How to get rid of these static_casts? - c++

I'm trying to create a C++ class hierarchy of UI "view" classes that wrap platform-specific UI classes. My classes use the pimpl idiom to hide the implementation from the header file. The Impl structs contain another pointer, to classes in the platform hierarchy.
(I used "PS" to abbreviate "platform specific".)
In the code below, I try to show a boiled down example of the base class (View), and one derived class (Button), along with the classes that they wrap. There is a static cast in the Button's implementation. All of the subclasses of View will have a lot of these casts. Is there way define the Impl struct so that the compiler understands the types better here, so I don't need to use the static casts?
// In .hh file
class View {
virtual ~View() = default;
struct Impl;
Impl *impl;
View(Impl *impl);
class Button: public View {
void setText(const string &text);
// In .cc file
View::View() :impl(nullptr) {}
View::View(Impl *impl) :impl(impl) {}
struct View::Impl {
PSView *psView;
void View::doStuff() {
... impl->psView ... // fine, no cast needed here
Button::Button() {
PSButton *b = new PSButton();
impl = new Impl{b};
void Button::setText(const string &text) {
PSButton *myImpl = static_cast<PSButton*>(impl->psView);
In my real code, it's a bit weirder, because the platform specific types are Apple's Objective-C classes. I'm putting that aside for now to try and clean up and simplify this question.


Factory method pattern & data abstraction in C++

I try to implement the Factory Method Pattern in C++ while keeping a good level of abstraction. In the sample provided in the link, all derived classes are in the same file, but this is usually not the case.
Without header files for derived classes:
To keep implementation details, I didn't provide a header file for the derived class (declaration & definition in the source file), then I don't see how to implement the factory method because the derived classes are not visible and forward declaration is not possible.
With header files for derived classes:
I can implement the factory method, but the implementation details of derived classes leak because the private members and methods have to be declared in the header.
Maybe using the PImpl idom can help to solve the problem in case 2) but I wonder if this is correct/reasonable approach. What is the usual/best way to implement this pattern in C++ ?
Here is my code:
class GraphicApi {
enum class Type {
virtual void render() = 0;
virtual ~GraphicApi() {};
static std::unique_ptr<GraphicApi> make(const Window& window, Type type);
//need to include headers for derived classes
std::unique_ptr<GraphicApi> GraphicApi::make(const Window& window, GraphicApi::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case GraphicApi::Type::VULKAN:
return std::make_unique<VulkanApi>(window);
assert(0 && "Unsupported Graphic API");
return nullptr;
class VulkanApi : public GraphicApi {
VulkanApi(const Window& window);
virtual void render() {};
// lot of private members & methods related to Vulkan API (not nice to see here)
vk::UniqueInstance instance;

How to avoid downcasting in this specific class hierarchy design?

I've got an assignment to create a sort of a multi-platform C++ GUI library. It wraps different GUI frameworks on different platforms. The library itself provides an interface via which the user communicates uniformly regardless of the platform he's using.
I need to design this interface and underlying communication with the framework properly. What I've tried is:
Pimpl idiom - this solution was chosen at first because of its advantages - binary compatibility, cutting the dependency tree to increase build times...
class Base {
virtual void show();
// other common methods
class impl;
impl* pimpl_;
#ifdef Framework_A
class Base::impl : public FrameWorkABase{ /* underlying platform A code */ };
#elif Framework_B
class Base::impl : public FrameWorkBBase { /* underlying platform B code */ };
class Button : public Base {
void click();
class impl;
impl* pimpl_;
#ifdef Framework_A
class Button::impl : public FrameWorkAButton{ /* underlying platform A code */ };
#elif Framework_B
class Button::impl : public FrameWorkBButton { /* underlying platform B code */ };
However, to my understanding, this pattern wasn't designed for such a complicated hierarchy where you can easily extend both interface object and its implementation. E.g. if the user wanted to subclass button from the library UserButton : Button, he would need to know the specifics of the pimpl idiom pattern to properly initialize the implementation.
Simple implementation pointer - the user doesn't need to know the underlying design of the library - if he wants to create a custom control, he simply subclasses library control and the rest is taken care of by the library
#ifdef Framework_A
using implptr = FrameWorkABase;
#elif Framework_B
using implptr = FrameWorkBBase;
class Base {
void show();
implptr* pimpl_;
class Button : public Base {
void click() {
#ifdef Framework_A
pimpl_->clickA(); // not working, need to downcast
#elif Framework_B
// works, but it's a sign of a bad design
Since the implementation is protected, the same implptr object will be used in Button - this is possible because both FrameWorkAButton and FrameWorkBButton inherit from FrameWorkABBase and FrameWorkABase respectively. The problem with this solution is that every time i need to call e.g. in Button class something like pimpl_->click(), I need to downcast the pimpl_, because clickA() method is not in FrameWorkABase but in FrameWorkAButton, so it would look like this (static_cast<FrameWorkAButton>(pimpl_))->click(). And excessive downcasting is a sign of bad design. Visitor pattern is unacceptable in this case since there would need to be a visit method for all the methods supported by the Button class and a whole bunch of other classes.
Can somebody please tell me, how to modify these solutions or maybe suggest some other, that would make more sense in this context? Thanks in advance.
EDIT based od #ruakh 's answer
So the pimpl solution would look like this:
class baseimpl; // forward declaration (can create this in some factory)
class Base {
Base(baseimpl* bi) : pimpl_ { bi } {}
virtual void show();
// other common methods
baseimpl* pimpl_;
#ifdef Framework_A
class baseimpl : public FrameWorkABase{ /* underlying platform A code */ };
#elif Framework_B
class baseimpl : public FrameWorkBBase { /* underlying platform B code */ };
class buttonimpl; // forward declaration (can create this in some factory)
class Button : public Base {
Button(buttonimpl* bi) : Base(bi), // this won't work
pimpl_ { bi } {}
void click();
buttonimpl* pimpl_;
#ifdef Framework_A
class Button::impl : public FrameWorkAButton{ /* underlying platform A code */ };
#elif Framework_B
class Button::impl : public FrameWorkBButton { /* underlying platform B code */ };
The problem with this is that calling Base(bi) inside the Button's ctor will not work, since buttonimpl does not inherit baseimpl, only it's subclass FrameWorkABase.
The problem with this solution is that every time i need to call e.g. in Button class something like pimpl_->click(), I need to downcast the pimpl_, because clickA() method is not in FrameWorkABase but in FrameWorkAButton, so it would look like this (static_cast<FrameWorkAButton>(pimpl_))->click().
I can think of three ways to solve that issue:
Eliminate Base::pimpl_ in favor of a pure virtual protected function Base::pimpl_(). Have subclasses implement that function to provide the implementation pointer to Base::show (and any other base-class functions that need it).
Make Base::pimpl_ private rather than protected, and give subclasses their own appropriately-typed copy of the implementation pointer. (Since subclasses are responsible for calling the base-class constructor, they can ensure that they give it the same implementation pointer as they plan to use.)
Make Base::show be a pure virtual function (and likewise any other base-class functions), and implement it in subclasses. If this results in code duplication, create a separate helper function that subclasses can use.
I think that #3 is the best approach, because it avoids coupling your class hierarchy to the class hierarchies of the underlying frameworks; but I suspect from your comments above that you'll disagree. That's fine.
E.g. if the user wanted to subclass button from the library UserButton : Button, he would need to know the specifics of the pimpl idiom pattern to properly initialize the implementation.
Regardless of your approach, if you don't want the client code to have to set up the implementation pointer (since that means interacting with the underlying framework), then you will need to provide constructors or factory methods that do so. Since you want to support inheritance by client code, that means providing constructors that handle this. So I think you wrote off the Pimpl idiom too quickly.
In regards to your edit — rather than having Base::impl and Button::impl extend FrameworkABase and FrameworkAButton, you should make the FrameworkAButton be a data member of Button::impl, and give Base::impl just a pointer to it. (Or you can give Button::impl a std::unique_ptr to the FrameworkAButton instead of holding it directly; that makes it a bit easier to pass the pointer to Base::impl in a well-defined way.)
For example:
#include <memory>
//////////////////// HEADER ////////////////////
class Base {
virtual ~Base() { }
class impl;
Base(std::unique_ptr<impl> &&);
std::unique_ptr<impl> const pImpl;
class Button : public Base {
virtual ~Button() { }
class impl;
std::unique_ptr<impl> pImpl;
Button(std::unique_ptr<impl> &&);
/////////////////// FRAMEWORK //////////////////
class FrameworkABase {
virtual ~FrameworkABase() { }
class FrameworkAButton : public FrameworkABase {
FrameworkAButton(int) {
// just a dummy constructor, to show how Button's constructor gets wired
// up to this one
///////////////////// IMPL /////////////////////
class Base::impl {
// non-owning pointer, because a subclass impl (e.g. Button::impl) holds an
// owning pointer:
FrameworkABase * const pFrameworkImpl;
impl(FrameworkABase * const pFrameworkImpl)
: pFrameworkImpl(pFrameworkImpl) { }
Base::Base(std::unique_ptr<Base::impl> && pImpl)
: pImpl(std::move(pImpl)) { }
class Button::impl {
std::unique_ptr<FrameworkAButton> const pFrameworkImpl;
impl(std::unique_ptr<FrameworkAButton> && pFrameworkImpl)
: pFrameworkImpl(std::move(pFrameworkImpl)) { }
static std::unique_ptr<FrameworkAButton> makeFrameworkAButton(int const arg) {
return std::make_unique<FrameworkAButton>(arg);
Button::Button(std::unique_ptr<Button::impl> && pImpl)
: Base(std::make_unique<Base::impl>(pImpl->pFrameworkImpl.get())),
pImpl(std::move(pImpl)) { }
Button::Button(int const arg)
: Button(std::make_unique<Button::impl>(makeFrameworkAButton(arg))) { }
///////////////////// MAIN /////////////////////
int main() {
Button myButton(3);
return 0;

What is the most generic way to link two independent classes without extra code?

There's a hierarchy of classes describing different properties of some object. The abstract class Property is a base class, and it has children: IntegerProperty, BooleanProperty, and so on. All data is encoded in QString and derived classes decode it in their own way.
class Property : public QObject
// ...
virtual QString value() const = 0;
virtual bool setValue(const QString &value) = 0;
virtual bool validateValue(const QString& value) = 0;
// ...
class IntegerProperty : public Property
// ...
virtual QString value() const override;
virtual bool setValue(const QString &value) override;
virtual bool validateValue(const QString& value) override;
// ...
// ...
Every property class must have an independent editor (GUI widget) - PropertyEditor (abstract class again), IntegerPropertyEditor, BooleanPropertyEditor, and so on.
class PropertyEditor : public QWidget
inline Facer::PropertyPointer attachedProperty() { return m_property; }
PropertyEditor(Facer::PropertyPointer attachedProperty, QWidget* parent = nullptr);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) override;
// ...
class IntegerPropertyEditor : public PropertyEditor
// ...
// ...
For example, I have a set of different properties. I don't know which exactly properties I have because they are all pointers to Property class. My task is to create specified editors of these properties, so I need to get IntegerPropertyEditor if the property object is IntegerProperty.
for (Property* property : propertySet())
PropertyEditor* editor = createEditor(property);
I made a temporary workaround with macro:
#define IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(propertyType, editorType) \
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<propertyType>(property)) \
return new editorType(property, this);
// ...
PropertyEditor *PropertySetWidget::create(PropertyPointer property)
IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(BooleanProperty, BooleanPropertyEditor)
else IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(ColorProperty, ColorPropertyEditor)
else IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(FloatingPointProperty, FloatingPointPropertyEditor)
else IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(FontProperty, FontPropertyEditor)
else IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(IntegerProperty, IntegerPropertyEditor)
else IF_TYPE_GET_EDITOR(TextProperty, TextPropertyEditor)
else throw std::runtime_error("This PropertyType is not implemented yet");
It doesn't look like a good solution - if I add a new type of property and its editor, I'll have to update this code as well. What is the most convenient and generic way to link an editor class and a property class?
This might give some extra code, especially depending on how your project is set up, but one solution is to make a virtual function in Property that returns a pointer to an editor:
class Property : public QObject
virtual PropertyEditor* CreateEditor(PropertySetWidget* widget) {
// let's put our default behavior here
throw std::runtime_error("This PropertyType is not implemented yet");
Now, you make each class responsible for supplying its own editor:
class IntegerProperty : public Property
// doesn't have to be virtual, I don't think Just a regular version should be fine too.
virtual PropertyEditor* CreateEditor(PropertySetWidget* widget) {
return new IntegerPropertyEditor(this, widget);
Depending on how many classes you have, that may be a lot of copying and pasting.
However, the fun part is PropertySetWidget::create():
PropertyEditor *PropertySetWidget::create(PropertyPointer property)
return property->CreateEditor(this);
Because every child of property is responsible for supplying its own editor, we don't have to worry about it at this level. If one doesn't exist/isn't implemented, property::CreateEditor() will throw an error for you. If one does exist/is implemented, it will return a pointer to a new instance the editor automatically.
The big advantage is that if you add a new property and its editor, you don't have to touch it this function at all. The virtual function takes care of properly implementing it for you. If the new property has an editor, it just needs to overload that function, and this create() still works properly.
Of course, you will have to modify Property's interface this way, which may not be feasible in your case. That's the major drawback to this approach.
What you want requires Reflection implemented, although there are rather cumbersome and ugly ways to implement what you wanted without macros. I personally recommend the solution of #Chipster.
If you are still interested in methods that do not require Property to provide its own editor... I wrote an example, you can check it out.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class A
{ //virtual working class
virtual ~A() = default;
//two possible implementations
class B : public A {};
class C : public A {};
//Editor interface
class EditorA
virtual ~EditorA() = default;
virtual void print() = 0;
//Implementations of editors
class EditorB :
public EditorA
void print() override
std::cout << "Editor B\n";
class EditorC :
public EditorA
void print() override
std::cout << "Editor C\n";
//template class used for declaring which Editor you use depending on the class you provide
// I would make a namespace but there are no template namespaces
template<typename T>
class EditorT;
class EditorT<B>
using EditorType = EditorB;
class EditorT<C>
using EditorType = EditorC;
using namespace std;
// Recursive GetEditor code... written inside class as a static method for reasons.
template<typename... Args>
class CEditorIdentifier;
class CEditorIdentifier<>
static EditorA * GetEditor(shared_ptr<A>& val)
return nullptr;
template<typename Arg, typename... Args>
class CEditorIdentifier<Arg, Args...>
static EditorA * GetEditor(shared_ptr<A>& val)
return new typename EditorT<Arg>::EditorType;
return CEditorIdentifier<Args...>::GetEditor(val);
template<typename... Args>
EditorA* FindEditor(shared_ptr<A>& val)
return CEditorIdentifier<Args...>::GetEditor(val);
int main()
shared_ptr<A> b = make_shared<B>();
shared_ptr<A> c = make_shared<C>();
EditorA* eB = FindEditor<B,C>(b);
EditorA* eC = FindEditor<C,B>(c);
return 0;
Now you can add additional classes D,E,F... you only have to maintain the reference classes EditorT<D>, EditorT<E>, EditorT<F>...
Complicated right? Well... current features in C++ for such programming are limited. It's being worked and will be available in the future (see Reflection TS) but not now. Also it will be simpler to implement in C++20 with all the extensions to constexpr.
I like the answer above about each Property having a virtual method to return the appropriate type of editor. The only downside to that is that it may tie user interface-related elements into your lower-level code. Depending on your needs, that may or may not be OK.
A variation of your original factory that keeps the editor creation separate from the property class definitions is that you could add a "propertyType" virtual method that returns an integer, and then your factory becomes a switch statement:
switch (Property.propertyType ())
case BooleanPropertyType: create Boolean property editor
case StringPropertyType: create String properly editor
You would have an enum somewhere with the defined property type values. It's the same basic idea, but it avoids the overhead of the dynamic cast. (Whether or not it's actually faster is something to test.)
I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with your approach other than the possible dynamic_cast overhead, and often, I think that having a factory method where all of the editors are created for all of the types can be easier to maintain than creating the UI elements in classes where you're trying to manage data. Purists may see this as a violation of good object oriented classes, but it really depends on your needs and who you're trying to please.

Hiding specific implementation of C++ interface

I'm relatively new to the more advanced C++ features... So keep that in mind ;)
I have recently defined an Interface to some class, consisting, of course, of only pure virtual functions.
Then, I implemented a specific version of that interface in separate files.
The question is... How do I invoke the specific implementation of that Interface on the user-end side, without revealing the internals of that specific implementation?
So if I have an Interface.h header file that looks like this:
class Interface
virtual ~Interface(){};
virtual void InterfaceMethod() = 0;
Then, a specific Implementation.h header file that looks like this:
class Implementation : public Interface
virtual ~Implementation(){};
void InterfaceMethod();
void ImplementationSpecificMethod();
Finally, under main, I have:
int main()
Interface *pInterface = new Implementation();
// some code
delete pInterface;
return 0;
How can I do something like this, without revealing the details of Implementation.h, from "main"? Isn't there a way to tell "main"... Hey, "Implementation" is just a type of "Interface"; and keep everything else in a separate library?
I know this must be a duplicate question... But I couldn't find a clear answer to this.
Thanks for the help!
You can use a factory.
struct Abstract
virtual void foo() = 0;
Abstract* create();
struct Concrete : public Abstract
void foo() { /* code here*/ }
Abstract* create()
return new Concrete();
Although the factory solution seems to fit better the OP question, a version using the PIMPL idiom can address the same issue too.
While both versions incur in an indirect call through a pointer, the PIMPL version manages to avoid the virtual interface at the expenses of being more contrived.
Header file:
class Interface
struct Implementation;
std::unique_ptr< Implementation > m_impl;
void InterfaceMethod();
Implementation file:
class Interface::Implementation
void ImplementationSpecificMethod()
std::cout << "ImplementationSpecificMethod()\n";
: m_impl( std::make_unique< Interface::Implementation >( ) )
{ }
Interface::~Interface() = default;
void Interface::InterfaceMethod( )
Main file:
int main()
Interface i;
i.InterfaceMethod(); // > ImplementationSpecificMethod()
See it online.
You can hide some of the inner details (privates) of your Implementation class from easy view in the header file by using something like PIMPL to conceal the implementation details in the .cpp file.
See Is the pImpl idiom really used in practice? for more discussion of the pimpl idiom.

Derive from class declared in private scope

I am currently refactoring some legacy code and would like to factorize a multiple if...elseif... statement into a series of classes implementing various strategies.
Since I have to access the original object's internals, I'm going to declare the new classes as nested classes; since nobody from the external world should access them, I'd prefer to declare them in private scope.
For the sake of exposing as few implementation details as possible, I was wondering whether it's possible to only forward-declare the base strategy class in the header file, and place all subclasses declaration in the implementation file. Code example as follows:
-- header file
class MyUglyClass
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
// class ActualImplementation; // this is what I'd like to avoid
// class YetAnotherImplementation; // as above
// blah blah blah
-- implementation file
class MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
virtual ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Do actual work
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Doing something really tricky & clever for corner cases
Of course the compiler complains since IStrategyBase is not accessible; I could work around this by fwd-declaring ActualImplementation and YetAnotherImplementation into the header file together with IStrategyBase, but I'd rather avoid this, since I would need to change the header if a new strategy was needed.
I could also declare IStrategyBase in public scope, however I would prefer to keep it private to avoid other people messing with it.
Of course I'm assuming that non-fwd-declared subclasses wouldn't inherit friendship with MyUglyClass, so I would have to expose relevant data the IStrategyBase protected members.
Is there any way to achieve this I could be missing?
Thanks to all folks who commented, I realized that nobody could mess with IStrategyBase class even if declared in public scope, since class definition would be buried in the implementation file as well. What I'm wondering now is if I could make derived classes access internals of MyUglyClass without having to fwd declare them together with IStrategyBase. I guess answer is "no", since friendship is not inherited, but perhaps there is some more C++ perk I'm missing.
One possibility (this is not the pimpl idiom, just an accessibility hack):
class MyUglyClass
struct Impl; // Is automatically "friend struct Impl;"
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
// class ActualImplementation; // this is what I'd like to avoid
// class YetAnotherImplementation; // as above
// blah blah blah
class MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
virtual int DoSomething(int someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
struct MyUglyClass::Impl
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
int DoSomething(int someParameter) override
{ (void) someParameter; return 1;}
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::IStrategyBase
int DoSomething(int someParameter) override
{ (void) someParameter; return 2; }
int main() {}
If you want to conceal any imlementation details you can use pImpl idiom (pointer to implementation) aka Opaque pointer So you can change your code like this
-- header file
#include <memory>
class MyUglyClass
~MyUglyClass(); // destructor must be only declared to avoid problems
// with deleting just forwarded inner class
class Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> pImpl;
-- implementation file
class MyUglyClass::Impl
class IStrategyBase;
IStrategyBase* sPtr;
class ActualImplementation; // now these classes safely hidden inside .cpp
class YetAnotherImplementation; // Nobody can reach them.
class MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
virtual ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) = 0;
// could expose some MyUglyClass members, since
// derived classes wouldn't inherit friendship
class ActualImplementation: public MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Do actual work
class YetAnotherImplementation: public MyUglyClass::Impl::IStrategyBase
ResultType DoSomething(SomeType someParameter) override
// Doing something really tricky & clever for corner cases
MyUglyClass::MyUglyClass() : pImpl(new Impl()) {}
MyUglyClass::~MyUglyClass() {} // let the unique_ptr do its work