions - as shown here:
Install AWSSDK.Core too.
Then you can write a .NET APP that uses the .NET Step Functions Service Client.


Using AWS Toolkit in Visual Studio 2019 for LocalStack?

Can the AWS Toolkit in Visual Studio 2019 be used to access LocalStack running on my development machine?
I have been trying to do this for a long time now. But unfortunately, I have gone through a significant number of configuration permutations without luck.
I believe that as long as custom endpoints are not allowed on AWS Toolkit, the answer will be "no."
Keep an eye on

how to configure visual studio 2017 to not generate nuget package as ouput on publish

This is related to output of publish process in visual studio 2017 (version 15.7.1)
I am developing cross platform application using .net core 2.1. Application will also be compiled on .Net framework 472.
My application requires that output of compilation after publish process should generate dlls and not a nupkg. This is required because my application depend on dynamic loading of the libraries. Since the publish process generates nupkg, I am not able to use output of publish process for dynamically loading of libraries.
I googled the issue but most of the help that I found was on how to generate nuget package whereas my requirement is opposite of that.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I could resolve this issue by generating output using dotnet publish command over CLI.

Do I need ODTforVS2017_122011.exe?

I have VS2017 and plan to do some C# development that needs to access Oracle 12c database.
I went in Oracle site and downloaded ODTforVS2017_122011.exe. The installation was successful.
But when I tried to declare my connection type OracleConnection, my project does not know it and I can not reference Oracle.ManagedDataAccess. I had to go to Nuget to install them to satisfy the compiler.
So, my curious question is: is the ODT installation from Oracle site necessary or Nuget installation only would suffice? I just do not want to install to much irrelevant stuff that I would not be able to justify.
I don't believe you need the tools, no. They're Visual Studio features, rather than tools needed at execution time.
From the download page:
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio enables Visual Studio data features such as Server Explorer integration, TableAdapter Configuration Wizard and Entity Designer and also includes many useful Oracle specific tools.
So you may find it useful to have those tools, but I don't believe they're required on every machine where you want to either develop or deploy your application.

Is it possible to build an interface with R studio supported by AWS to visual studio 2015

I am using R studio appliance supported by AWS for a prediction model.
I would like to develop a dashboard in visual studio 2015.
Could any one suggest me how i could do it ?

Publish option missing in visual studio

I am trying to deploy an application to aws from within visual studio (2017), but the publish and publish to aws beanstalk options do not appear when I right click the project in the solution explorer. I have installed the aws toolkit, and when working with other projects, the options are present. I'm still new to visual studio, so it's possible I'm missing a simple step, but any help would be appreciated, as I have spent several hours searching for an answer.