I build gstreamer source code on MAC, I meson my_build in gst-build , then nijia got follow
Imath errors
I'm setting up the soil for my simple c++ game. But there are something wrong with my SOIL setup.
I used vs2019 in the Win10, and I have also successfully set up my openGL (through the test sample).
But when I tried to import the SOIL and built the project, there was always show me link error 1104 with 'SOIL.lib'.
Although I have tried to rename the libSOIL.a or build the SOIL.lib by source file, it also gave me the same result.
1 > -- -- --ビルド開始: プロジェクト: wanggame, 構成: Debug Win32-- -- --
1 > LINK: fatal error LNK1104: file 'Simple OpenGL Image Library/projects/VC9/Release/SOIL.lib' can not be used
1 > project "wanggame.vcxproj" building error.
I downloaded the latest version of the C++ ide from eclipse called oxygen. I am trying to do a basic debug test with an application on windows 10 but get this error message:
Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
-file-exec-and-symbols C:/Users/Owner/eclipse-workspace/Hello/Debug/Hello.exe
Error message from debugger back end:
"C:/Users/Owner/eclipse-workspace/Hello/Debug/Hello.exe": not in executable format: File format not recognized
"C:/Users/Owner/eclipse-workspace/Hello/Debug/Hello.exe": not in executable format: File format not recognized
I added the path to the gdb executable in the mingw folder but I am still getting that error message.
I'm trying to build Ardour on OS X. I ran ./waf configure successfully, but trying to compile using ./waf results in numerous file-not-found when trying to #include files:
../libs/appleutility/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/CAStreamBasicDescription.h:51:11: fatal error:
'CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h' file not found
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
../libs/appleutility/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/CAAUParameter.h:50:10: fatal error:
'AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h' file not found
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h>
../libs/appleutility/CoreAudio/PublicUtility/AUParamInfo.h:49:10: fatal error:
'AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h' file not found
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
I asked about this on the #ardour-osx IRC channel some 40 hours ago but haven't received a response yet.
How to resolve this problem?
The CoreAudio headers seem to be located in
so I added
to the build script (wscript) but the results are the same.
Those headers are available as a download from Apple. This is explained in the Xcode 4.3 what's new documentation.
Choose this menu:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools...
and download "Audio Tools for Xcode".
I installed the latest version of opencv (OpenCv 3.0.0 Beta). I downloaded the opencv_contrib module and built it with opencv by doing a cmake (by following the instructions in the readme https://github.com/itseez/opencv_contrib). The build happened successfully. I wrote a simple program which uses creates a BasicFaceRecognizer model. However, when I compile my program I get the following error message
fatal error: opencv2/face.hpp: No such file or directory
The code is very simple. Just wanted to check if it compiles before proceeding further.
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::face;
int main()
Ptr<BasicFaceRecognizer> model = createEigenFaceRecognizer();
return 0;
Im new to NDK, Installed cygwin and added to path folder too. From eclipse when tried to build by project contextmenu>build configuration>build selected got the below error in the console. What is lvstring.h . Im using windows 7, java 7, eclipse indigo
**** Build of configuration Default for project CoolReader ****
E:\exe\android-ndk-r8b\ndk-build.cmd all
Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.6] libs/armeabi-v7a/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi-v7a/gdb.setup
Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.6] libs/armeabi/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Gdbserver : [mipsel-linux-android-4.6] libs/mips/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/mips/gdb.setup
Gdbserver : [x86-4.6] libs/x86/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/x86/gdb.setup
"Compile++ thumb : cr3engine-3-1-0 <= cr3engine.cpp
In file included from jni/cr3engine.cpp:15:0:
jni/cr3java.h:18:22: fatal error: lvstring.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/cr3engine-3-1-0/cr3engine.o] Error 1
**** Build Finished ****
the problem is fixed, seems to compile the native codes some lib from parent folder of project is required.
actually there are some lib files in repo which is not inside the project folder but outside it. so ndk build threw error, once it was changed it compiled by taking all dependency