Translate accented to unaccented characters in Sublime Text snippet using regex - regex

I'm writing a ST3 snippet that inserts a \subsection{} with a label. The label is created by converting the header text to conform with the LaTeX standards for labels using a (rather lengthy) regular expression:
${1/(?:([ \t_]+)?|\b)(?:([ÅÄÆÁÀÃ])?|\b)(?:([åäæâàáã])?|\b)(?:([ÉÈÊË])?|\b)(?:([éèëê])?|\b)(?:([ÌÌÎÏ])?|\b)(?:([íìïî])?|\b)(?:([Ñ])?|\b)(?:([ñ])?|\b)(?:([ÖØÓÒÔÖÕ])?|\b)(?:([öøóòôõ])?|\b)(?:([ÜÛÚÙ])?|\b)(?:([üûúù])?|\b)/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:E)(?5:e)(?6:I)(?7:i)(?8:N)(?9:n)(?10O)(?11:o)(?12:U)(?13:u)/g}
Actually, I would like for it to be even longer. But if I add the extra groups that I would like, then ST3 crashes when I execute the snippet.
${1/(?:([ \t_]+)?|\b)(?:([ÅÄÆÁÀÃ])?|\b)(?:([åäæâàáã])?|\b)(?:([Ç])?|\b)(?:([ç])?|\b)(?:([ÉÈÊË])?|\b)(?:([éèëê])?|\b)(?:([ÌÌÎÏ])?|\b)(?:([íìïî])?|\b)(?:([Ñ])?|\b)(?:([ñ])?|\b)(?:([ÖØÓÒÔÖÕ])?|\b)(?:([öøóòôõ])?|\b)(?:([ÜÛÚÙ])?|\b)(?:([üûúù])?|\b)(?:([Ý])?|\b)(?:([ÿý])?|\b)/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:C)(?5:c)(?6:E)(?7:e)(?8:I)(?9:i)(?10:O)(?11:o)(?12:N)(?13:n)(?14:U)(?15:u)(?16:Y)(?17:y)/g}
Is there any more efficient way of doing this? Preferably one that won't cause ST3 to crash ;)
Here are some example strings:
Flygande bæckasiner søka hwila på mjuka tuvor
Åke Staël hade en överflödig idé
And the results (with the current, working regex):
But I would like to also replace the characters (ÇçÝÿý) with their unaccented counterparts (CcYyy) so that e.g.
Comment ça va

I don't know this syntax, but I suspect that the problem comes from the too many optional groups combined with a lot of alternatives that cause a too complex processing.
So you can try to design your pattern like this, and you can add other groups of letters in the same way (take a look at the unicode table to find character ranges):
${1/([ \t_]+)|([À-Å])|([à-å])|([È-Ë])|([è-ë])|([Ì-Ï])|([ì-ï])|([Ò-ÖØ])|([ò-öø])|([Ù-Ü])|([ù-ü])|(Æ)|(æ)|(Œ)|(œ)|(Ñ)|(ñ)/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:E)(?5:e)(?6:I)(?7:i)(?8:O)(?9:o)(?10:U)(?11:u)(?12:AE)(?13:ae)(?14:OE)(?15:oe)(?16:N)(?17:n)/g}
if the lookahead feature is available you can improve this pattern to prevent non-accented characters to be tested with each alternatives:
${1/(?=[ \t_À-ÆÈ-ÏÑ-ÖØ-Üà-æè-ïñ-öø-üŒœ])(?:([ \t_]+)|([À-Å])|([à-å])|([È-Ë])|([è-ë])|([Ì-Ï])|([ì-ï])|([Ò-ÖØ])|([ò-öø])|([Ù-Ü])|([ù-ü])|(Æ)|(æ)|(Œ)|(œ)|(Ñ)|(ñ))/(?1:-)(?2:A)(?3:a)(?4:E)(?5:e)(?6:I)(?7:i)(?8:O)(?9:o)(?10:U)(?11:u)(?12:AE)(?13:ae)(?14:OE)(?15:oe)(?16:N)(?17:n)/g}
Note: Æ (Aelig) must be transliterated as AE (the same for Œ => OE)


How can I create a Regex that matches and transforms a period delimited path?

I am using den4b Renamer to rename a lot of files that follow a specific pattern. The program allows me to use RegEx: (
I am stuck trying to conjure up an expression for a specific pattern.
My current RegEx:
Expression: ^(com\.)(([\w\s]*\.){0,4})([\w\s]*)$
Replace: \L$1\L$2\u$4
Note: \L and \u transform the sub-expression to upper and lower case as defined in the table below:
Here are a few example strings so you can get an idea of the input:
Android File Transfer.svg
Angular Console.svg
Blackmagic Fusion8.svg
Broken Sword.svg
Browser360 Beta.svg
Btsync GUI.svg
Buttercup Desktop.svg
Calibre EBook Edit.svg
Calibre Viewer.svg
Call Of Duty.svg
com.GitHub.Plugarut.Pwned Checker.svg
com.GitHub.Plugarut.Wingpanel Monitor.svg
com.GitHub.Rickybas.Date Countdown.svg
com.GitHub.Themix Project.Oomox.svg
com.GitHub.Unrud.Remote Touchpad.svg
com.GitHub.Unrud.Video Downloader.svg
com.GitHub.Weclaw1.Image Roll.svg
com.Rafaelmardojai.Share Preview.svg
com.Rafaelmardojai.Webfont Kit Generator.svg
Distributor Logo Antix.svg
Distributor Logo Archlabs.svg
Distributor Logo Dragonflybsd.svg
Drweb GUI.svg
For this question I am focused on the strings that begin with
Since I can't only target those names in Renamer, the expression has to "play nice" with the other input file names and correctly leave them alone. That's why I've prefixed my expression with ^(com\.)
What I want:
Transform the entire string to lower case except for the last period separated part of the string.
Strip white space from the entire string.
For instance:
Original: com.GitHub.Alcadica.Develop.svg
After my Regex: com.github.alcadica.Develop.svg
What I want: com.github.alcadica.Develop.svg
This specific file is correctly renamed. What I'm having trouble with are names that have spaces in any part of the string. I can't figure out how to strip whitespace:
Original: com.Belmoussaoui.Read it Later.svg
After my Regex: com.belmoussaoui.Read it Later.svg
What I want: com.belmoussaoui.ReaditLater.svg
Here is a hypothetical example because I couldn't find a file with more than four parts. I want my pattern to be robust enough to handle this:
Original: com.Shatteredpixel.Another Level.Next.Pixel Dungeon.svg
After my Regex: com.shatteredpixel.another Dungeon.svg
What I want:
Note that since I'm not using any kind of programming language, I don't have access to common string operations like trim, etc. I can, however, stack expressions. But this would create more overhead and since I am renaming thousands of files at a time I'd ideally like to keep it to one find/replace expression.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I can provide any more information to make this more clear.
I got it to work with the following rules:
Really inefficient, but it works. (Thanks to Jeremy in the comments for the idea)

regex: I want to check whether any english dictionary words are present in my text file

I have text file with more sanskrit words. But inbetween there are some english sentences by mistake. Its very big file and difficult to scroll and check. So is there a way using regex i can find any matching english dictionary words in that file
duñkaraà me babhüvätra
tvädåçaà mäna-bhaïjanam
ato 'tra muralé tyaktä
lajjayaiva mayä priyä
aho bata mayä tatra
kåtaà yädåk sthitaà yathä
tad astu kila düre 'tra
nirvaktuà ca na çakyate
The situation there cannot even be described here.
ekaù sa me tad vraja-loka-vat priyas
tädåë mahä-prema-bhara-prabhävataù
vakñyaty adaù kiïcana bädaräyanir
maj-jévite çiñya-vare sva-sannibhe
çré-parékñid uväca
etädåçaà tad vraja-bhägya-vaibhavaà
samrambhataù kértayato mahä-prabhoù
punas tathä bhäva-niveça-çaìkayä
In the above tex i The situation there cannot even be described here. So is there any easy way to search out whether there are any english dictionary words.
I am using linux. So any command is fine. But prefer using regex.
If each 'Sanskrit' word always has a special character like 'ù', then you could check against a regex of a word (\w+).
Since this is not the case for words like 'priyas', you would have to check each word in a data store that holds all the English words. Unfortunately, you cannot check for a valid English word any other way.
A faster search could be done using a trie.
I am not familiar with the Unicode of Linux. But I can provide you some directions.
According to Wiki, Sanskrit characters belongs to Devanagari Unicode block.
Devanagari Unicode block is on A8E0— A8FF. You can find here.
You may need tools to convert to UTF8 such as this tool.
Set up the Regex condition excluding Devanagari Unicode block.
Regex demo
This will be easier to find English sentences.

Hunspell/Aspell data conversion to human-readable inflection list

Is there an easy way to generate a human-readable inflection list from Hunspell/Aspell dictionary data files?
For example, I'd like to generate the following outputs (for different languages):
book, books
book, books, booked, booking
go, goes, went, gone, going
I looked at the Hunspell/Aspell docs, but couldn't find an API call that would do this.
There is a method that the command line one does, but it doesn't output quite in the format you're looking for. You could also do this manually if you wanted though just by some simple scripting with regex.
The format of for each set of affixes is
Such that where TAG matches what follows what's behind the /in a given word in the .dicfile, you can do the following (presuming you've already stripped the word of the /...):
if($word =~ /$match$/) $word =~ s/$remove$/$replace/;
Notice the $ there matching the end-of-line/word. Adjust with ^ if it's a prefix.
There are three caveats:
The $match directly from the .aff file is in almost all cases equivalent to standard regex. There are minor variations such that if the match is something like [abc-gh], you'd be better to change it to (a|b|c|-|g|h) or [abcgh-] (hunspell doesn't use hyphen as a metacharacter) otherwise it'll be interpreted as [abcdefgh] (standard regex). For a negated character class, your options are to manually move the - to the end of the expression (e.g. [^a-df] to [^adf-] or to use negative look behinds.
If $replace is 0, then you should change it to an empty string.
If your result ends with /..., you need to reprocess it again because it has a double affix.
Be careful. By my rough calculations, the dictionary I'm working on could have more than 50 million words being formed (and I wouldn't be surprised if it hits beyond 100 million).

Range of UTF-8 Characters in C++11 Regex

This question is an extension of Do C++11 regular expressions work with UTF-8 strings?
#include <regex>
if (std::regex_match ("中", std::regex("中") )) // "\u4e2d" also works
std::cout << "matched\n";
The program is compiled on Mac Mountain Lion with clang++ with the following options:
clang++ -std=c++0x -stdlib=libc++
The code above works. This is a standard range regex "[一-龠々〆ヵヶ]" for matching any Japanese Kanji or Chinese character. It works in Javascript and Ruby, but I can't seem to get ranges working in C++11, even with using a similar version [\u4E00-\u9fa0]. The code below does not match the string.
if (std::regex_match ("中", std::regex("[一-龠々〆ヵヶ]")))
std::cout << "range matched\n";
Changing locale hasn't helped either. Any ideas?
So I have found that all ranges work if you add a + to the end. In this case [一-龠々〆ヵヶ]+, but if you add {1} [一-龠々〆ヵヶ]{1} it does not work. Moreover, it seems to overreach it's boundaries. It won't match latin characters, but it will match は which is \u306f and ぁ which is \u3041. They both lie below \u4E00
nhahtdh also suggested regex_search which also works without adding + but it still runs into the same problem as above by pulling values outside of its range. Played with the locales a bit as well. Mark Ransom suggests it treats the UTF-8 string as a dumb set of bytes, I think this is possibly what it is doing.
Further pushing the theory that UTF-8 is getting jumbled some how, [a-z]{1} and [a-z]+ matches a, but only [一-龠々〆ヵヶ]+ matches any of the characters, not [一-龠々〆ヵヶ]{1}.
Encoded in UTF-8, the string "[一-龠々〆ヵヶ]" is equal to this one: "[\xe4\xb8\x80-\xe9\xbe\xa0\xe3\x80\x85\xe3\x80\x86\xe3\x83\xb5\xe3\x83\xb6]". And this is not the droid character class you are looking for.
The character class you are looking for is the one that includes:
any character in the range U+4E00..U+9FA0; or
any of the characters 々, 〆, ヵ, ヶ.
The character class you specified is the one that includes:
any of the "characters" \xe4 or \xb8; or
any "character" in the range \x80..\xe9; or
any of the "characters" \xbe, \xa0, \xe3, \x80, \x85, \xe3 (again), \x80 (again), \x86, \xe3 (again), \x83, \xb5, \xe3 (again), \x83 (again), \xb6.
Messy isn't it? Do you see the problem?
This will not match "latin" characters (which I assume you mean things like a-z) because in UTF-8 those all use a single byte below 0x80, and none of those is in that messy character class.
It will not match "中" either because "中" has three "characters", and your regex matches only one "character" out of that weird long list. Try assert(std::regex_match("中", std::regex("..."))) and you will see.
If you add a + it works because "中" has three of those "characters" in your weird long list, and now your regex matches one or more.
If you instead add {1} it does not match because we are back to matching three "characters" against one.
Incidentally "中" matches "中" because we are matching the three "characters" against the same three "characters" in the same order.
That the regex with + will actually match some undesired things because it does not care about order. Any character that can be made from that list of bytes in UTF-8 will match. It will match "\xe3\x81\x81" (ぁ U+3041) and it will even match invalid UTF-8 input like "\xe3\xe3\xe3\xe3".
The bigger problem is that you are using a regex library that does not even have level 1 support for Unicode, the bare minimum required. It munges bytes and there isn't much your precious tiny regex can do about it.
And the even bigger problem is that you are using a hardcoded set of characters to specify "any Japanese Kanji or Chinese character". Why not use the Unicode Script property for that?
Oh right, this won't work with C++11 regexes. For a moment there I almost forgot those are annoyingly worse than useless with Unicode.
So what should you do?
You could decode your input into a std::u32string and use char32_t all over for the matching. That would not give you this mess, but you would still be hardcoding ranges and exceptions when you mean "a set of characters that share a certain property".
I recommend you forget about C++11 regexes and use some regular expression library that has the bare minimum level 1 Unicode support, like the one in ICU.

Using preg_replace/ preg_match with UTF-8 characters - specifically Māori macrons

I'm writing some autosuggest functionality which suggests page names that relate to the terms entered in the search box on our website.
For example typing in "rubbish" would suggest "Rubbish & Recycling", "Rubbish Collection Centres" etc.
I am running into a problem that some of our page names include macrons - specifically the macron used to correctly spell "Māori" (the indigenous people of New Zealand).
Users are going to type "maori" into the search box and I want to be able to return pages such as "Māori History".
The autosuggestion is sourced from a cached array built from all the pages and keywords. To try and locate Māori I've been trying various regex expressions like:
Which also returns page titles containing "Moorings" but not "Māori". How does preg_match/ preg_replace see characters like "ā" and how should I construct the regex to pick them up?
Use the /u modifier for utf-8 mode in regexes,
You're better of on a whole with doing an iconv('utf-8','ascii//TRANSLIT',$string) on both name & search and comparing those.
One thing you need to remember is that UTF-8 gives you multi-byte characters for anything outside of ASCII. I don't know if the string $page_title is being treated as a Unicode object or a dumb byte string. If it's the byte string option, you're going to have to do double dots there to catch it instead, or {1,4}. And even then you're going to have to verify the up to four bytes you grab between the M and the o form a singular valid UTF-8 character. This is all moot if PHP does unicode right, I haven't used it in years so I can't vouch for it.
The other issue to consider is that ā can be constructed in two ways; one as a single character (U+0101) and one as TWO unicode characters ('a' plus a combining diacritic in the U+0300 range). You're likely just only going to ever get the former, but be aware that the latter is also possible.
The only language I know of that does this stuff reliably well is Perl 6, which has all kinds on insane modifiers for internationalized text in regexps.