C++ program is not exiting after starting new executable file - c++

Consider two C++ projects:
Project 1:
// projectOne.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
Project 2:
// projectTwo.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
return 0;
The behavior I seek is: projectOne starts => start projectTwo => projectOne ends => projectTwo will start projectOne => projectTwo ends => projectOne will start projectTwo.
However, the programs are not ending. For example, when projectOne starts projectTwo, it will not end projectOne when return 0; is run within projectOne. So after a few minutes, there will be multiple versions of the programs running at the same time. I was thinking it had to do with the system command. Maybe it waits until the project is complete until it goes to the next line of code, and this results in circling, but I am not sure. How can I fix this? I need the programs to end after one of them is called using the system command. I hope this question is clear.

system blocks the running thread until system returns and system will not return until the executed process has terminated.
There are many ways to solve this problem. The simplest and most likely to be portable is to use a std::thread to run system in a thread that runs concurrent to the main processing thread.
std::thread procthread([processToRun] {system(processToRun.c_str());});
Short, sweet, and as portable as anything calling system can be. The first line creates a thread and executes a lambda function that runs system on the provided process name. The second line disconnects the thread from the std::thread object and allows the thread to run free. Otherwise if procthread goes out of scope the thread will be terminated and bad things will very likely happen.
If you can't do this because your development system does not support C++11 or better, you can use operating system-specific threading, but if you have to use system-specific thread creation calls, you might as well use system-specific process creation calls to directly create the new process.
In POSIX systems, posix_spawn will likely be the go-to function. I don't have a machine at my disposal to test this on at the moment, so I'll just link to Starting a process using posix_spawn.
Under Windows, use CreateProcess or your variant of choice. The following code is based on Microsoft's Creating Processes documentation page and modified to be a little less Microsoft specific and not wait for the spawned process to complete before continuing execution.
char processToRun[] = "process to run"; //NOTE: Not a std::string!
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
// Start the child process.
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, // No module name (use command line)
processToRun, // Command line DANGER! won't accept const char*
// cannot use std::string::c_str
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
0, // No creation flags
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi)) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
std::cerr << "CreateProcess failed ("<<GetLastError()<<").\n";
return false;
// do stuff
// Close process and thread handles.
return true;

Your approach makes in an endless loop and it will not end!!
You are spawning multiple instances of projectOne and projectTwo which in turn are creating more.. It's recursive -_-
System WAITS!
int execl(char * pathname, char * arg0, arg1, ..., argn, NULL);


How to check if a zephyr thread crashed?

I start a thread in zephyr like this:
but it does crash after some time. How do I check it's status to restart it when it crashed?
The uart shell has a command that prints all threads running. It is registered as the function cmd_kernel_threads (at zephyr\subsys\shell\modules\kernel_service.c:144 for my version). Starting from there you should find your info.
static int cmd_kernel_threads(const struct shell *shell,
size_t argc, char **argv)
shell_print(shell, "Scheduler: %u since last call", sys_clock_elapsed());
shell_print(shell, "Threads:");
k_thread_foreach(shell_tdata_dump, (void *)shell);
return 0;
I could be wrong but I believe you wont be able to access the thread chained list (_kernel.threads in thread.c). There should be a better way but you can write a callback to give to k_thread_foreach instead of shell_tdata_dump. In this callback you'd look sequentially for a thread named as yours.

CreateProcess won't start the proccess with arguments

So I used this code in order to start a console application with arguments:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void StartProgram(char argv[])
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
&si, &pi
int main()
return 0;
"PlayerDebug.exe" display the arguments used to call it. But when I run it with CreateProcess the way I showed, it doesen't display anything. I checked and in Task Manager it seems to appear, but still does not display the arguments. I also tried to write cout << argv; in function void StartProgram(char argv[]) and it returned "sound.wav", which is correct. But it seems the argument is not passed to PlayerDebug.exe and I don't know why.
What I did wrong?
(I'm new at C++ programming)
The second parameter to CreateProcess is the full command line, not just the parameters to the EXE. Lets take two examples :
CreateProcess ("c:\\notepad.exe",
"c:\\notepad.exe c:\\wibble.txt",
will work fine (if there is a copy of notepad.exe and a file called wibble.txt in the root of C:), whereas
CreateProcess ("c:\\notepad.exe",
will launch the EXE but fail to open the file. What this means is that when the help systems calls the second parameter the command line, it ain't lying - it wants the whole command line.
Note that you can use NULL as the first parameter if the whole command line is in the second param. That's how I normally use it in fact.

Running two programs concurrently

I have two C++ programs built in Ubuntu, and I want to run them concurrently. I do not want to combine them into one C++ project and run each on a different thread, as this is causing me all sorts of problems.
The solution I effectively want to emulate, is when I open two tabs in the terminal, and run each program in a separate tab. However, I also want one program (let's call this Program A) to be able to quit and rerun the other program (Program B). This cannot be achieved just in the terminal.
So what I want to do is to write some C++ code in Program A, which can run and quit Program B at any point. Both programs must run concurrently, so that Program A doesn't have to wait until Program B returns before continuing on with Program A.
Any ideas? Thanks!
In Linux you can fork the current process, which creates a new process.
Then you have to launch the new process with some exec system call.
Refer to:
For example:
#include <unistd.h> /* for fork */
#include <sys/types.h> /* for pid_t */
#include <sys/wait.h> /* for wait */
int main(int argc,char** argv)
pid_t pid=fork();
if (pid==0)
You have multiple options here:
The traditional POSIX fork / exec (there are literally tons of examples on how to do this in SO, for example this one).
If you can use Boost then Boost process is an option.
If you can use Qt then QProcess is an option.
Boost and Qt also provide nice means manipulating the standard input/output of the child process if this is important. If not the classical POSIX means should do fine.
Take a look at the Linux operating system calls, fork() and exec(). The fork() call will create two copies of the current process which continue to execute simultaneously.
In the parent process, fork()'s return value is the PID (process ID) of
the child process.
In the child process, fork()'s return value is 0.
On error, fork()'s return value is -1.
You can use this to your advantage to control the behavior of the parent and child. As an example:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <signal.h>
int main(int argc,char** argv)
char* progB = "/bin/progB";
char* args[progName, "arg1", "arg2", ..., NULL];
char* env[NULL]; // can fill in environment here.
pid_t pid=fork();
if (pid==0)
// In child...
execv(progB, args, env);
else if (pid == -1)
// handle error...
// In parent; pid is the child process.
// can wait for child or kill child here.
To wait until your child exits (in the third case above), you can use wait(2), which returns your child pid on successful termination or -1 on error:
pid_t result = waitpid(pid, &status, options);
To kill your child preemptively, you can send a kill signal as described in kill(2):
int result = kill(pid, SIGKILL); // or whatever signal you wish
This should allow you to manage your processes as described in the original question.

C++ how to pass command line args between processes?

I have a parent process that needs to send it is command line args to the its child? How I can do this? I mean from parent.cpp to child .cpp?
POSIX (Linux) solution:
Use execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]) to run a programme with arguments in place of the current programme. The argv[] that you pass as reference, follows the same logic than the argv[] parameter passing in main().
If you want to keep your current process running and launch the new programme in a distinct process, then you have first to fork(). The rough idea is something like:
pid_t pid = fork(); // creates a second process, an exact copy of the current one
if (pid==0) { // this is exectued in the child process
char **argv[3]{".\child","param1", NULL };
if (execvp(argv[0], argv)) // execvp() returns only if lauch failed
cout << "Couldn't run "<<argv[0]<<endl;
else { // this is executed in the parent process
if (pid==-1) //oops ! This can hapen as well :-/
cout << "Process launch failed";
else cout << "I launched process "<<pid<<endl;
Windows solution
The easiest windows alternative is to use the ms specific _spawnvp() or similar functions. It takes same arguments as the exec version, and the first parameters tells if you want to:
replace the calling process (as exec in posix)
create a new process and keep the calling one (as fork/exec combination above)
or even if you want to suspend the calling process until the child process finished.
If fork() is used, then the child process inherits from the parent process.
If you mean just passing variables between instances of objects in memory, then you'd create variables for int argc and char * argv[] to pass along.
In parent. Use
system("child_application my arg list");
In child. Use
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
For easy parsing args try boost program_options library.
In unix system can use fork. Child process get all parent memory.

error by creating process

hello i want to get startet with programming with WIN32, therefore i wrote a programm that creates a process but in the line of code where i create the process the programm gets an error an dosn't work (abend). i don't know if the code in programm 1 is wrong or the code in the second programm that should be created by the first. ( I don't know if the code in the first programm after "createprocess" is right because i didn't get further with debugging, because in this line i get the error.(i tested it without the cout,waitforobject and close handle but i didn't work either )).
First Programm:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void main()
bool ret;
bool retwait;
STARTUPINFO startupinfo;
GetStartupInfo (&startupinfo);
ret = CreateProcess(NULL, L"D:\\betriebssystemePRA1PRO2.exe", NULL, NULL, false, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL,
NULL, &startupinfo, &pro2info);
cout<<"hProcess: "<<pro2info.hProcess<<endl;
cout<<"dwProcessId: "<<pro2info.dwProcessId <<endl;
retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, 100);
retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, 100);
CloseHandle (pro2info.hProcess);//prozesshandle schließen
retwait= WaitForSingleObject (pro2info.hProcess, 100);
Seconde Programm:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void main()
int b;
cout<<"Druecken Sie Enter zum Beenden"<<endl;
//warten bis Benutzer bestätigt
Sleep (700);
Thanks in advance
Notice the type of the lpCommandLine parameter to CreateProcess -- it is LPTSTR, not LPCTSTR, i.e. it is not const.
This means that CreateProcess reserves the right to actually modify the contents of lpCommandLine. However, you have provided a pointer to a string literal as parameter, and string literals are immutable (they come from your program's read-only data segment and attempts to alter them will typically result in an access violation error.)
To fix this, simply change your code not to use an immutable string literal:
wchar_t wcsCommandLine[] = L"D:\\betriebssystemePRA1PRO2.exe";
ret = CreateProcess(NULL, wcsCommandLine, NULL, NULL, ...
Interestingly enough, CreateProcessW (UNICODE) attempts to write to lpCommandLine whereas CreateProcessA (ANSI) does not, and surprise -- your first program is built as UNICODE (were you to build it as ANSI it would work out of the box, at least on Windows XP.)
I can confirm that, with the above modification, your code works.
Also note that:
unless you need to specify D:\\betriebssystemePRA1PRO2.exe's window title, position etc. you do not need to supply a STARTUPINFO structure at all, you can simply pass lpStartupInfo as NULL and a default will be used
you should not be calling WaitForSingleObject on a closed handle
You must set the size of the startupinfo struct:
startupinfo.cb = sizeof(startupinfo);
Maybe this is why CreateProcess is failing.
And by the way - why are you calling GetStartupInfo? You should just zero out the memory of startupinfo (besides setting the size as mentioned above).
See an example here.