Elrond workspace not setting up on VS code in mac - blockchain

I am trying to set up the Elrond VS Code extention in my mac. After installing the extension from the extensions tab, as instructed to set up a Elrond project I entered cmd+shift+p and click on Elrond setup workspace. After clicking yes to multiple allow requests I am getting the following error:
How can this be resolved?


Unable to run a program in Visual studio 2019, Selecting Local Windows Debugger gives me error Access denied

Currently, I am working on cloning the Cilantro github repository. I did using Cmake and also downloaded the required dependencies. The issue is I cannot run any files inside the project as well as newly created .cpp files for testing.
When I build the project it does builds successfully. but Whenever, I try to run by clicking in Local windows debugger I keep getting error unable to start program access denied.
snapshot of my current error
Things, I have done but not helped
uninstall MC*** antivirus
disabled the Real-time protection in systems virus security
rebuild the project and it build successfully
snapshot successfull Rebuild
also tried making cilantro as my set as project but than I am getting following error.
cilantro, set as project
I need help to run the project and remove the following error. Also,is there an easier way to clone and run the project in visual studios without using CMAKE GUI?
IDE: Visual Studios; Trying to run C++ program
Used CMAKE gui to build this project Cilantro
Github which I am trying to run is : https://github.com/kzampog/cilantro
make you project as set as startup project
Solution Explorer > cilantro (Right click) > set as startup project
official doc

How can I configure what .NET version should be installed by windows installer in VS 2017

Currently I am working on a project that needs .NET 4.0 to work properly but when I configure the windows installer and try to install it is trying to install the latest version of .NET. So how can I configure the windows installer to install the .NET version on which the project was created. Also I would like to know how to include the Visual C++ Redistributable in my installer.
When you create a setup project and add primary output of a project to the setup project, the setup project automatically detect dependencies including Microsoft .Net Framework. To see if the detected dependency is correctly what you need, you cam see the following locations:
First of all, right click on Dependencies and click on Refresh Dependencies.
Check prerequisites for your project:
Right click on setup project and choose Properties.
In Properties dialog, from the Configurations combo box choose the configuration, and repeat the following steps for both Debug and Release.
Click on Prerequisites... button to open Prerequisites.
In the Prerequisites dialog, check the desired .Net Framework version.
Press OK and Make sure you repeat above steps for both Debug and Release.
Check Launch Conditions for your setup project:
Right click on setup project and from View select Launch Conditions:
Then under Launch COnditions node, select .Net Framework node and right click and select Properties Window.
In Properties Window check the Version property for .Net Framework launch condition.

visual studio mac for mac missing of identity class

Hi i downloaded visual studio for mac 2017 community version. I created a default MVC Core 2.0 project and i noticed that there is missing class of Account controllers where it used to have register and account other handler functions.
i created the same project in windows .In windows i can see that there is identity class and controller created.
how do i generate this authentication class in visual studio for mac Core 2.0?
I tried creating the default project in windows and copy to mac and it works!!! After i change the connection string to the server.Identity framework works fine in mac. But why is microsoft not generating the code for mac?
ok this is the command to include authentication for mac ok visual studio 2017 core 2.0.
dotnet new mvc -o moviemvc --auth Individual
once u register a new account. it will create a new database in the folder with app.db which is filebase database i believe.
open db use this sql lite browser to open it and view the content of it.
if you want to use sql server instead then you will need to add this into the line when create new project with terminal. add it in front of --auth will do
With Visual Studio on Windows there are extra options you can configure when creating a new ASP.NET Core project. These extra configuration options are not currently available with Visual Studio for Mac so a simpler ASP.NET Core project is created.
So you are left with copying the project from Windows, as you already did, or you can open a command prompt and use dotnet new to create a project. If you run the following you can see what configuration options you can specify for the ASP.NET Core MVC project template:
dotnet new mvc --help
Currently the GUI for Mac Visual Studio does not support the ability to add Authentication. However, the CLI does!
dotnet new sln --name <filename>
This will create a new sln
If you don't use the --name flag the sln will take the current folder's name
dotnet new mvc -o moviemvc --auth Individual
This will create a new .csproj with mvc and Authentication (Identity models) included
dotnet sln add </filepath>
This will add the file to the sln in the folder (if exists)
dotnet sln <path-to-solution.sln> add <path-to-project.csproj>
If you have multiple sln's in the folder, you will have to specify the sln you want to target
You can find more information here too

Cordova can't create app package for windows Store

I'm creating an app with cordova and I need to release it on the windows store (is already in the App store and in the process to be released on the play store so the app itself is working) so I've cloned my cordova app on a windows machine downloaded the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 community edition and created a new project from existing code selecting apache cordova in the wizard.
And I can run the app on emulator and a real device but when I try to "Project" -> "Store" -> "Create App Packages..." I always fail the verification but the strange thing is that it looks that all the test are passed but at the end I got an error suggesting to check in the folder: "C:\Users[$user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\AppCertKit" for the log but the AppcertKit folder dosen't even exist and even if I create a new one is always empty.
If I try to upload the .appxupload file created in "\platforms\windows\AppPackages" I get always two errors about:
Invalid package family name
Invalid package publisher name: CN=Apache Cordova Team (expected
even if I select the remote app in the wizard for the creation of the packages.
I'm using:
Visual Studio 2017 15.2
Cordova (6.3.1 / 6.5 / 7.0.1) I've tried all of them.
Windows 10 Pro
If I try to upload the .appxupload file created in
"\platforms\windows\AppPackages" I get always two errors about:
Invalid package family name Invalid package publisher name: CN=Apache
Cordova Team (expected even if I select the remote app in the wizard
for the creation of the packages.
According to the submission error, the identity info of your package cannot be recognized by Dev Center.
To upload your package, you need to associate your project with the app name you reserved in Dev Center to match the identity info:
For more details, you can refer to Package your Windows version Cordova app.

Installing a WIF Runtime for hosting a .NET application in Windows Azure

I developed a Custom application that is able to consume the CRM Web services and perform Windows Live Id authentication, create, read and update operation in the CRM from the custom .NET page. It runs absolutely fine when I debug the application in Visual Studio 2010 but when I deploy the same application and try to authenticate it shows the following error:
"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
I just wanted to know how to install the Microsoft.IdentityModel assembly using a startup task.I followed some of the steps in the following link:
But was unable to add RegisterDLL.cmd to my project solution.
You can use what Sandrino suggests, but you can also use this powershell script. I use it in couple of project and it works fine. It also auto-recognizes Windows Version (because for Azure Guest OS Family 1.xx you have to use the Windows6.0-xxxxx, and for Guest OS Family 2.xx you have to use Windows6.1-xxx version of the KB update).
You can execute that powershell script in a very simple startup task. Create one setup.cmd file, that you have the following content:
#echo off
powershell -command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" 2>> err.out
powershell .\Install-WIF-OnAzure.ps1 2>> err.out
And run it as simple startup task:
<WebRole name="AzureAndWif" vmsize="Small">
<Task commandLine="setup.cmd" executionContext="elevated" />
Hope this also helps ;)
What do you mean by "was unable to add RegisterDLL.cmd to my project solution"? In Visual Studio, just follow these steps:
Right click on your project
Choose Add > New Item > Text File
Enter the following code (from the blog post):
#echo off
sc config wuauserv start= demand
wusa.exe "Windows6.1-KB974405-x64.msu" /quiet /norestart
sc config wuauserv start= disabled
exit /b 0
Rename the file to RegisterDLL.cmd
In the properties, set Copy to Output Directory to Copy always
Go to File > Save as. On the Save button, click the small arrow and choose Save with Encoding
Choose Unicode (UTF-8 without signature) - Codepage 65001
This should be enough to have a working file. Now follow the rest of the guide and redeploy your application.
If you are deploying this to Windows Azure then make sure "copy local" is set to true on the Microsoft.IdentityModel when you deploy to Azure.
Cloud Tip #9-Add Microsoft.IdentityModel to the GAC with a Startup Task
This should help...