How to check if a zephyr thread crashed? - c++

I start a thread in zephyr like this:
but it does crash after some time. How do I check it's status to restart it when it crashed?

The uart shell has a command that prints all threads running. It is registered as the function cmd_kernel_threads (at zephyr\subsys\shell\modules\kernel_service.c:144 for my version). Starting from there you should find your info.
static int cmd_kernel_threads(const struct shell *shell,
size_t argc, char **argv)
shell_print(shell, "Scheduler: %u since last call", sys_clock_elapsed());
shell_print(shell, "Threads:");
k_thread_foreach(shell_tdata_dump, (void *)shell);
return 0;
I could be wrong but I believe you wont be able to access the thread chained list (_kernel.threads in thread.c). There should be a better way but you can write a callback to give to k_thread_foreach instead of shell_tdata_dump. In this callback you'd look sequentially for a thread named as yours.


C++ program is not exiting after starting new executable file

Consider two C++ projects:
Project 1:
// projectOne.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
Project 2:
// projectTwo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
The behavior I seek is: projectOne starts => start projectTwo => projectOne ends => projectTwo will start projectOne => projectTwo ends => projectOne will start projectTwo.
However, the programs are not ending. For example, when projectOne starts projectTwo, it will not end projectOne when return 0; is run within projectOne. So after a few minutes, there will be multiple versions of the programs running at the same time. I was thinking it had to do with the system command. Maybe it waits until the project is complete until it goes to the next line of code, and this results in circling, but I am not sure. How can I fix this? I need the programs to end after one of them is called using the system command. I hope this question is clear.
system blocks the running thread until system returns and system will not return until the executed process has terminated.
There are many ways to solve this problem. The simplest and most likely to be portable is to use a std::thread to run system in a thread that runs concurrent to the main processing thread.
std::thread procthread([processToRun] {system(processToRun.c_str());});
Short, sweet, and as portable as anything calling system can be. The first line creates a thread and executes a lambda function that runs system on the provided process name. The second line disconnects the thread from the std::thread object and allows the thread to run free. Otherwise if procthread goes out of scope the thread will be terminated and bad things will very likely happen.
If you can't do this because your development system does not support C++11 or better, you can use operating system-specific threading, but if you have to use system-specific thread creation calls, you might as well use system-specific process creation calls to directly create the new process.
In POSIX systems, posix_spawn will likely be the go-to function. I don't have a machine at my disposal to test this on at the moment, so I'll just link to Starting a process using posix_spawn.
Under Windows, use CreateProcess or your variant of choice. The following code is based on Microsoft's Creating Processes documentation page and modified to be a little less Microsoft specific and not wait for the spawned process to complete before continuing execution.
char processToRun[] = "process to run"; //NOTE: Not a std::string!
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
// Start the child process.
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, // No module name (use command line)
processToRun, // Command line DANGER! won't accept const char*
// cannot use std::string::c_str
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
0, // No creation flags
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi)) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
std::cerr << "CreateProcess failed ("<<GetLastError()<<").\n";
return false;
// do stuff
// Close process and thread handles.
return true;
Your approach makes in an endless loop and it will not end!!
You are spawning multiple instances of projectOne and projectTwo which in turn are creating more.. It's recursive -_-
System WAITS!
int execl(char * pathname, char * arg0, arg1, ..., argn, NULL);

How can I make poll() exit immediately in C on Linux?

I'm using the function poll() (I think it might be part of POSIX?) C function in my C++ class in order to get an event when a file changes. This seems to work just fine - but now I also want to be able to cause the function to exit immediately when I need to close the thread.
I researched this and came up with a couple of ideas that I tried - like trying to send a signal, but I couldn't figure out how to get this to work.
In the code below (which isn't 100% complete, but should have enough to illustrate the problem), I have a C++ class that starts a thread from the constructor and wants to clean up that thread in the destructor. The thread calls poll() which returns when the file changes, and then it informs the delegate object. The monitoring thread loops until the FileMonitor object indicates it can quit (using a method that returns a bool).
In the destructor, what I would like to do is flip the bool, then do something that causes poll() to exit immediately, and then call *pthread_join()*. So, any ideas on how I can make poll() exit immediately?
This code is targeted towards Linux (specifically debian), but I'm also working on it on a Mac. Ideally it the poll() API should work basically the same.
void * manage_fm(void *arg)
FileMonitor * theFileMonitor = (FileMonitor*)arg;
FileMonitorDelegate * delegate;
unsigned char c;
int fd = open(theFileMonitor->filepath2monitor(), O_RDWR);
int count;
ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &count);
for (int i=0;i<count;++i) {
read(fd, &c, 1);
struct pollfd poller;
poller.fd = fd; = POLLPRI;
while (theFileMonitor->continue_managing_thread()) {
delegate = theFileMonitor->delegate;
if (poll(&poller, 1, -1) > 0) {
(void) read(fd, &c, 1);
if (delegate) {
FileMonitor::FileMonitor( )
pthread_mutex_init(&mon_mutex, NULL);
manage_thread = true;
pthread_mutex_lock (&mon_mutex);
pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, manage_fm, this);
manage_thread = false;
// I would like to do something here to force the "poll" function to return immediately.
pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);
bool FileMonitor::continue_managing_thread()
return manage_thread;
const char * FileMonitor::filepath2monitor()
return "/some/example/file";
Add a pipe to your file monitor class and switch your poll to take both your original file descriptor and the pipe's read descriptor to poll on. When you want to wake up your file monitor class for it to check for exit, send a byte through the pipe's write descriptor, that will wake up your thread.
If you have a large number of these file monitors, there's the possibility you could hit the maximum number of file descriptors for a process (See Check the open FD limit for a given process in Linux for details, on my system it's 1024 soft, 4096 hard). You could have multiple monitor classes share a single pipe if you don't mind them all waking up at once to check their exit indicator.
You should use a pthread condition variable inside (and just before) the poll-ing loop, and have the other thread calling pthread_cond_signal
You might consider the pipe(7) to self trick (e.g. have one thread write(2) a byte -perhaps just before pthread_cond_signal- to a pipe poll(2)-ed by another thread who would read(2) the same pipe). See also signal-safety(7) and calling Qt functions from Unix signal handlers. Both could inspire you.
With that pipe-to-self trick, assuming you do poll for reading that pipe, the poll will return. Of course some other thread would have done a write on the same pipe before.
See also Philippe Chaintreuil's answer, he suggests a similar idea.

Threading in C++ to keep two functions running parallely

I have a code congaing two functions func1 and func2. Role of both the function is same. Keep reading a directory continuously and write the names of file present in their respective log files. Both functions are referring a common log function to write the logs. I want to use introduce threading in my code such that both of them keep on running parallely but both should not access the log function at same time. How to achieve that?
This is a classic case of needing a mutex.
void WriteToLog(const char *msg)
logfile << msg << endl;
The above code won't "copy and paste" into your system, since mutexes are system specific - pthread_mutex would be the choice if you are using pthreads. C++11 has it's own mutex and thread functionality, and Windows has another variant.
From Sajal's comments:
tried pthread_create(&thread1, NULL, start_opca, &opca); pthread_join( thread1, NULL); pthread_create(&thread2, NULL, start_ggca, &ggca); pthread_join( thread2, NULL);
But the problem with this is that it will wait for one thread to finish before starting next. I don't want that.
the join function blocks the calling thread, until the thread you call join for, finishes. In your case, calling join on the first thread before creating the second, guarantees that the first thread will end before the second one begins.
You should create the two threads first, then join them both (instead of interspersing the creations and join of both).
Additionally, the access to the log should be extracted into common code for both (a logging function, a logging class etc. Within the extracted code, the log access should be guarded using a mutex.
If you have an implementation (partially) supporting c++11, you should use std::thread and std::mutex for this. Otherwise, you should use boost::thread. If you have access to neither, use pthreads under linux.
On linux, you will need to use pthreads
Since both threads are reading/writing from/to I/O (reading dirs and writing log files) there's no need for multi-threading: you gain no speed improvement parallelizing the task since every I/O access is enqueued at lower levels.
This C language Code may give you some hint. To answer your question:
You should use mutex in pthread to make sure that the log file could only be access by one thread at the same time.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
pthread_mutex_t LogLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
char* LogFileName= "test.log";
void* func_tid0( void* a) {
int i;
for(i=0; i < 50; i++ ) {
fprintf((FILE*)a, "write to log by thread0:%d\n", i);
void* func_tid1(void* a) {
int i;
for(i=0; i < 50; i++ ) {
fprintf((FILE*)a, "write to log by thread1:%d\n", i);
int main() {
pthread_t tid0, tid1;
FILE* fp=fopen(LogFileName, "wb+");
pthread_create(&tid0, NULL, func_tid0, (void*) fp );
pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, func_tid1, (void*) fp );
void* ret;
pthread_join(tid0, &ret);
pthread_join(tid1, &ret);
Your another question isn't exist.
Because the main thread is suspend at your first pthread_join, but it's not mean the second thread doesn't run. Actually the second thread is beginning at pthread_create(thread1).
And actually pthread_mutex casuses your program serial.

c++ winapi threads

These days I'm trying to learn more things about threads in windows. I thought about making this practical application:
Let's say there are several threads started when a button "Start" is pressed. Assume these threads are intensive (they keep running / have always something to work on).
This app would also have a "Stop" button. When this button is pressed all the threads should close in a nice way: free resources and abandon work and return the state they were before the "Start" button was pressed.
Another request of the app is that the functions runned by the threads shouldn't contain any instruction checking if the "Stop" button was pressed. The function running in the thread shouldn't care about the stop button.
Language: C++
OS: Windows
WrapperFunc(function, param)
// what to write here ?
// if i write this:
// i cannot stop the function from executing
How should I construct the wrapper function so that I can stop the thread properly?
( without using TerminateThread or some other functions )
What if the programmer allocates some memory dynamically? How can I free it before closing
the thread?( note that when I press "Stop button" the thread is still processing data)
I though about overloading the new operator or just imposing the usage of a predefined
function to be used when allocating memory dynamically. This, however, means
that the programmer who uses this api is constrained and it's not what I want.
Thank you
Edit: Skeleton to describe the functionality I'd like to achieve.
struct wrapper_data
void* (*function)(LPVOID);
LPVOID *params;
this function should make sure that the threads stop properly
( free memory allocated dynamically etc )
void* WrapperFunc(LPVOID *arg)
wrapper_data *data = (wrapper_data*) arg;
// what to write here ?
// if i write this:
// i cannot stop the function from executing
delete data;
// will have exactly the same arguments as CreateThread
MyCreateThread(..., function, params, ...)
// this should create a thread that runs the wrapper function
wrapper_data *data = new wrapper_data;
data->function = function;
data->params = params;
CreateThread(..., WrapperFunc, (LPVOID) wrapper_data, ...);
thread_function(LPVOID *data)
//do stuff
// as you can see I want it to be completely invisible
// to the programmer who uses this
MyCreateThread(..., thread_function, (LPVOID) params,...);
One solution is to have some kind of signal that tells the threads to stop working. Often this can be a global boolean variable that is normally false but when set to true it tells the threads to stop. As for the cleaning up, do it when the threads main loop is done before returning from the thread.
I.e. something like this:
volatile bool gStopThreads = false; // Defaults to false, threads should not stop
void thread_function()
while (!gStopThreads)
// Do some stuff
// All processing done, clean up after my self here
As for the cleaning up bit, if you keep the data inside a struct or a class, you can forcibly kill them from outside the threads and just either delete the instances if you allocated them dynamically or let the system handle it if created e.g. on the stack or as global objects. Of course, all data your thread allocates (including files, sockets etc.) must be placed in this structure or class.
A way of keeping the stopping functionality in the wrapper, is to have the actual main loop in the wrapper, together with the check for the stop-signal. Then in the main loop just call a doStuff-like function that does the actual processing. However, if it contains operations that might take time, you end up with the first problem again.
See my answer to this similar question:
How do I guarantee fast shutdown of my win32 app?
Basically, you can use QueueUserAPC to queue a proc which throws an exception. The exception should bubble all the way up to a 'catch' in your thread proc.
As long as any libraries you're using are reasonably exception-aware and use RAII, this works remarkably well. I haven't successfully got this working with boost::threads however, as it's doesn't put suspended threads into an alertable wait state, so QueueUserAPC can't wake them.
If you don't want the "programmer" of the function that the thread will execute deal with the "stop" event, make the thread execute a function of "you" that deals with the "stop" event and when that event isn't signaled executes the "programmer" function...
In other words the "while(!event)" will be in a function that calls the "job" function.
Code Sample.
typedef void (*JobFunction)(LPVOID params); // The prototype of the function to execute inside the thread
struct structFunctionParams
int iCounter;
iCounter = 0;
struct structJobParams
bool bStop;
JobFunction pFunction;
LPVOID pFunctionParams;
bStop = false;
pFunction = NULL;
pFunctionParams = NULL;
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProcessJob(IN LPVOID pParams)
structJobParams* pJobParams = (structJobParams*)pParams;
// Execute the "programmer" function
return 0;
void ThreadFunction(LPVOID pParams)
// Do Something....
((structFunctionParams*)pParams)->iCounter ++;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
structFunctionParams stFunctionParams;
structJobParams stJobParams;
stJobParams.pFunction = &ThreadFunction;
stJobParams.pFunctionParams = &stFunctionParams;
DWORD dwIdThread = 0;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(
(LPVOID) &stJobParams, 0, &dwIdThread);
// Give it 5 seconds to work
stJobParams.bStop = true; // Signal to Stop
WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE); // Wait to finish

Calling a function when thread is exiting in PThreads or Windows

I am creating a C++ library for both Linux (with PThreads) and Windows (with their built-in WinThreads) which can be attached to any program, and needs to have a function called when the thread is exiting, similar to how atexit works for processes.
I know of pthread_cleanup_push and pthread_cleanup_pop for pthreads, but these do not work for me since they are macros that add another lexical scope, whereas I want to declare this function the first time my library is called into, and then allow the program itself to run its own code however it needs to. I haven't found anything similar in Windows whatsoever.
Note that this doesn't mean I want an outside thread to be alerted when the thread stops, or even that I can change the way the thread will be exited, since that is controlled by the program itself, my library is just attached, along for the ride.
So the question is: What is the best way, in this instance, for me to have a function I've written called when the thread closes, in either Windows or Linux, when I have no control over how the thread is created or destroyed?
For example in main program:
void* threadFunc(void* arg)
printf("Hello world!\n");
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int numThreads = 1;
pid_t* pids = NULL;
pids = (pid_t*) calloc(sizeof(pid_t), numThreads);
pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, threadFunc, &nVal);
pthreads[0] = ntid;
pthread_join(pthreads[0], NULL);
return 0;
In library:
void callMeOnExit()
printf("Exiting Thread!\n");
I would want for callMeOnExit to be called when the thread reaches return NULL; in this case, as well as when the main thread reaches the return 0;. Wrapping pthread_exit would work for other cases, and could be a solution, but I'd like a better one if possible.
If anyone has any ideas on how I might be able to do this, that would be great!
So after a few code reviews, we were able to find a much more elegant way to do this in Linux, which matches both what Windows does with Fibers (as Neeraj points out) as well as what I expected to find when I started looking into this issue.
The key is that pthread_key_create takes in, as the second argument, a pointer to a destructor, which is called when any thread which has initialized this TLS data dies. I was already using TLS elsewhere per thread, but a simple store into TLS would get you this feature as well to ensure it was called.
Change this:
pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, threadFunc, &nVal);
struct exitInformData
void* (CB*)(void*);
void* data;
exitInformData(void* (cp*)(void*), void* dp): CB(cp) data(dp) {}
pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, exitInform, new exitInformData(&threadFunc, &nVal));
Then Add:
void* exitInform(void* data)
exitInformData* ei = reinterpret_cast<exitInformData*>(data);
void* r = (ei.CB)(; // Calls the function you want.
callMeOnExit(); // Calls the exit notification.
delete ei;
return r;
For Windows, you could try Fls Callbacks. They FLS system can be used to allocate per thread (ignore the 'fiber' part, each thread contains one fiber) storage. You get this callback to free the storage, but can do other things in the callback as well.
I found out that this has already been asked, although the solution given then may not be the same as what you want...
Another idea might be to simply extend from the pthread_t class/struct, and override the pthread_exit call to call another function as you want it to, then call the superclass pthread_exit