Qt windowflags in Linux - c++

Image of the main application and child application
Im using Linux Ubuntu 16.04 and Qt Application
I have a problem about a windowflags in qt, that when I enter in full screen mode, my application model bar and menu bar hides since my application opens 2 application.
So I decided to make another application to Qt::FramelessWindowhint in order the other application cannot be open and only the main application will be shown.
My problem is when I dragged the application to another monitor, the 2nd application will hide.
Can anyone help me about this problem?


SFML window application remove console

For an application, while I make the final application, How could I remove the terminal window for the final application on MacOS or Linux.
I find the key point, that is in macos we should build a app file, which should consist of Resources folder、MACOS、PkgInfo、Info.plist files, then when I just click the packaged file, the application could just show the GUI window.

Interact with QT window from native iOS App

I have a module created using QT creator. I have not much knowledge in QT with QML and C++. Please do let me know is there any way to open a QT Created window from our native iOS app on any button tap. I have successfully generate Xcode project from QT but my only concern is there any way to directly open QT window from native iOS app.
Please help.

How to open and minimize external app to system tray in Qt

QProcess can be used to open external program, but it will always open an app to the front of all other windows.
Is there a way to open an external app and then minimize/hide this opened app to the system tray?
QString path = QString("external app path here").replace("/", "\\");
QProcess process;
process.start(path); //open the external app, but it will stay on top of other windows
if (process.isOpen()) {
//then minimize this app to system tray;
Is this(open and minimize external app to system tray) achievable using Qt methods?
If Qt has no way to minimize opened external app to system tray. Do I have to use Windows API? Any advice or example code would be appreciated.
This should not be specific to Qt. Perhaps Qt session management could be relevant.
It is a matter of window manager and of desktop environment. Both are provided by (very broadly speaking) your "operating system" and are not tied to one particular process using Qt.
The system tray belongs to the desktop environment. A particular process using Qt has no reason to minimize it. The minimization of the system tray is the business of the desktop environment (not of one particular Qt application). I see no reason why your application would do that (remember that your user could also run other applications, which are even more important to him than yours and which also interact with or require using the system tray).
Of course, Qt provides an API to interact with the window manager and the desktop environment.
PS. On Linux, the convention between a Qt application and the window manager or desktop environment are documented in EWMH and ICCCM. You need to find the equivalent for Windows. I never used Windows so I don't know them. On Linux, one can code a window manager using Qt.

Qt Application showing back content

I'm developing an Qt Quick Application with C++ and QML.
The mainwindow doesn't show the content, and shows part of the back window content(the QT IDE)
The problem is when running the project in Debug/Release(both) mode. Running the binary from the project folder works. But I need to test it from debug mode.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 (Xfce).
How can I solve it?

How to add Fullscreen icon in Qt in the title bar of an OSX app?

I recently started developing an app in C++ & Qt 5.1 and I would like to have the double-arrowed icon on the title bar of my window like other Mac apps.
I created a QtQuick 2 Application project and the default code doesn't make this button appear.
I noticed that QtQuick 2 UI default project shows this button.
I really don't understand why. Is there someone who can help me ?
Thanks a lot for your answers,
I don't have experience with qtquick, but if it's the same project file as Qt, you would create the icon (icns file) and add it to the project file like this: -
ICON = images/icon.icns
The icon.icns file, in this case, is in a folder called images, relative to the project file.