How to deploy from Cloud9 to EC2? - amazon-web-services

I have my app developed in Cloud9, and I would like to use the terminal with GIT commands to deploy my app to a EC2 instance. The objective is to make the app run in the EC2 instance.
Is it necessary to deploy the app to a EC2 instance, or is it already in a EC2 instance and I just have to open the URL of the app?
My cloud9 environment is in a region and my EC2 Instance is in another region (I'm telling this just in case it changes something in the process).
I already did it to Heroku, but I can't see how does it work to a EC2 instance.
Thank you very much !

If you want to deploy your app to an EC2 instance from the Cloud9 console, you have a couple of options. Please note, you only need to use one of these options, not all of them. I would generally recommend option #1 for your case based on your original question.
Use AWS amplify instead of EC2 (Amplify is Amazon's version of Heroku)
Use the AWS CDK client, and specifically, you'll want to look at Instance and either utilize userData or CodeBuild to build your app and deploy to EC2.
Use the AWS client to deploy Cloudformation templates (this is the lower-level version of option #2 and will require more boilerplate)
Connect your Git repository to AWS CodePipeline and run a CI/CD flow to deploy it to EC2 on every commit to the main/master branch (this is fairly complicated)
The most important thing to understand is that Cloud9 is simply an IDE (integrated development environment) that is deployed to an EC2 instance that is managed by AWS (not you). Cloud9 is not a tool for actually deploying code (you'll need to use one of the options I mentioned above for that).


What's the easiest way to deploy a a Multiservices Spring/Python project on the AWS?

I have created a Multiservices Spring/Python project. What's the easiest way to deploy it on the AWS cloud with 4 machines?
You can use multiple Services to achieve the same :
ElasticBeanstalk: If you have you code then you upload it on ElasticBeanstalk and any newer version just upload it on the Beanstalk and choose the deployment method it will automatically be deployed on the machine. You can choose the whatever number of instances you want to spin along with LoadBalancer and more.
Documentation here
CodePipeline: Have your code pushed into CodeCommit or Github or S3 and let it use CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy to deploy it on your EC2 server.
Documentation here
CloudFormation: This service you can use to spin up your services just through code. It is called Infrastructure as Code. Write code and spin up the instances.
Documentation here

Remote update ec2 instance with docker image

I have a release of my project. I build a docker image and deploy it on an ec2 instance.
Later, when I have a new release, I would like update the docker on ec2 remotely (without accessing the machine, just executing some service).
Is there a way how to do it without ECS and ElasticBeanstalk?
If it's not possible can I somehow re-run the cfn-init script?
My Research
You can manage your instances remotely (i.e. make changes without manually SSHing into the instance and typing commands) by using any of the many system management services out there. AWS offers Simple Systems Manager (SSM) of which the Run Command you linked is part. AWS also offers the OpsWorks service which uses Chef. You also have other products like Ansible and SaltStack, and you can optionally integrate the use of those services with the AWS SSM service.

how to deploy code form bitbucket to amaozn EC2 server

I have created a laravel application and now i have push my code to a staging server.
In my amazon AWS account I have created an EC2 server, simple way to do this, and find it confusing.
I want to run this project on server.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
You can use startup script on your EC2.
Your startup script should do the following steps:
1-Install requirement software or services in the new machine.
2-Download or clone latest your app code from git and build it if necessary.
3-Download other assets or software or data from the S3 bucket.(Java, Tomcat, or WARs)
4-Start and configure services.
You should strongly consider using the AWS CodeDeploy service to manage the deployment of code on your instance.
It is easy to setup, and the service itself is free; you pay for instance usage only.

Deploying to EC2 instances behind a load balancer; PHPStorm + GitHub

I know this has been partially answered in a bunch of places, but the answers are so.. all over the map, dated and not well explained. I'm looking the best practice as of February 2016.
The setup:
A PHP-based RESTful application service that lives in an EC2 instance. The EC2 instance uses S3 for uploaded user data (image files), and RDS MySql for its DB (these two points aren't particularly important.)
We develop in PHPStorm, and our source control is GitHub. When we deploy, we just use PHPStorm's built-in SFTP deployment to upload files directly to the EC2 instance (we have one instance for our Staging environment, and another for our Production environment). I deploy to Staging very often. Could be 20 times a day. I just click on a file in PHPStorm and say 'deploy to Staging', which does the SFTP transfer. Or, I might just click on the entire project and click 'deploy to Staging' - certain folders and files are excluded from the upload, which is part of PHPStorm's deployment configuration.
Recently, I put our EC2 instance behind a Load Balancer. I did this so that I can take advantage of Amazon's free SSL offering via the Certificate Manager, which does not support individual EC2 instances.
So, right now, there's a Load Balancer with only a single EC2 instance behind it. I maintain an Elastic IP pointing to the EC2 instance so that I can access it directly (see my current deployment method above).
I have not yet had the guts to create additional (clone) EC2 instances behind my Load Balancer, because I'm not sure how I should be deploying to them. A few ideas came to mind, but they're all pretty hacky.
Given the scenario above, what is currently the smoothest and best way to A) quickly deploy a codebase to a set of EC2 instances behind a Load Balancer, and B) actually 'clone' my current EC2 instance to create additional instances.
I haven't been able to really paint a clear picture of the above in my head yet, despite the fact that I've gone over a few (highly technical) suggestions.
You need to treat your EC2 instance as 100% dispensable. Meaning, that it can be terminated at any time and you should not care. A replacement EC2 instance would start and take over the work.
There are 3 ways to accomplish this:
Method 1: Each deployment creates a new AMI image.
When you deploy you app, you deploy it to a worker EC2 instance whose sole purpose is for "setup" of your app. Once the new version is deployed, you create a fresh AMI image from the EC2 instance and update your Auto Scaling launch configuration with the new AMI image. The old EC2 instances are terminated and replaced with the new code.
New EC2 instances have the recent code already on them so they're ready to be added to the load balancer.
Method 2: Each deployment is done to off-instance storage (like Amazon S3).
The EC2 instances will download the recent code from Amazon S3 and install it on boot.
So to put the new code in action, you terminate the old instances and new ones are launched to replace them which start using the new code.
This could be done in a rolling-update fashion, or as a blue/green deployment.
Method 3: Similar to method 2, but this time the instances have some smarts and can be signaled to download and install the code.
This way, you don't need to terminate instances: the existing instances are told to update from S3 and they do so on their own.
Some tools that may help include:
Methods 2 & 3 both start with a "basic" AMI which is configured to pull the webpage assets from S3. This AMI is not changed from version-to-version of your website.
For example, the AMI can have Apache and PHP already installed and on boot it pulls the .php website assets from S3 and puts them in /var/www/html.
CloudFormation works well for this. In addition, for method 3, you can use cfn-hup to wait for update signals. When signaled, it'll pull updated assets from S3.
Another possibility is using Elastic Beanstalk which could be used to manage all of this for you.
To have your AMI image pull from Git, try the following:
Setup an EC2 instance with everything installed that you need to have installed for your web app
Install Git and setup a local repo ready to Git pull.
Shutdown and create an AMI of your instance.
When you deploy, you do the following:
Git push to GitHub
Launch a new EC2 instance, based on your AMI image.
As part of the User Data (specified during the EC2 instance launch), specify something like the following:
cd /git/app
git pull
; copy files from repo to web folder
composer install
When done like this, that user data acts as a script which will run on first boot.

AWS CodeDeploy?

My app is created using elastic-beanstalk aws service, do I need to use the AWS CodeDeploy service to deploy my app?
Currently I just do:
eb deploy myApp
Then, a new application version is deployed without using AWS CodeDeploy.
So, AM I doing something wrong?
Elastic beanstalk do it on your behalf. During deployment process you define some polices and roles, which defines elastic beanstalk will call these services on your behalf. Codedeploy is one of that services.
Elasticbeanstalk does automation of your process only and setup thet whole deployment environment for you (php,nginx/apache in case of web), if you look /opt/elasticbeanstalk/, you can see codedeploy folder there, which means that you do not need to do it manually.
AWS code deploy is different workaround and provides more controlling. How you want your changes to be pushed, is it to be pushed on all instances an once or one by one, minimum number of healthy instances.
Check here-
You can update the your application with new version. CLI as follows
$eb deploy --version
You are not doing anything wrong. EB Deploy will enable you to deploy your apps being served from Elastic Beanstalk. AWS Code Deploy on the other hand is more flexible & gives you more control, you can for example, deploy apps you are serving from EC2 thats not being managed by Elastic Beanstalk.
With AWS you can for example deploy to multiple environments ie development, staging, production.
Elastic Beanstalk and CodeDeploy are totally different AWS services and independent of each other and follow different deployment approaches.
What you're doing is totally correct to deploy a new version of your code.
AWS elastic-bean-stalk itself has the nice capability for deploying applications nicely.You dont need to use aws code deploy again.It will be superflous.You can use beanstalk tools itself to deploy the code.
AWS CodeDeploy is a building block service focused on helping developers deploy and update software on any instance, including Amazon EC2 instances and instances running on-premises.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk (as well as AWS OpsWorks btw) are end-to-end application management solutions.
When it comes to deploying new software release on Beanstalk, you better use the own deployment process provided to you by Beanstalk.
eb deploy myApp