Can unit tests be environment-dependent? - unit-testing

I have this very generic question about unit test. Should we write environment dependent unit tests? The unit tests may depend on file system, a specific connection or presence of a file.
I am not sure if there is a answer to it. But I found it takes time to decouple the unit tests from the environment. Does that mean it is ok to create environment dependent unit tests? Or it always points out that there is a design problem when we need to write environment dependent unit tests?

Whether environment dependent tests are indeed a design flaw or not is strongly dependent on your application, programming language and specific problem. Keep in mind, that tests are never "complete" or "perfect" and try not to achieve perfection at the expense of more and more time. Using modern frameworks, making your tests re-usable and mocking your environment can take a lot of the pain out of testing.
The longer answer
IMHO, there's no perfect answer to this question. Unit Tests should be as generic and re-usable as possible without trying to cover environmental edge cases at any price.
Example: Most environments should have an AMD64 processor nowadays (not regarding phones), so in most cases it is not needed to create unit tests for X32 or ARM environments, ...
Your question is technology agnostic, so it's hard to tell, if the need for environment dependent unit tests is a design flaw. If you're using Java (see below), I'd rather think it is, using C++, it might not be...
Some rules of thumb I can give from my experience (and therefore a little opinion-based):
Follow the pareto principle
Don't try to achieve 100% of what is possible in theory, but concretate on the about 80% that are also likely to be encountered. Let's say, you expect your application to run on Windows Clients. So possibly your tests should cover the environmental characteristics of Windows 10 and 11. Older Windows versions, Linux, Mac OS, ... should not be needed.
Or, if your application mainly has as Spanish audience, you should not care so much about how it can deal with chinese characters or canadian data protection rules.
Exclude environmental specialties as much as sane and possible when coding your application
If you can manage to make your application code mostly independent from your environment, the same will "automatically" apply to your tests. (Also, see the point about not re-inventing the wheel below)
As you didn't ask for a specific programming language, I'll refer to Java here, but similar concepts exist in most modern languages.
E. g., Java abstracts very much from your environment, so you can use File.separator, if you don't know if your application will be running on Windows (\ as separator) or Linux (/).
Not using OS-specific APIs (like Java NI) avoids environment-related problems as well. If not dealing closely with hardware access, there shouldn't be any need to use them.
Adapt your tests
Like the "real" application, usually your tests are never "done". A new problem with your software arises? Fix it and add a specific test case for this kind of bug (trying to be quite generic). If it was a problem related to the 20% of cases or environments you did not consider before, be happy - now you've got a little hold of them as well.
Package your test data with your application
Referring to Java again, you could place your test files in the resources folder and load them dynamically while testing - not need to bother the real file system of the testing machine.
Also, if you're using a database, you could spin up an in-memory instance (like H2) during testing. This will not exactly mirror your production database system, but makes testing very easy without the danger of breaking something. Anyway, database abstraction is also very sophisticated nowadays, so despite of some edge cases, you should not see any difference in behaviour if you're using a good database abstraction layer (which itself in turn make you less environment-dependent).
Make your tests re-usable
Using a tool like Maven or Gradle, you can make your tests run on a bigger variety of environments, if they are packaged as just pointed out. The need for a specific test environment will decrease.
Mocking is your friend
As with the "fake" database mentioned before, you can mock a lot of things. There are frameworks like Mockito allowing white box and black box testing with mocked objects. "Helpers" like WireMock allow you to even mock the answer you get from an external service. And there are a lot more possibilities out there!
Don't re-invent the wheel
If you use one of todays advanced application frameworks (like Spring, Symfony, Boost, ...) they'll do a lot of the work for you if you make proper use of them. You'll have to read the docs and burrow into them, but then you will realize how much easier they can make your life. This does not apply to frameworks only, but also to libraries, services, components, ... And the good thing is, all of that will also come into place when it's about testing! Possibly most of your environmental dependencies might vanish if you use a good software foundation.


Platform neutral unit testing?

I'm curious if there is a platform neutral way of defining unit tests. Consider the task of defining some unit tests for a new set implementation with code bases in both Java and C#. For example, we might want to test that {3, 4, 5} intersect {4} is {4}. Instead of writing this unit test twice (once in our Java project and once in our C# project) it would be nice to define the test once (maybe in XML?) and then have each runtime read and execute that test automatically. Some work would need to be done in each language to define how a set should be instantiated and populated, but it seems that we would only have to configure that detail once which seems reasonable when the payoff would be not duplicating n unit tests.
Does anyone know of a language or framework with this goal?
There are several issues with potential framework for such platform neutral unit testing:
mapping between pieces of C# and Java code (as in, such tool would need to know which Java/C# method or class to test given certain say XML configuration file)
differences between external libraries (even if you can make your own code in such way that translation could be easily achievable, external libraries providers might not - and most likely won't even care)
languages differencies itselves
Sure, perhaps one can overcome those issues with fairly advanced and thought-through configuration file. But then another question is raised - is it still unit testing what we are doing? Unit test is strictly bound to code it is testing (being written in same language springs to mind as one of the firsts), there's really no smart way to go agains this rule. Writing "unit test" in XML..? That doesn't sound right.
There's this easy thing to remember - unit testing should be plain and simple process. Approach you're asking for would most likely make it overcomplicated. Writing tests in same language is straightforward - after all, you are supposed to be able to write implementation as well. Introducing extra framework introduces the need to learn it, maintain it and deal with possible new problems it might cause.
Overall, problem with tools targeting different platforms is always the same - there will be cases, when such tool is too general or platform limitations are too specific. And that's when you'll have to fallback to platform language/tool itself. So, even though it might sound appealing for very simple cases (like your intersect one), overall I don't think it's worth the effort. You'll end up doing stuff in mixed way anyways.
I have developed something along the lines you describe that enables you to define your tests at a high level and then generates the test harness source code in either C or C++.
Whether I extend it to generate C# and JAVA depends on demand. It is aimed primarily at the embedded systems market where C and C++ are the preferred languages.
The test specification is stored in XML and I have defined a minimum set of operations to allow you to do something useful. The motivation in developing this is to allow you to focus on what you want to test rather than writing test code.

Increasing testability, when coding with Bold for Delphi framework

I work in a team of 7 developers and 2 testers that work on a logistics system.
We use Delphi 2007 and modeldriven development with Bold for Delphi as framework.
The system has been in production about 7 years now and has about 1,7 millions lines of code.
We release to production after 4-5 weeks and after almost every release we have to do some patches for bugs we don’t found. This is of course irritating both for us and the customers.
Current testing
The solution is of course more automatic testing. Currently we have manual testing. A Testdbgenerator that starts with an empty database and add data from the modelled methods. We also have Testcomplete that runs some very basic scripts for testing the GUI. Lack of time stop us from add more tests, but scripts is also sensitive for changes in the application. For some years ago I really tried unit testing with DUnit, but I gave up after some days. The units have too strong connections.
Unit testing preconditions
I think I know some preconditions for unit testing:
Write small methods that do one thing, but do it well.
Don’t repeat yourself.
First write the test that fails, then write the code so the test pass.
The connections between units shold be loose. They should not know much about each other.
Use dependency injection.
Framework to use
We may upgrade to Delphi XE2, mainly because of the 64-bit compiler.
I have looked at Spring a bit but this require an update from D2007 and that will not happen now. Maybe next year.
The question
Most code is still not tested automatically. So what is the best path to go for increasing testability of old code ? Or maybe it is best to start writing tests for new methods only ?
I’m not sure what is the best way to increase automatic testing and comments about it is welcome. Can we use D2007 + DUnit now and then easily change to Delphi XE2 + Spring later ?
EDIT: About current test methodology for manual testing is just "pound on it and try to break it" as Chris call it.
You want the book by Michael Feathers, Working Effectively with Legacy Code. It shows how to introduce (unit) tests to code that wasn't written with testability in mind.
Some of the chapters are named for excuses a developer might give for why testing old code is hard, and they contain case studies and suggested ways to address each problem:
I don't have much time and I have to change it
I can't run this method in a test harness
This class is too big and I don't want it to get any bigger
I need to change a monster method and I can't write tests for it.
It also covers many techniques for breaking dependencies; some might be new to you, and some you might already know but just haven't thought to use yet.
The requirements for automated unit testing are exactly this:
use an unit testing framework (for example, DUnit).
use some kind of mocking framework.
Item 2 is the tough one.
DRY, small methods, start with a test, and DI are all sugar. First you need to start unit testing. Add DRY, etc. as you go along. Reduced coupling helps to make stuff more easily unit tested, but without a giant refactoring effort, you will never reduce coupling in your existing code base.
Consider writing tests for stuff that is new and stuff that is changed in the release. Over time you will get a reasonable base of unit tests. New and changes stuff can also be refactored (or written nicely).
Also, consider an automated build process that runs unit tests and sends email when the build breaks.
This only covers unit testing. For QA testers, you will need a tool (they exist, but I can't think of any) that allows them to run automated tests (which are not unit tests).
Your testing team is too small, IMO. I've worked in teams where the QA dept outnumbers the Developers. Consider working in "sprints" of manageable chunks (features, fixes) that fit in smaller cycles. "Agile" would encourage 2-week sprints, but that may be too tight. Anyway, it would keep the QA constantly busy, working farther ahead of the release window. Right now, I suspect that they are idle until you give them a huge amount of code, then they're swamped. With shorter release cycles, you could keep more testers busy.
Also, you didn't say much about their testing methodology. Do they have standard scripts that they run, where they verify appearance and behavior against expected appearance and behavior? Or do they just "pound on it and try to break it"?
IMO, Dunit testing is hard to do with lots of dependencies like databases, communication, etc.. But it's do-able. I've created DUnit classes that automatically run database setup scripts (look for a .sql file with the same name as the class being tested, run the sql, then the test proceeds), and it's been very effective. For SOAP communications, I have a SoapUI mockservice running that returns canned results, so I can test my communications.
It does take work, but it's worth it.

Unit testing programs that mostly interact with external resources

I would like to start doing more unit testing in my applications, but it seems to me that most of the stuff I do is just no suitable to be unit tested. I know how unit tests are supposed to work in textbook examples, but in real world applications they do not seem of much use.
Some applications I write have very simple logic and complex interactions with things that are outside my control. For instance I would like to write a daemon which reacts to signals sent by some applications, and changes some user settings in the OS. I can see three difficulties:
first I have to be able to talk with the applications and be notified of their events;
then I need to interact with OS whenever I receive a signal, in order to change the appropriate user settings;
finally all of this should work as a daemon.
All these things are potentially delicate: I will have to browse possibly complex APIs and I may introduce bugs, say by misinterpreting some parameters. What can unit testing do for me? I can mock both the external application and the OS, and check that given a signal from the application, I will call the appropriate API method on the OS. This is... well, the trivial part of the application.
Actually most of the things I do involve interaction with databases, the filesystem or other applications, and these are the most delicate parts.
For another example look at my build tool PHPmake. I would like to refactor it, as it is not very well-written, but I fear to do this as I have no tests. So I would like to add some. The point is that the things which may be broken by refactoring may not be caught by unit tests:
One of things to do is deciding which things are to be built and which one are already up to date, and this depends on the time of last modification of the files. This time is actually changed by external processes, when some build command is fired.
I want to be sure that the output of external processes is displayed correctly. Sometimes the buikd commands require some input, and that should be also managed correctly. But I do not know a priori which processes will be ran - it may be anything.
Some logic is involved in pattern matching, and this may seem to be testable part. But the functions which do the pattern matching use (ni addition to their own logic) the PHP function glob, which works with the filesystem. If I just mock a tree in place of the actual filesystem, glob will not work.
I could go on with more examples, but the point is the following. Unless I have some delicate algorithms, most of what I do involves interaction with external resources, and this is not suitable for unit testing. More that this, often this interaction is actually the non-trivial part. Still many people see unit testing as a basic tool. What am I missing? How can I learn be a better tester?
I think you open a number of issues in your question.
Firstly, when your application integrates with external environments such as OS, other threads, etc. then you have to separate (1) the logic that is tied in with the external enviroment and (2) your business-code.. that is, the stuff your application does. This is no different to how you would separate GUI and SERVER in an application (or web application).
Secondly, you ask if you should test simple logic. I'd say, it depends. Often simple fetch/store functionality is nice to have tests for. It's like the foundation of your application.. hence its important. Other business stuff built upon your foundation that is very simple, you may easily find yourself both feeling that you are wasting your time, and mostly you are :-)
Thirdly, refactory an existing program and testing it in its existing state may be a problem. If your PHP program produces a set of files on the basis of some input, well, maybe thats your entry point to tests are. Sure the tests may be high-level, but it's an easy way to ensure that after the refactoring, your program produces the same output. Hence, aim for higher-level tests in that situation in the start phase of your refactoring efforts.
I'd like to recommend some literature, but I can only come up with one title. "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" By Micheal Feathers. It's a good start. Another would be "xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code" by Gerard Meszaros (although that book is much more sloppy and FULL of copy paste text).
As regards your issue about existing code bases that aren't currently covered by tests in which you would like to start refactoring, I would suggest reading:
Working Effectively with Legacy Code By Micheal Feathers.
That book gives you techniques on how to deal with the issues you might be facing with PHPMake. It provides ways to introduce seams for testing, where there previously weren't any.
Additionally, with code that touches say the file systems, you can abstract the file system calls behind a thin wrapper, using the Adapter Pattern. The unit tests would be against a fake implementation of the abstract interface that the wrapping class implements.
At some point you get to a low enough level where a unit of code can't be isolated for unit testing as these depend on library or API calls (such as in the production implementation of the wrapper). Once this happens integration tests are really the only automated developer tests you can write.
I recommend this google tech-talk on unit testing.
The video boils down to
write your code so that it knows as little about how it will be used as possible. The less assumptions your code makes, the easier it is to test. Avoid complex logic in constructors, the use of singletons, static class members, and so on.
isolate your code from the external world (comms, databases, real time), and make sure that your code only talks to your isolation layer. Otherwise, writing tests will be a nightmare in terms of 'fake environment' setup.
unit tests should test stories; that is what we really understand and care for; given a class with a method foo(), testFoo() is uninformative. They actually recommend test names like itShouldCloseConnectionEvenWhenExceptionThrown(). Ideally, your stories should cover enough functionality that you can rebuild the spec from the stories.
NOTE: the video and this post use Java as an example; however, the main points stand for any language.
"Unit tests" tests one unit of your code. No external tools should be involved. This seems to be complicated for your first app (without knowing to much about it ;)) but the phpMake is unit-testable - I'm sure ... because ant, gradle and maven are unit-testable too ;)!
But of course you can test your first application automated too. There are several different layers one could test an application.
So the task for you is to find an automated way to test your app - be it integration testing or whatever.
E.g. you could write shell scripts, which asserts some output! With that you make sure your application behaves correctly ...
Tests of interactions with external resources are integration tests, not unit tests.
Tests of your code to see how it would behave if particular external interactions had occurred can be unit tests. These should be done by writing your code to use dependency injection, and then, in the unit test, injecting mock objects as dependencies.
For example, consider a piece of code that adds the results of a call to one service to the results of a call to another service:
public int AddResults(IService1 svc1, IService2 svc2, int parameter)
return svc1.Call(parameter) + svc2.Call(parameter);
You can test this by passing in mock objects for the two services:
private class Service1Returns1 : IService1
public int Call(int parameter){return 1;}
private class Service2Returns1 : IService2
public int Call(int parameter){return 1;}
public void Test1And1()
Assert.AreEqual(2, AddResults(new Service1Returns1(), new Service2Returns1(), 0));
First of all, if unit testing doesn't seem like it would be much use in your applications, why do you even want to start doing more of it? What is motivating you to care about it? It is definitely a waste of time if a) you do everything perfect the first time and nothing ever changes or b) you decide it's a waste of time and do it poorly.
If you do think that you really want to do unit testing, the answer to your questions are all the same: encapsulation. In your daemon example, you could create a ApplcationEventObeservationProxy with a very narrow interface that just implements pass through methods. The purpose of this class is to do nothing but completely encapsulate the rest of your code from the third-party event observing library (nothing means nothing -- no logic here). Do the same thing for OS settings. Then you can completely unit test the class that does actions based on events. I'd recommend have a separate class for the daemon-ness that just wraps your main class -- it will make the testing easier.
There are a couple of benefits to this approach outside of unit testing. One is that if you encapsulate the code that interacts directly with the OS, it's easier to switch it out. This kind of code is particularly prone to breakage outside of your control (i.e., MS patchsets). You will also probably want to support more than one OS, and if the OS specific logic is not tangled with the rest of your logic, it will be easier. The other benefit is that you'll be forced to realize that there is more business logic in your app than you think. :)
Finally, don't forget that unit testing is a foundation for a good product, but not the only ingredient. Having a set of tests that explore and verify the OS API calls you'll be using is a good strategy for the "hard" parts of this problem. You should also have end to end tests that ensure the events in your applications cause the OS setting changes.
As other answers suggested Working Effectively with Legacy Code By Micheal Feathers is a good read. If you have to deal with legacy code, and you want to make sure that the systems interaction work as expected, try writing integration tests first. And then it is more appropriate to write Unit Tests to test the behaviour of methods that are valued from the requirements point of view. You Tests serve a whole different purpose than the integration tests. Unit Tests are more likely to improve the design of your system than testing how everything hangs to gather.

Testing... how do the pros do it, and what techniques can scale to single-person development?

I've been writing software for years, but have never mastered the art of testing. My typical testing includes thorough run-throughs on my machines, and then testing in various operating systems via VMware. Mainly a brute-force play-with-it-until-it-breaks-or-doesn't approach. Where possible I work on actual hardware, but this isn't always practical.
My question is twofold:
How do medium-sized professional development houses do their testing?
What common techniques or procedures (outside of unit testing) can apply to a developer team of one. I'm looking for practicality.
Thank you for your time and input.
Step 1: Unit Testing
Divide your software into components (which can be anything from single functions up to whole programs) and unit-test those components thoroughly, especially as relates to the API and behavior that the rest of the application can see. (Don't forget to check for failure modes too, but beware of binding too carefully to the exact nature of a failure; it's often good enough to just test for the presence of the right class of exception rather than its exact message.) Make sure those tests pass; you're honing them in on a specification of what the component should be doing. (Automated test running helps here, as does a CI system.) This is important because of…
Step 2: Integration Testing
Test that the compositions of components that make up the application work (this is integration testing). Ideally you'll only be finding bugs in the specifications of things at this point (hah!) and wherever you identify that a component is wrong despite passing its unit tests, that tells you that there is a bug. Whenever things fail to work together despite being told to do so, you've probably got a bug in your specs from the previous step so you typically resolve these things by adding more detail to your unit tests and fixing the components until they work.
Note that to make good integration, you want to keep this stage so that the integration itself is sufficiently simple that it is in the “Obviously No Bugs” class of programs instead of the larger “No Obvious Bugs” class. An integration framework like Spring or a scripting language can help a lot here (though with the latter you have to guard against creating components on the sly; if you create a component then admit it and make sure it has a proper usage contract and unit tests to ensure that it meets its contract).
Where you can, you can make components by composing others together; these higher-level components need to be unit tested as characterized in Step 1 above. This might sound like extra work – it probably is – but it does have the advantage of meaning that you can use automated tests for larger parts of the program. (Alas, it's harder to do all integration tests with an automated test tool; such things tend to work better doing unit tests where you can mock out all the irrelevant parts.) But this doesn't save you from…
Step 3: Acceptance Testing
This is where the overall application is tested to see if it actually does what is desired. This might be automatable, but usually isn't. This is level where you bring in users to let them see whether things are what they expected, though you might want to use internal testers a bit first. How easy this all is depends on the nature of the application.
Note also that user interfaces tend to spend more time in this step than the others, precisely because what makes for a good UI is difficult to impossible to pin down in algorithms (it relates much more to human psychology after all).
A final note: What I've written here sounds like testing is meant to be a laborious process that takes ages at the end of a project. It isn't! You can often get parts of an application done before others, do an integration of those parts (with mocks for the other bits) and test quite a bit of how acceptable this sub-application really is. Of course, when doing this take care to stop users from believing that everything is done; one way is to have dialog boxes that pop up and say things like “magic to happen here”. Silly but effective. :-)
For a small team unit tests or automatic integration tests are crucial. Because there are no hands and time for manual testing - the more you automate the better. This includes Continuous Integration.
Set up a separate 'beta' environment that is as close to your production environment as possible. Do most of your tests there - this way you will pick up all the things you've forgotten in your 'release plan'.
As a proffesional tester my suggestion is that you should have a healthy mix of automated and manual testing. The Examples below are in .net but it should be easy to find a tool for whatever technique you are using.
Unit Testing
Use NUnit to test your classes, functions and interaction between them.
Automated Functional Testing
If it's possible you should automate a lot of the functional testing. Some frame works have functional testing built into them. Otherwise you have to use a tool for it. If you are developing web sites/applications you might want to look at Selenium.
Continuous Integration
Use CI to make sure all your automated tests run every time someone in your team makes a commit to the project.
As much as I love automated testing it is, IMHO, not a substitute for manual testing. The main reason being that an automated can only do what it is told and only verify what it has been informed to view as pass/fail. A human can use it's intelligence to find faults and raise questions that appear while testing something else.
Exploratory Testing
ET is a very low cost and effective way to find defects in a project. It take advantage of the intelligence of a human being and a teaches the testers/developers more about the project than any other testing technique i know of. Doing an ET session aimed at every feature deployed in the test environment is not only an effective way to find problems fast, but also a good way to learn and fun!
My testing tool examples are Java based, but I will try to suggest tools which are ported to multiple languages or are language agnostic.
Use unit testing tools like junit (ported to a variety of languages). This will allow you to refactor your code safely. Most code bugs should result in the addition or correction of at least one test.
Use revision control, and setup an automated build environment that check out the code and builds the code. It should then run the automated test suite. If the application uses a database the build environment should have its own database. Use different code branched for production (released) and development code.
Use integration testing tools like HTTPunit or Synergy to test web applications. Tools of this type are basically language agnostic, but your may want to choose a tool which can be extended in the language(s) you are using. For non-web applications, there may not be an equivelent tool for your platform. You may also want to use a performance tool like JMeter.
These tools have some setup costs, but a quick payback. Overall development time may be the same or less than if you didn't use the tools.
Acceptance tests generally don't lend themselves to automated testing. Where they do, included them in the integrated testing. Get acceptance feedback as early and often as possible.
How do the pros do it? That all depends on who the 'Pro' is... There are dozens of different approaches to testing, and plenty of experts to tell you that their way is the one true way. Agile gurus will tell you a very different story from the waterfall gurus. The ISTBQ guys will tell you a very different from the Context-Driven guys.
Unfortunately there is no one true way, and you have to figure it out for yourself. Your approach to testing depends on too many factors. That's probably not very helpful, but you just need to be aware that any answer you get here will be only one option of many, and it may be completely inappropriate for your situation.
Personally, after several years in software testing, I have decided to align myself with the Context Driven school of software testing. See:
Secondly, from your description of you current approach, that sounds a lot like exploratory testing to me. You may find this material interesting:
One thing you can do (combined with all the previous suggestions) is identify the risky and critical areas of your app and try to focus your testing efforts on these areas.

Using unit tests as a "functionality contract"

Unit tests are often deployed with software releases to validate the install - i.e. do the install, run the tests and if they pass then the install is good.
I'm about to embark on a project that will involve delivering prototype software library releases to customers. The unit tests will be delivered as part of each release and in addition to using the tests to validate the install, I plan on using the unit tests that test the API as a "contract" for how the release should be used. If the user uses the release in a similar manner to how it is used by the unit tests then great. If they use it some other way then all bets are off.
Has anybody tried this before? Any thoughts on whether this is a good/bad idea?
Edit: To highlight a good point raised by ChrisA and Dan in replies below, the "unit tests that test the API" are better called the integration tests and their intent is to exercise the API and the software to demonstrate the functionality of the software from a customer perspective.
Sounds like a good idea to me. I (we all?) routinely use unit tests internally to do just that. In using my unit tests to validate that I haven't broken anything I'm also implicitly verifying that my API contract hasn't changed. It seems like a natural usage of unit tests to deploy them in the fashion you're talking about.
Agile methodologies say: Tests are specifications, so this is a very good idea.
I fully expect to be flamed for this, but I don't understand how a set of unit tests proves anything at all about the kind of things a customer cares about, namely whether the application meets his business requirements.
Here's an example: I've just finished converting a chunk of code to fix a big mistake we made. It was a classic case of over-engineering, and the changes have touched about a dozen windows forms and about as many classes.
It's taken me a couple of days, it's now a lot simpler, we gained some features for free, and we lost a ton of code that did stuff that we now know we never really needed.
Every single one of those forms worked perfectly before. The public methods did exactly what they needed to do, and the underlying data accesses were just fine.
So any unit test would have passed.
Except, sadly, they did the wrong thing - which we didn't realise, except in retrospect. It's as if we'd built a prototype and only after trying to use it, realised that it wasn't right.
So now we have a leaner, meaner, fitter application.
But the things that were wrong, were wrong at a level where unit tests could never have revealed them, so I'm just not understanding how shipping a set of unit tests with an install does anything except give a false sense of security.
Maybe I'm not understanding something, but it seems to me that unless the thing that is shipped functions at the same level as the tests supplied, they prove nothing.
It's actually a pretty good idea, and extremely pleasant as an API user.
This technique can actually also be used the other way round : when you're using a "legacy" API, you can use unit tests to document the way you think the API behaves and to validate that it actually behaves as planned.
If you are releasing a code library, this sounds great.
If you are releasing an ordinary software product with which your users will interact only via a GUI, your unit tests may not be working at the same level of abstraction or may not the most useful tool to assess the behaviour of your product. A really good user manual (yes, this is possible) might be better for that.
If you're interested in providing a set of specifications with your code, perhaps you should investigate some of the behavior-driven development tools (nbehave, jbehave, rspec, etc.). These frameworks provide support for describing your tests in given/when/then syntax and outputting formatted results that are in a natural language. See nbehave for an example of a BDD tool for .NET. You can find an excellent description of BDD here
Another option may be for you to write tests using an acceptance testing framework such as fit or fitnesse (or the java-only concordion) and deliver these acceptance tests with the code. Both fit/fitnesse and concordion allow specification of the tests in plain HTML or even Word documents.
The benefit of either approach (BDD or acceptance testing frameworks) is that the results the user sees are more human-readable and understandable.
Tests will check requirements.
Requirements define functionality
=> Tests will check functionality.
The problem is, that only functionality can be checked that can be covered by unit tests. Integration or whole system tests won't work.
Otherwise, it's the main approach of TDD to check functionality via unit tests.
Meszaros calls this "Tests as documentation"