how to get reactions on outsite ad by ad-id using facebook-api - facebook-graph-api

The Facebook Ads Archive allows to get some meta data by selected ads (not my own ads). But is there a way to get the reactions (like/share/comment-Count) of this ads? I was focusing on to get the post id and in next step get meta data of post. Turns out it looks like a blind end. I cant get the post-id of outsite ads. Is there a way over facebook api? If not is there a way to get a ui page to get the with reactions depending on the ad-id?


Facebook Graph API get likes/reactions

I'm trying to fetch some data from page posts on Facebook with the Graph API. I'm using Python normally but I try the queries first with the Exploration tool offered by Facebook.
I used the page_id + post_id to get the number of reactions (I would also like to get the count for each different reaction) and likes. But it just returns nothing. I get the data for the shares though. I have the post open on another tab and it has likes and reactions.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Facebook PHP SDK : Post a Check in without a PAGE_ID

I would like to know If it's possible to add a Check in on Facebook with PHP but without any Page id.
Because I have a database with a lot of places but I do not have a corresponding Facebook Page Id.
ANy idea?
To my knowledge, it is not possible to do a Check In without a page_id.
You can refer to How to get place_id before checkin? to find out how to get Facebook Page Id for your places.

How can I get 'highlighted post' information from my fb profile page in my ios5 app using facebook api?

I'm developing an app for iPhone(ios5), where I need the information of the posts I made highlighted in my facebook profile. Using facebook-graph api its possible to get all the data of user profile but is there any way I can get highlighted posts data ? For example I want to count and keep track of how many posts I highlighted in fb timeline.
You can use [pageid]?fields=posts.fields(timeline_visibility)
Each highlighted post will have timeline_visibility set to "starred"

How to assign a past date while uploading a photo via Facebook Graph API, so that it gets placed at the right point in Timeline?

Using the Facebook Graph API, I have been able to upload a photo. It is an old scanned photo. I would now like to modify the timestamp, so that it is shown at the appropriate point in the timeline. Does the API provide a way to do this?
Here is an article that says we can assign past dates to Facebook Timeline Posts - . I want to assign a past date to a photo I uploaded, and I would like to do it via the Graph API. Any leads would be helpful.

What's the difference between the Like button with or without Open Graph META tags?

I have a very basic website with the potential for having hundreds of pages, and would like to have a the Facebook Like button on each one.
However, before I do it, I would like to know the difference between inserting the Like button with, or WITHOUT using Open Graph META tags.
I don't want each page that visitors 'Like' to become their own Facebook pages, but I WOULD like their 'Like' to show up on their wall so their friends can see it.
Is the only real reason for using Open Graph to specify what exactly it is that you want to show up in the message and 'Like' post?? (example: 'Dave likes The Rock - IMDB' with a picture of the movie and a description underneath.)
#Vali What you are suggesting:-
Including Open Graph tags on your Web page, makes your page equivalent to a Facebook Page. This means when a user clicks a Like button on your page, a connection is made between your page and the user. Your page will appear in the "Likes and Interests" section of the user's profile, and you have the ability to publish updates to the user.
is not possible. Kindly see my similar question:
Convert my Site to Facebook Graph Object
As you said you can add a Like button without OpenGraph. That's the easy way and with that you don't have any future connection with the person who liked your link/page.
Including Open Graph tags on your Web page, makes your page equivalent to a Facebook Page. This means when a user clicks a Like button on your page, a connection is made between your page and the user. Your page will appear in the "Likes and Interests" section of the user's profile, and you have the ability to publish updates to the user.
Using Open Graph you have a greater control on what you want to appear on that person's wall.
Open Graph is still beta. If you want to use OpenGraph you need to create a FB app, get the APP ID and add it to your webpage. If you want to use the simple Like button, you just add the fb:like tag and that's all.
don't want each page that visitors 'Like' to become their own Facebook pages
This will not happen. You're the single admin of your page.
Is the only real reason for using Open Graph to specify what exactly it is that you want to show up in the message and 'Like' post??
Yes, you can do this with Open Graph. I suggest using Open Graph if you want to post enhanced wall posts and if you want to get connected with the users who likes your page.