How can I create a Regex that matches and transforms a period delimited path? - regex

I am using den4b Renamer to rename a lot of files that follow a specific pattern. The program allows me to use RegEx: (
I am stuck trying to conjure up an expression for a specific pattern.
My current RegEx:
Expression: ^(com\.)(([\w\s]*\.){0,4})([\w\s]*)$
Replace: \L$1\L$2\u$4
Note: \L and \u transform the sub-expression to upper and lower case as defined in the table below:
Here are a few example strings so you can get an idea of the input:
Android File Transfer.svg
Angular Console.svg
Blackmagic Fusion8.svg
Broken Sword.svg
Browser360 Beta.svg
Btsync GUI.svg
Buttercup Desktop.svg
Calibre EBook Edit.svg
Calibre Viewer.svg
Call Of Duty.svg
com.GitHub.Plugarut.Pwned Checker.svg
com.GitHub.Plugarut.Wingpanel Monitor.svg
com.GitHub.Rickybas.Date Countdown.svg
com.GitHub.Themix Project.Oomox.svg
com.GitHub.Unrud.Remote Touchpad.svg
com.GitHub.Unrud.Video Downloader.svg
com.GitHub.Weclaw1.Image Roll.svg
com.Rafaelmardojai.Share Preview.svg
com.Rafaelmardojai.Webfont Kit Generator.svg
Distributor Logo Antix.svg
Distributor Logo Archlabs.svg
Distributor Logo Dragonflybsd.svg
Drweb GUI.svg
For this question I am focused on the strings that begin with
Since I can't only target those names in Renamer, the expression has to "play nice" with the other input file names and correctly leave them alone. That's why I've prefixed my expression with ^(com\.)
What I want:
Transform the entire string to lower case except for the last period separated part of the string.
Strip white space from the entire string.
For instance:
Original: com.GitHub.Alcadica.Develop.svg
After my Regex: com.github.alcadica.Develop.svg
What I want: com.github.alcadica.Develop.svg
This specific file is correctly renamed. What I'm having trouble with are names that have spaces in any part of the string. I can't figure out how to strip whitespace:
Original: com.Belmoussaoui.Read it Later.svg
After my Regex: com.belmoussaoui.Read it Later.svg
What I want: com.belmoussaoui.ReaditLater.svg
Here is a hypothetical example because I couldn't find a file with more than four parts. I want my pattern to be robust enough to handle this:
Original: com.Shatteredpixel.Another Level.Next.Pixel Dungeon.svg
After my Regex: com.shatteredpixel.another Dungeon.svg
What I want:
Note that since I'm not using any kind of programming language, I don't have access to common string operations like trim, etc. I can, however, stack expressions. But this would create more overhead and since I am renaming thousands of files at a time I'd ideally like to keep it to one find/replace expression.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I can provide any more information to make this more clear.
I got it to work with the following rules:
Really inefficient, but it works. (Thanks to Jeremy in the comments for the idea)


Scanning a language with non-delimited strings with nested tokens

I want to create a lexer/parser for a language that has non-delimited strings.
Which part of the language is a string is defined by the command preceding it.
For example it has statements that look like this:
pause 5
alert Hello world[CRLF] this contains 'pause' once (1)
Alert in this instance can end with any string, including keywords and numbers.
Further complicating things, the text can contain tags like [CRLF] that I want to separate too.
Ideally I'd want this to be broken up into:
[ALERT][STR "Hello world"][CRLF][STR " this contains 'pause' once (1)"]
I'm currently using flex but from what I've gathered this kind of thing isn't possible with flex.
How can I achieve what I want here?
(Since one of your tags is "regex", I'll suggest a non-flex approach.)
From the example, it seems like you could just:
match each line against ^(\w+) (.+) to obtain command and arguments-text, and then
get individual arguments by splitting the arguments-text on (\[\w+\]) (assuming your regex library's split function can return both the splitter-strings and the split-strings).
It's possible your actual situation is more complex and something like flex makes more sense, but I'm not really seeing it so far.

how to find a specific word having random located newline

As I stated on the title.
I'm try to find regex result on a specific word(like apple) having random newline(\r\n) special character.
Illustrate more detail...
Let's find a word 'apple' on the text file. but We don't know where is exact position of newline(\r\n) on the file like below...
I also googled many pages but I couldn't find the answer.
Should I have to write beginner regex like below?
I need to find more smarter regex to find exact word.
the word can be vary like "ripe apple", "rotten apple" and "brightapple".
In the case of third item, white space removed by writer.
i have many txt files. i have to find the string within those.
So remove /r/n is not useful and cannot handle(too much menory and time required).
You have to take the naive approach ("beginner regex") if you want to use regular expressions, since they belong to the type 3 grammars and cannot express the state needed (see also The difference between Chomsky type 3 and Chomsky type 2 grammar)

Translate accented to unaccented characters in Sublime Text snippet using regex

I'm writing a ST3 snippet that inserts a \subsection{} with a label. The label is created by converting the header text to conform with the LaTeX standards for labels using a (rather lengthy) regular expression:
${1/(?:([ \t_]+)?|\b)(?:([ÅÄÆÁÀÃ])?|\b)(?:([åäæâàáã])?|\b)(?:([ÉÈÊË])?|\b)(?:([éèëê])?|\b)(?:([ÌÌÎÏ])?|\b)(?:([íìïî])?|\b)(?:([Ñ])?|\b)(?:([ñ])?|\b)(?:([ÖØÓÒÔÖÕ])?|\b)(?:([öøóòôõ])?|\b)(?:([ÜÛÚÙ])?|\b)(?:([üûúù])?|\b)/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:E)(?5:e)(?6:I)(?7:i)(?8:N)(?9:n)(?10O)(?11:o)(?12:U)(?13:u)/g}
Actually, I would like for it to be even longer. But if I add the extra groups that I would like, then ST3 crashes when I execute the snippet.
${1/(?:([ \t_]+)?|\b)(?:([ÅÄÆÁÀÃ])?|\b)(?:([åäæâàáã])?|\b)(?:([Ç])?|\b)(?:([ç])?|\b)(?:([ÉÈÊË])?|\b)(?:([éèëê])?|\b)(?:([ÌÌÎÏ])?|\b)(?:([íìïî])?|\b)(?:([Ñ])?|\b)(?:([ñ])?|\b)(?:([ÖØÓÒÔÖÕ])?|\b)(?:([öøóòôõ])?|\b)(?:([ÜÛÚÙ])?|\b)(?:([üûúù])?|\b)(?:([Ý])?|\b)(?:([ÿý])?|\b)/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:C)(?5:c)(?6:E)(?7:e)(?8:I)(?9:i)(?10:O)(?11:o)(?12:N)(?13:n)(?14:U)(?15:u)(?16:Y)(?17:y)/g}
Is there any more efficient way of doing this? Preferably one that won't cause ST3 to crash ;)
Here are some example strings:
Flygande bæckasiner søka hwila på mjuka tuvor
Åke Staël hade en överflödig idé
And the results (with the current, working regex):
But I would like to also replace the characters (ÇçÝÿý) with their unaccented counterparts (CcYyy) so that e.g.
Comment ça va
I don't know this syntax, but I suspect that the problem comes from the too many optional groups combined with a lot of alternatives that cause a too complex processing.
So you can try to design your pattern like this, and you can add other groups of letters in the same way (take a look at the unicode table to find character ranges):
${1/([ \t_]+)|([À-Å])|([à-å])|([È-Ë])|([è-ë])|([Ì-Ï])|([ì-ï])|([Ò-ÖØ])|([ò-öø])|([Ù-Ü])|([ù-ü])|(Æ)|(æ)|(Œ)|(œ)|(Ñ)|(ñ)/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:E)(?5:e)(?6:I)(?7:i)(?8:O)(?9:o)(?10:U)(?11:u)(?12:AE)(?13:ae)(?14:OE)(?15:oe)(?16:N)(?17:n)/g}
if the lookahead feature is available you can improve this pattern to prevent non-accented characters to be tested with each alternatives:
${1/(?=[ \t_À-ÆÈ-ÏÑ-ÖØ-Üà-æè-ïñ-öø-üŒœ])(?:([ \t_]+)|([À-Å])|([à-å])|([È-Ë])|([è-ë])|([Ì-Ï])|([ì-ï])|([Ò-ÖØ])|([ò-öø])|([Ù-Ü])|([ù-ü])|(Æ)|(æ)|(Œ)|(œ)|(Ñ)|(ñ))/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:E)(?5:e)(?6:I)(?7:i)(?8:O)(?9:o)(?10:U)(?11:u)(?12:AE)(?13:ae)(?14:OE)(?15:oe)(?16:N)(?17:n)/g}
Note: Æ (Aelig) must be transliterated as AE (the same for Œ => OE)

EditPad: Need a regex that handles multiple possible data formats

First, I'm using EditPadPro for my regex cleaning, so any answers given should work within that environment.
I get a large spreadsheet full of data that I have to clean every day. I've managed to get it down to a couple of different regexes that I run, and this works... but I'm curious to see if it's possible to reduce down to a single regex.
Here is some sample data:
Here is how the above data needs to end up:
So, there are numerous rules, such as:
In cases of more than 2 underscores, the result needs to contain only the value immediately after the first underscore, and everything from the dash onwards.
In cases where the string contains "-ao-", "-ao1-", everything prior to the final numeric string should be removed.
If a question mark is present, everything from the mark onwards should be removed.
If the string contains "-sm-" or "-rad-", everything prior to those alpha strings should be removed.
If the string contains 2 underscores, averything after the first numeric string up to a dash
(if present) should be removed, and the string "sm-" should be prepended.
Additionally there is other data that must be left untouched, including but not limited to:
as well as many variations on this pattern of xxxxxx|yyyyy|zzzzz (and not always those string lengths)
This may be asking way too much of regex, I'm not sure as I'm not great with it. But I've seen some pretty impressive things done with it, so I thought I'd put this out to the community and see what you come back with.
Jonathan, I can wrap all of those into one regex, except the last one (where you prepend sm- to a string that does not contain sm). It is not possible in this context, because we cannot capture "sm" to reuse in the replacement, and because there is no "conditional replacement" syntax in EPP.
That being said, you can achieve what you want in EPP with two regexes and one macro to chain the two.
Here is how.
The solution below is tested in EPP.
Regex 1
Press Ctrl + Sh + F to enter Search / Replace mode
Enter the following Search and Replace in the appropriate boxes
At the top right of the Search bar, click the Favorite Searches pull-down, select "Add", give it a name, e.g. Regex 1
Regex 2
Same 1-2-3 steps as above.
Chaining Regex 1 and Regex 2
Top menu: Macros, Record Macro, give it a name.
Click the Favorite searches pulldown, select Regex 1
Hit Replace All.
Click the Favorite searches pulldown, select Regex 2
Hit Replace All.
Macros, Stop recording.
Whenever you want to do your sequence of replacements, pull it by name under the Macros menu.
Testing This
I have tested my "Jonathan macro" on your input. Here is the result:
Try this:
Toggle the Search Panel : SHIFT+CTRL+F
SEARCH: .*?((?:sm-|rad-)?(?:(?:\d+|[\w\.]+\/.*?))(?:-\w+)?$)
Click Replace All or Hit CTRL+ALT+F3
Check the image below:

Hunspell/Aspell data conversion to human-readable inflection list

Is there an easy way to generate a human-readable inflection list from Hunspell/Aspell dictionary data files?
For example, I'd like to generate the following outputs (for different languages):
book, books
book, books, booked, booking
go, goes, went, gone, going
I looked at the Hunspell/Aspell docs, but couldn't find an API call that would do this.
There is a method that the command line one does, but it doesn't output quite in the format you're looking for. You could also do this manually if you wanted though just by some simple scripting with regex.
The format of for each set of affixes is
Such that where TAG matches what follows what's behind the /in a given word in the .dicfile, you can do the following (presuming you've already stripped the word of the /...):
if($word =~ /$match$/) $word =~ s/$remove$/$replace/;
Notice the $ there matching the end-of-line/word. Adjust with ^ if it's a prefix.
There are three caveats:
The $match directly from the .aff file is in almost all cases equivalent to standard regex. There are minor variations such that if the match is something like [abc-gh], you'd be better to change it to (a|b|c|-|g|h) or [abcgh-] (hunspell doesn't use hyphen as a metacharacter) otherwise it'll be interpreted as [abcdefgh] (standard regex). For a negated character class, your options are to manually move the - to the end of the expression (e.g. [^a-df] to [^adf-] or to use negative look behinds.
If $replace is 0, then you should change it to an empty string.
If your result ends with /..., you need to reprocess it again because it has a double affix.
Be careful. By my rough calculations, the dictionary I'm working on could have more than 50 million words being formed (and I wouldn't be surprised if it hits beyond 100 million).