How to assign a past date while uploading a photo via Facebook Graph API, so that it gets placed at the right point in Timeline? - facebook-graph-api

Using the Facebook Graph API, I have been able to upload a photo. It is an old scanned photo. I would now like to modify the timestamp, so that it is shown at the appropriate point in the timeline. Does the API provide a way to do this?
Here is an article that says we can assign past dates to Facebook Timeline Posts - . I want to assign a past date to a photo I uploaded, and I would like to do it via the Graph API. Any leads would be helpful.


"Recent interactions" pull via People API

I am trying to use Google's People API to pull the date of my last interaction (either email or calendar invite) with all my contacts. Basically whatever is in the red box in the screenshot below.
Google Contacts screenshot
I doesn't seem to be something that can be access via the People API, but I'd appreciate a confirmation. If anyone has found an alternative to get a similar data point (when was a person last contacted), it would be great !
I've tried pulling all the fields available through the API, or exporting contacts as a CSV, neither returned the date of last interaction.

how to get reactions on outsite ad by ad-id using facebook-api

The Facebook Ads Archive allows to get some meta data by selected ads (not my own ads). But is there a way to get the reactions (like/share/comment-Count) of this ads? I was focusing on to get the post id and in next step get meta data of post. Turns out it looks like a blind end. I cant get the post-id of outsite ads. Is there a way over facebook api? If not is there a way to get a ui page to get the with reactions depending on the ad-id?

Facebook Graph API get likes/reactions

I'm trying to fetch some data from page posts on Facebook with the Graph API. I'm using Python normally but I try the queries first with the Exploration tool offered by Facebook.
I used the page_id + post_id to get the number of reactions (I would also like to get the count for each different reaction) and likes. But it just returns nothing. I get the data for the shares though. I have the post open on another tab and it has likes and reactions.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

API photo datetime taken

I need to get photos from a album via Facebook API and I also need a datetime taken of the photos. Is is still not possible? Isn't it there some workaround? Thanks
Facebook doesn't give you a taken time on their photos, only a time when the photo was uploaded to the Facebook system via the created field in FQL or created_time in the Graph API.
You could try downloading the largest version of a photo Facebook has on their system and checking for EXIF data. I doubt that there will be any.

The Facebook Graph API does not include videos in wall posts

I'm using the Graph API to read some wall posts from a Facebook group. I get an array with post objects containing the expected information except for one entry with the type "status" which is a posted video.
But I do not get any information about the video. There is no difference between a default text-only post. How can I access the video URL, thumbnail, etc.?
The video is a "native" facebook video. I do not fully understand the various types of posts. When you post a plain url facebook grabs the meta information and displays them properly. But it seems this is not included in the api output.
Where are the differences between shared contens, status updates including urls and status updates with photos or videos?