Run lambda parallely or better approach - amazon-web-services

i have a problem statement like this:
I have approx 40 servers in which i want to run a stored proc simultaneously, there is no dependency on each other.
The servers information is stored in an database.
To achieve this i am thinking to implement the following way:
A lambda will get all the information about servers from DB. Lets say
this is "lambda1".
Put all this information into the SQS, there will be a lambda
attached to the SQS which will process the request. Lets say
I want to know if there will be as many instances of
"lambda2", as number of messages in SQS.
Or there can be better approach than this?

When you create a trigger from SQS to Lambda you set the Batch size property with a value upto 10.
When 10 messages (or less if there's few in the queue) are received Lambda will be invoked and receive that batch of messages.


How to handle Lambda function heavy job

I have AWS lambda function that gets details using multiple ids via rest API. The problem is the API only accept 1 id at a time/per call. Per my observation, the job can only cater around 30 ids else the job won’t finish or would max my 10 mins time limit. Currently, my ids can go as high as 200 ids per job process so I’m thinking of a way how I can resolve this issue.
So far I’m thinking of using step function so I can asynchronously run the job and just chunked my ids into multiple payload but I’m not sure how I can pass ids/payload from lambda to step function. Another solution I’m thinking is I can invoke the same lambda with chunked ids but i’m afraid that recursive would happen.
Any other suggestions or AWS services I can use to fix this?
I would have a process that dumps all the IDs into an SQS queue. Then have a Lambda function that uses the SQS queue as an event source. Lambda will then automatically spin up multiple instances of your Lambda function, passing each one a batch of IDs to process.

Multiple curl calls php issue

My problem every 20minutes I want to execute the curl request which is around 25000 or more than that and save the curl response in database. In PHP it is not handled properly which is the best AWS services I can use except lambda.
A common technique for processing large number of similar calls is:
Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) queue and push each request into the queue as a separate message. In your case, the message would contain the URL that you wish to retrieve.
Create an AWS Lambda function that performs the download and stores the data in the database.
Configure the Lambda function to trigger off the SQS queue
This way, the SQS queue can trigger hundreds of Lambda functions running parallel. The default concurrency limit is 1000 Lambda functions, but you can request for this to be increased.
You would then need a separate process that, every 20 minutes, queries the database for the URLs and pushes the messages into the SQS queue.
The complete process is:
Schedule -> Lambda pusher -> messages into SQS -> Lambda workers -> database
The beauty of this design is that it can scale to handle large workloads and operates in parallel, rather than each curl request having to wait. If a message cannot be processed, it Lambda will automatically try again. Repeated failures will send the message to a Dead Letter Queue for later analysis and reprocessing.
If you wish to perform 25,000 queries every 20 minutes (1200 seconds), this would need a query to complete every 0.05 seconds. That's why it is important to work in parallel.
By the way, if you are attempting to scrape this information from a single website, I suggest you investigate whether they provide an API otherwise you might be violating the Terms & Conditions of the website, which I strongly advise against.

Processing AWS SQS messages with separate Lambda at a time

Like the title suggests, I have a scenario that I would like to explore but do not know how to go about it.
I have a lambda function processCSVFile. I also have a SQS queue that at a set time everyday, it gets populated with link of csv files from S3, let's say about 2000 messages. Now I want to process 25 messages at a time once the SQS queue has the messages.
The scenario I am looking for is to process 25 messages concurrently, I want the 25 messages to be processed by 25 lambda invocations separately. I thought I could use SendMessageBatch function in SQS but this only delivers messages to the queue, it does not seem to apply to my use case.
My question is, am I able to perform the action explained above and if it is possible, what documentation or use cases can explain what I am looking for.
Also, if this use case is impossible, what do you recommend as an alternative way to do the processing I want done concurrently.
To process 25 messages from Amazon SQS with 25 concurrent Lambda functions (1 message per running Lambda function), you would need:
A maximum concurrency of 25 configured for the Lambda function (otherwise it might go higher than this when more messages are available)
A batch size of 1 configured on the Lambda trigger so that SQS only passes it one message at a time
AWS Lambda Function Scaling (Maximum concurrency)
Configuring a Queue as an Event Source (Batch size)
I think that combination of lambda's event source mapping for sqs
and setting reserved concurrency to 25 could be the way do go.
The lambda uses long pooling to prepare message batches for concurrent processing by lambda. Thus each invocation of your function could get more than 1 message at a time.
I don't think there is a way to set event source mapping to serve just one message per batch. If you absolute must ensure only one message is processed by lambda, then you process one and disregards others (put them back to queue).
The reserved concurrency of 25 guarantees that you wont be running more than 25 functions in parallel. If you leave it at its default value, you can run up to whatever free concurrency you have in your account.
#JohnRotenstein already confirmed that there is a way to set lambda to pass message a time to your function.
Hope this helps.

What is the recommended way to fanout in SQS lambda environment?

I would like to send a push notification to users in my database in a lambda environment via SQS / messaging queue architecture, in order to do that
I would first need to query all users in my database with push notifications enabled.
loop over all of them them
send a SQS event/message for each user.
let my sqs triggered lambda handle/send the push notification
Is there a better way to implement this to avoid querying a big number of users and/or looping over all the results to send a SQS message for each?
I would take a slightly different approach here, but similar.
Query the database for the users
Loop over the users
Send one messages to SQS for a batch of records to send, and use the SendMessageBatch operation of SQS to send them. So batches of batches. Each batch of messages would have several "users" to send to, not just one. This will should increase your performance because a batch will require fewer lambda invocations.
Lambda handles SQS messages (probably more than one), and each SQS message results in sending many push notifications. In the case of Firebase I believe there is a way to send batches, which is even better. Even without that you can send several messages at once using a Promise.all type logic.
With this structure you can send a very large number of messages really quickly, and probably a lot cheaper. Imagine you need to send to 1M users. If you send batches of 100, in batches of 25 to SQS, then you have 2,500 messages per call to SQS. That would mean 400 calls to SQS, far better than even the 40K you'd have to make if you sent single messages in batches of 25.
On the receiving side, even if you throttled the SQS integration to 1 message per invocation you'd have 10,000 lambda invocations. If you assume even 1s per invocation, and 1000 concurrent invocations, it would take 10 seconds (likely less). If you send one message per user you'd have to make 1M lambda invocations. If you assume each invocation takes 100ms then you can send 10/second, so with 1000 concurrent executions it would take 100 seconds. In reality the numbers are probably even better than that for the batch version, especially if you don't limit it to 1 message at a time.
Based on the comments the question seemed to be a bit more about the first part of the process. With that in mind I'd suggest the following options.
If you find yourself needing to address the same large groups repeatedly most messaging services (Firebase and SNS for sure) support some sort of topic subscription model. Given that these are push notifications you can subscribe a device to the topic in code. What this ultimately leads to is one messages sent from your code to the messaging service. The service handles the rest. This is probably the preferred solution for anything that has mass recipients, especially if you can know the recipients up front. This even works for dynamic topics. For example, consider a situation where a person comments on a post. Any new comment on that post should send a message to everyone who has commented on that post. You can create a topic on the fly when the post is created, and add recipients to the topic as they comment. If a user wishes to stop receiving messages you can remove the user from the topic.
If you don't know the recipients up front the above solution is a solid solution. However, if you are concerned with Lambda timeouts on the first two steps I'd modify slightly. I would take advantage of AWS Step Functions and page the data in the lambda. Lambda will tell you, via the context object supplied in the invocation, how much time is remaining. You can check that periodically to determine if you should exit the lambda and pass to the step function the current paging information. The step function can pass that paging information back into the lambda, which should be coded to accept the paging information as part of the request, and continue from that point if supplied.
I would suggest an additional piece in your application architecture,
I personally prefer to avoid using the Primary database for heavy querying,
assuming you have a large user base.
I will suggest maintaining your user list in a Search Engine like ElasticSearch or CloudSearch, or a simple table with just the user list in AWS DynamoDb or create a Read Replica of your DB.
To no confuse you, use a Search Engine(first choice) or an AWS DynamoDb
This will avoid creating pressure on your database when you query the read specialty datastore and won't affect other modules in operation
And it's way fast to query this way
Step 2: loop over all of them them
Step 3: batch send messages to SQS using its SendMessageBatch method like Jason is suggesting
Step 4: Based on your SQS setting, you may process multiple messages on your Lambda function

How to trigger AWS Lambda just once on multiple S3 notifications

We are designing a pipeline. We get a number of raw files which come into S3 buckets and then we apply a schema and then save them as parquet.
As of now we are triggering a lambda function for each file written but ideally we would like to start this process only after all the files are written. How we can we trigger the lambda just once?
I encourage you to use an alternative that maintains the separation between the publisher (whoever is writing) and the subscriber (you). The publisher tells you when things are written; it's your responsibility to choose when to process those things. The neat pattern here would be for the publisher to write its files in batches and publish manifests for you to trigger on: i.e. a list which says "I just wrote all these things, you can find them in these places". Since you don't have that / can't change the publisher, I suggest the following:
Send the notifications from the publisher to an SQS queue.
Schedule your lambda to run on a schedule; how often is determined by how long you're willing to delay ingestion. If you want data to be delayed at most 5min between being published and getting ingested by your system, set your lambda to trigger every 4min. You can use Cloudwatch notifications for this.
When your lambda runs, poll the queue. Keep going until you accumulate the maximum amount of notifications, X, you want to process in one go, or the queue is empty.
Process. If the queue wasn't empty when you stopped polling, immediately trigger another lambda execution.
Things to keep in mind on the above:
As written, it's not parallel, so if your rate of lambda execution is slower than the rate at which the queue fills up, you'll need to 1. run more frequently or 2. insert a load-balancing step: a lambda that is triggered on a schedule, polls the queue, and calls as many processing lambdas as necessary so that each one gets X notifications.
SNS in general and SQS non-FIFO queues specifically don't guarantee exactly-once delivery. They can send you duplicate notifications. Make sure you can handle duplicate processing cleanly.
Hook your Lambda up to a Webhook (API Gateway) and then just call it from your client app once your client app is done.
Zip all files together, Lambda unzip it
create a UI code and send files one by one, trigger lambda from it when the last one is sent
Lambda check files, if didn't find all files, silent quit. if it finds all files, then handle all files in one thread