Pin run tool window to bottom tray - webstorm

How do I pin the run tool window to the bottom tray in Webstorm, so that it is there permanently:


My widget does not appear in windows XBox Game Bar

When I build using a sample project, I can check the samplewidget by pressing the win+G key.
However, when I create a project myself (Universal App - c++/CX) and add Xbox GameBar in NuGet, the window appears when I build it, but it is not displayed in Xbox GameBar.
What more should I do?

Get path of a given Finder window on MacOS programmatically

When the mouse cursor moves from my application's window over any Finder window that may be open, how do I get in my application the current folder which is opened in that Finder window?
My application runs on both Windows and MacOS, but I have only found an answer on Stack Overflow for the Windows case, and don't know how to achieve this for Mac as well.

How do I set a taskbar icon for Win32 application?

I am creating a simple Win32 GUI application for windows 10. I want to set an icon that will appear in the taskbar when it is open. I have already defined an icon in my resource file, but it only appears next to the exe file in file explorer. when I open the app it still just shows the default icon. I'm a huge noob when it comes to windows programming, so I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
Any help is appreciated.
My resources.rc file:
#include "winuser.h"
id ICON "icon.ico"
The taskbar uses the icon from the window, not the first icon in the resources.
Use LoadImage(GetModuleHandle(0),..., LR_SHARED) to get a HICON and assign it to the window when you register the window class or by sending WM_SETICON.
The taskbar and Alt+Tab dialogs might display the .exe icon in some versions but it depends on the window style and other undocumented specifics.

Qt windowflags in Linux

Image of the main application and child application
Im using Linux Ubuntu 16.04 and Qt Application
I have a problem about a windowflags in qt, that when I enter in full screen mode, my application model bar and menu bar hides since my application opens 2 application.
So I decided to make another application to Qt::FramelessWindowhint in order the other application cannot be open and only the main application will be shown.
My problem is when I dragged the application to another monitor, the 2nd application will hide.
Can anyone help me about this problem?

Run python script in interactive mode

With a previous install of Python 2.7 on a Windows 7 machine I could start a script by right-clicking on the filename in windows explorer. Ther was a menu option "Run in interactive mode". By clicking that, a screen would open up, the script would run and.... it would stay open to inspect the output on the screen and do some further actions.
In a fresh install on a Windows 8 machine, this menu option is not present. I can dubble click or Open the file, but then the window closes after running the script.
How can I create the menu entry "Run in interactive mode" when right-clicking on a py file in Windows 8?
I could not find answers in this site or on the Python site.
What you need to do is to add "-i" option when run a python file.
C:\windows\system32>python -i
Then you will go into the interactive mode, where you can print current variables, call functions and so on.
To make it as a right menu, you can add following cotent to Windows Registery.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\Run in interactive mode]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\Run in interactive mode\command]
#="\"C:\\Python27\\python.exe\" \"-i\" \"%1\" %*"