Curl to invoke REST web service in Autosys - scheduling

I would like to invoke the REST web service via CURL in Autosys.
Can someone post a sample/basic JIL file or JIL commands to do that?
I know I can invoke the batch script that does it, but I am wondering if I can call the CURL command directly from Autosys.


connect to https Web service from CICS thru COBOL program

I am trying to connect to an HTTPS web service through a COBOL-written CICS module. Below is the screenshot. I am getting the error as:
I have moved the webservice name and URI endpoint below before invoking it. Please let me know how to connect properly?
It doesn't look like you've got the full INVOKE SERVICE command supplied. The full syntax (at CICS TS 5.5) is:
You've supplied the service name with WEBSERVICE/SERVICE, and URI, but are lacking the CHANNEL to hold the data, and the OPERATION to be called on the target webservice's WSDL.

why the API that generated by AM was not invoked again

I reunzip an and start this server . Then I invoked the API by postman or curl command . It all did not work.
yeah,it works for the port is not open to world wide web.

How to create Callback in Webservice for non-browser client?

An example is GoogleCL non-browser client as explained here :
When you attempt to use the google command for a service for the first
time, it will open your web browser and ask you to authenticate it.
Click “grant access” and then press Enter back in the terminal window.
How Google webservice transfer data back to GoogleCL from the browser ?
I want to do the same kind of callback with my own webservice so I'd like to understand how.
By using a Redirect URI of http://localhost and starting up a local webserver to wait for that redirect. See the code for the tools.run_flow() function in the Google API Python Client library that does this kind of flow:

Call Web Service using wget

I'm able to call a web service from Linux command line using CURL.
Now I'm tryng to use wget to call a Web Service but I always receive the following error:
500 Internal Server Error.
I'm using the following syntax:
wget http://<endPoint> --post-file=soapRequest.xml --header="Content-Type: application/soap+xml" --output-document=soapResponse.xml
Where soapRequest.xml contains the XML request (validated by SoapUI).
The error returned from wget is:
Connecting to <host:port>... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2011-12-12 23:18:33 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.
You don't mention which webserver you are using, or how your URL is formatted, but to invoke a web service operation written in .NET on IIS use this syntax:
wget --post-file=soaprequest.xml --header="Content-Type: text/xml" --header="SOAPAction: \"soapaction\"" http://server/app/myservice.asmx -O response.xml
The "soapaction" value can be found in the WSDL, or on the information page ASP.NET creates for the operation at myservice.asmx.
I have to use --header="Content-Type: text/xml"

what is the use of creating proxy for an webservice

i have an webserivce written where i do an insertion opertion to DB.
path :http://localhost:1838/Ajax/WebService.asmx? of the webservice is localhost
i have added webservice for the project
now on button click event i try to call this webserice like this
localhost obj= new localhost();
now i am able to do the insertion operation fine.
but i wanted to create an proxy for the webservice so wat is the use of it doing like tat?
when i run this command in my command prompt in vs
wsdl /out:myProxyClass.cs http://localhost:1838/Ajax/WebService.asmx?WSDL
i get an error
unable to connect the remote server.
no connection would be made because
the target machine actively refused
looking forward for an solution any help would great
thank you
It looks like you are using the built in develoment webserver (Cassini). Are you sure it was running when you issued the wsdl command ? The tool needs to connect to the service and download metadata, in order to generate your proxy.