Hyperlink in grid Dynamics 365 F&O - microsoft-dynamics

I have a list page with a grid to which I would like to add buttons in order to route to a details page, in the same way that it is done by the standard application on the form SalesTableListPage.
I see here that this is a form with the pattern 'List Page' and then for the grid fields the properties 'Hyper Link Data Source' and 'Hyper Link Menu Item' are both set:
When I recreate my form in the same style as the SalesTableListPage however, I cannot see these properties for the fields added to my grid. (I made sure to choose a property with the same data type as SalesIdAdvanced)
What am I missing for these properties to be available?


Disable click event in list view that goes to Delve

I have a list that has names from Active Directory. When the view of the list is put on a web part page the name field is clickable, bringing the user to the home page of delve of the person. We would like to disable that so people don't go to Delve.
Can this be done with CSS to disable all opening events on list with exception of the list name.
You can use CSR (Client Side Rendering) to override column rendering logic.
This is javascript code that can be added by different ways:
1. You can add Content Editor (or Script Editor) Web Part with this CSR javascript to list view page and your column will be changed.
2. You can open list view web part settings on list view page and in Miscellanious section set JSLink property to url of CSR javascript file.
CSR javascript file you can locate in some library, ex.Style Library or Site Assets.
CSR allow to change view, column rendering logic.
Now your field "name" rendered as link (<a> tag). You can override this logic. You can override logic to render as plain text or label or span or something not clickable.
If you don't want to learn CSR then use plain javascript to change your column rendering logic. Use same methods to add javascript to view but use plain javascript. Just define how to find your column on page and change it on page load.
By my opinion it is not good way but you can create text column and populate it by workflow. Like here:
Later you can add this text column in view and remove clickable column from view.

Sitecore Component Properties Rendering Droplist as Text

I have a component that I've added a parameters template to. The parameters template has a Droplist field called VerticalAlign1. Its source is set to a folder with three items, bottom, center, and top. Now, in Visual Studio, the dropdown is rendered correctly:
However, when one opens up the component properties in the page editor, the following is seen:
It is simply a text box that gives the content editor no information about what the options may be. Is it possible to have this render as a dropdown?
We're on Sitecore 7.2 MVC.
Comment converted into an answer
In most of the scenarios, the problem is with Raw values checkbox being checked.
It changes all the custom field editors into text boxes. That's why you don't see a dropdown list.

Django multi-select widget. Add arbitrary select components

i would like to make a widget that lets the user select a value from a drop-down list and then add new drop-down lists with values filtered based on the previous selections. I don't know where to start from....
If the amount of drop-downs is finite and determinable by the time you develop the software (e.g. selecting country->city->street) I would suggest to:
add all the extra dropdowns (without data yet) to your form, make sure they are hidden
use jqueryui to un-hide and populate the dropdowns as needed using ajax
Don't forget to disable/hide the whole form by default and only show it if JS is enabled in browser.
Also, you will of course need another view, with which only ajax speaks.
Here for you to catch the idea how the stuff should work. Sorry don't know if they have anything more similar. But: user selects something -> jquery requests data for the next dropdown -> jquery displays next populated dropdown.

Add a custom dropdown list in Sitecore PageEditor

How can a custom dropdown list be added to the page editor in Sitecore?
I understand that you can create individual buttons in the toolbar by creating items under /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience Buttons in the core DB using the WebEdit Button template and I understand that setting a button's Type field to Common will make it appear under the 'More' dropdown, but what I want is to create my own dropdown button with a unique list of buttons (corresponding to items in the master DB).
I've looked at the various processors in the <getChromeData> pipeline using dotPeek and suspect I will have to create a new processor in this pipeline, but I cannot find the relevant code which produces the 'More' dropdown list from the image.
Create a button of template type /sitecore/templates/System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button and set Type field to Common from the droplist. The button should then appear in the dropdown.

how to add variables to joomla urls?

I am creting joomla component. In admin part main page shows users list. By click on toolbar icon for each user i want to show some list of information from my tables. By clicking at list element or toolbar menu i want to open from with fields for editing info from the list.
How can i transfer user ID from list of users to list of info and to the edit form (then adding new list elem, id of current user must be saved in the table with other data)?
Withowt joomla i can use some variable like selected_user_id in uri's, by what is the right way in joomla?
Maybe use standard html link, where you will put userId in GET variable.
In Joomla you have JRequest class (http://docs.joomla.org/JRequest/11.1). You can use one of it's methods to get (getVar(), getInt() or getString()) or set variable (set()).