How to handle Lambda function heavy job - amazon-web-services

I have AWS lambda function that gets details using multiple ids via rest API. The problem is the API only accept 1 id at a time/per call. Per my observation, the job can only cater around 30 ids else the job won’t finish or would max my 10 mins time limit. Currently, my ids can go as high as 200 ids per job process so I’m thinking of a way how I can resolve this issue.
So far I’m thinking of using step function so I can asynchronously run the job and just chunked my ids into multiple payload but I’m not sure how I can pass ids/payload from lambda to step function. Another solution I’m thinking is I can invoke the same lambda with chunked ids but i’m afraid that recursive would happen.
Any other suggestions or AWS services I can use to fix this?

I would have a process that dumps all the IDs into an SQS queue. Then have a Lambda function that uses the SQS queue as an event source. Lambda will then automatically spin up multiple instances of your Lambda function, passing each one a batch of IDs to process.


Recursive AWS lambda with updating state

I have an AWS Lambda that polls from an external server for new events every 6 hours. On every call, if there are any new events, it publishes the updated total number of events polled to a SNS. So I essentially need to call the lambda on fixed intervals but also pass a counter state across calls.
I'm currently considering the following options:
Store the counter somewhere on a EFS/S3, but it seems an
overkill for a simple number
EventBridge, which would be ok to schedule the execution, but doesn't store state across calls
A step function with a loop + wait on the the lambda would do it, but it doesn't seem to be the most efficient/cost effective way to do it
use a SQS with a delay so that the lambda essentially
triggers itself, passing the updated state. Again I don't think
this is the most effective, and to actually get to the 6 hours delay
I would have to implement some checks/delays within the lambda, as the max delay for SQS is 15 minutes
What would be the best way to do it?
For scheduling Lambda at intervals, you can use CloudWatch Events. Scheduling Lambda using Serverless framework is a breeze. A cronjob type statement can schedule your lambda call. Here's a guide on scheduling:
As for saving data, you can use AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. It's a simple Key value pair storate for such small amount of data.
OR you can also save it in DynamoDB. Since the data is small and frequency is less, you wont be charged much and there's no hassle of reading files or parsing.

Run lambda parallely or better approach

i have a problem statement like this:
I have approx 40 servers in which i want to run a stored proc simultaneously, there is no dependency on each other.
The servers information is stored in an database.
To achieve this i am thinking to implement the following way:
A lambda will get all the information about servers from DB. Lets say
this is "lambda1".
Put all this information into the SQS, there will be a lambda
attached to the SQS which will process the request. Lets say
I want to know if there will be as many instances of
"lambda2", as number of messages in SQS.
Or there can be better approach than this?
When you create a trigger from SQS to Lambda you set the Batch size property with a value upto 10.
When 10 messages (or less if there's few in the queue) are received Lambda will be invoked and receive that batch of messages.

Multiple curl calls php issue

My problem every 20minutes I want to execute the curl request which is around 25000 or more than that and save the curl response in database. In PHP it is not handled properly which is the best AWS services I can use except lambda.
A common technique for processing large number of similar calls is:
Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and push each request into the queue as a separate message. In your case, the message would contain the URL that you wish to retrieve.
Create an AWS Lambda function that performs the download and stores the data in the database.
Configure the Lambda function to trigger off the SQS queue
This way, the SQS queue can trigger hundreds of Lambda functions running parallel. The default concurrency limit is 1000 Lambda functions, but you can request for this to be increased.
You would then need a separate process that, every 20 minutes, queries the database for the URLs and pushes the messages into the SQS queue.
The complete process is:
Schedule -> Lambda pusher -> messages into SQS -> Lambda workers -> database
The beauty of this design is that it can scale to handle large workloads and operates in parallel, rather than each curl request having to wait. If a message cannot be processed, it Lambda will automatically try again. Repeated failures will send the message to a Dead Letter Queue for later analysis and reprocessing.
If you wish to perform 25,000 queries every 20 minutes (1200 seconds), this would need a query to complete every 0.05 seconds. That's why it is important to work in parallel.
By the way, if you are attempting to scrape this information from a single website, I suggest you investigate whether they provide an API otherwise you might be violating the Terms & Conditions of the website, which I strongly advise against.

Make Lambda function execute now, and/or in an hour

I'm trying to implement an AWS Lambda function that should send an HTTP request. If that request fails (response is anything but status 200) I should wait another hour before retrying (longer that the Lambda stays hot). What the best way to implement this?
What comes to mind is to persist my HTTP request in some way and being able to trigger the Lambda function again in a specified amount of time in case of a persisted HTTP request. But I'm not completely sure which AWS service that would provide that functionality for me. Is SQS an option that can help here?
Or, can I dynamically schedule Lambda execution for this? Note that the request to be retried should be identical to the first one.
Any other suggestions? What's the best practice for this?
(Lambda function is my option. No EC2 or such things are possible)
You can't directly trigger Lambda functions from SQS (at the time of writing, anyhow).
You could potentially handle the non-200 errors by writing the request data (with appropriate timestamp) to a DynamoDB table that's configured for TTL. You can use DynamoDB Streams to detect when DynamoDB deletes a record and that can trigger a Lambda function from the stream.
This is obviously a roundabout way to achieve what you want but it should be simple to test.
As jarmod mentioned, you cannot trigger Lambda functions directly by SQS. But a workaround (one I've used personally) would be to do the following:
If the request fails, push an item to an SQS Delay Queue (docs)
This SQS message will only become visible on the queue after a certain delay (you mentioned an hour).
Then have a second scheduled lambda function which is triggered by a cron value of a smaller timeframe (I used a minute).
This second function would then scan the SQS queue and if an item is on the queue, call your first Lambda function (either by SNS or with the AWS SDK) to retry it.
PS: Note that you can put data in an SQS item, since you mentioned you needed the lambda functions to be identical you can store your first function's input in here to be reused after an hour.
I suggest that you take a closer look at the AWS Step Functions for this. Basically, Step Functions is a state machine that allows you to execute a Lambda function, i.e. a task in each step.
More information can be found if you log in to your AWS Console and choose the "Step Functions" from the "Services" menu. By pressing the Get Started button, several example implementations of different Step Functions are presented. First, I would take a closer look at the "Choice state" example (to determine wether or not the HTTP request was successful). If not, then proceed with the "Wait state" example.

Lambda : Is any Batch processing scheduler available?

Problem : Fetch 2000 items from Dynamo DB and process(Create a POST req from 100 items) it batch by batch (Batch size = 100).
Question : Is there anyway that I can achieve it from any configuration in AWS.
PS : I've configured a cron schedule to run my Lambda function. I'm using Java. I've made multi-threaded application which synchronously does so, but this eventually increases my computation time drastically.
I have the same problem and thinking of solving it in following way. Please let me know if you try it.
Schedule Job to fetch N items from DynamoDB using Lambda function
Lambda function in #1 will submit M messages to SQS to process each
item and trigger lambda functions, in this case it should call
lambda functions M times Each lambda function will process request
given in the message
In order to achieve this you need to schedule an event via CloudWatch, setup SQS and create lambda function triggered by SQS events.
Honestly, I am not sure if this is price effective but it should be working. Assuming your fetch size is so low, this should be reasonable.
Also you can try using SNS in this case you don't need to worry about SQS message polling.