AWS CodeDeploy? - amazon-web-services

My app is created using elastic-beanstalk aws service, do I need to use the AWS CodeDeploy service to deploy my app?
Currently I just do:
eb deploy myApp
Then, a new application version is deployed without using AWS CodeDeploy.
So, AM I doing something wrong?

Elastic beanstalk do it on your behalf. During deployment process you define some polices and roles, which defines elastic beanstalk will call these services on your behalf. Codedeploy is one of that services.
Elasticbeanstalk does automation of your process only and setup thet whole deployment environment for you (php,nginx/apache in case of web), if you look /opt/elasticbeanstalk/, you can see codedeploy folder there, which means that you do not need to do it manually.

AWS code deploy is different workaround and provides more controlling. How you want your changes to be pushed, is it to be pushed on all instances an once or one by one, minimum number of healthy instances.
Check here-

You can update the your application with new version. CLI as follows
$eb deploy --version

You are not doing anything wrong. EB Deploy will enable you to deploy your apps being served from Elastic Beanstalk. AWS Code Deploy on the other hand is more flexible & gives you more control, you can for example, deploy apps you are serving from EC2 thats not being managed by Elastic Beanstalk.
With AWS you can for example deploy to multiple environments ie development, staging, production.

Elastic Beanstalk and CodeDeploy are totally different AWS services and independent of each other and follow different deployment approaches.
What you're doing is totally correct to deploy a new version of your code.

AWS elastic-bean-stalk itself has the nice capability for deploying applications nicely.You dont need to use aws code deploy again.It will be superflous.You can use beanstalk tools itself to deploy the code.

AWS CodeDeploy is a building block service focused on helping developers deploy and update software on any instance, including Amazon EC2 instances and instances running on-premises.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk (as well as AWS OpsWorks btw) are end-to-end application management solutions.
When it comes to deploying new software release on Beanstalk, you better use the own deployment process provided to you by Beanstalk.
eb deploy myApp


How to deploy from Cloud9 to EC2?

I have my app developed in Cloud9, and I would like to use the terminal with GIT commands to deploy my app to a EC2 instance. The objective is to make the app run in the EC2 instance.
Is it necessary to deploy the app to a EC2 instance, or is it already in a EC2 instance and I just have to open the URL of the app?
My cloud9 environment is in a region and my EC2 Instance is in another region (I'm telling this just in case it changes something in the process).
I already did it to Heroku, but I can't see how does it work to a EC2 instance.
Thank you very much !
If you want to deploy your app to an EC2 instance from the Cloud9 console, you have a couple of options. Please note, you only need to use one of these options, not all of them. I would generally recommend option #1 for your case based on your original question.
Use AWS amplify instead of EC2 (Amplify is Amazon's version of Heroku)
Use the AWS CDK client, and specifically, you'll want to look at Instance and either utilize userData or CodeBuild to build your app and deploy to EC2.
Use the AWS client to deploy Cloudformation templates (this is the lower-level version of option #2 and will require more boilerplate)
Connect your Git repository to AWS CodePipeline and run a CI/CD flow to deploy it to EC2 on every commit to the main/master branch (this is fairly complicated)
The most important thing to understand is that Cloud9 is simply an IDE (integrated development environment) that is deployed to an EC2 instance that is managed by AWS (not you). Cloud9 is not a tool for actually deploying code (you'll need to use one of the options I mentioned above for that).

Deploy webapp to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using Jenkins Pipeline

I've manually deployed my web application to AWS EBS. We use to normally have a jenkins pipeline which deployed the app to tomcat server running on AWS using mvn tomcat8:redeploy-only -Ddeploy.address=xx.xx.xx.xx:port
How do you deploy to AWS EBS with Jenkins, at the moment I'm having to upload the war file each time we have an update.
Any help is much appreciated.
I haven't tried, but there is a Jenkins plugin for Elastic Beanstalk.
Alternatively, you could install elb cli in your Jenkins nodes to manage your environments.
I used AWS Beanstalk publisher jenkins plugin which allowed me to set up post-build actions which was the answer. You need to specify S3 bucket in the settings of where your app will be deployed to and set up version labelling. Thanks for kgiannakakis for referring this to me.
A good video I used can be found here: deploy war file to aws ebs

What's the easiest way to deploy a a Multiservices Spring/Python project on the AWS?

I have created a Multiservices Spring/Python project. What's the easiest way to deploy it on the AWS cloud with 4 machines?
You can use multiple Services to achieve the same :
ElasticBeanstalk: If you have you code then you upload it on ElasticBeanstalk and any newer version just upload it on the Beanstalk and choose the deployment method it will automatically be deployed on the machine. You can choose the whatever number of instances you want to spin along with LoadBalancer and more.
Documentation here
CodePipeline: Have your code pushed into CodeCommit or Github or S3 and let it use CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy to deploy it on your EC2 server.
Documentation here
CloudFormation: This service you can use to spin up your services just through code. It is called Infrastructure as Code. Write code and spin up the instances.
Documentation here

Jenkins: Deploy application to an EC2 instance

I've been working on a cloud formation template for my environment. I end up with a
Subnet x2
Autoscaling group
Launch configuration (EC2 instances on AWS Linux AMI)
Application load balancer
Codedeploy (for deployments)
But I incurred problem with CodeDeploy configuration with Cloud Formation, as not all features are possible for EC2 instances. After configuring manually CodeDeploy, I get an error while deploying such as "too few unhealthy instances" after which created instances are not destroyed even if rollback is enabled. I'm using right now only one EC2 instance for application, but planning in future to scale.
Is there an alternative for CodeDeploy? I'm interested to trigger deploy from Jenkins Machine.
For above your requirements, I strongly suggest that using aws elastic beanstalk is better way to deploy codes to aws. Because we could manage those in elastic beanstalk and for code deployment, use codeship is also better way to mange deployment integrated with github instead of aws code deployment.
Ensure that you have assigned the correct IAM role for the EC2 instance by going to the "Instance Settings". This will ensure that your deployment occurs smoothly without throwing that error.
You can also configure the deployment to EC2 using CodeDeploy through jenkins.
Steps to follow:
AWS CodeDeploy:
Create a new CodeDeploy application.
Enter a suitable application name and choose "EC2/On premises" as the compute pleatform.
Add a deployment group under the application. For eg: "test".
Choose in-place deployment.
Add service role as "Codedeploy development".
This will allow codedeploy to interact with other AWS services.
Choose a suitable deployment configuration preferably : "OneAtATime"
if deploying to a single EC2 instance.
Environment configuration :
Choose the EC2 instance in which you want to deploy the application
On Jenkins, create a job with a suitable application name.
In the "Post Build Action" section, click on "Add Post Build Action"
Jenkins - post build configuration
Choose : "Deploy an application to AWS CodeDeploy"
Enter the CodeDeploy and S3 details in the section
S3 bucket will contain all the builds which is used to deploy onto EC2 using Codedeploy

Automation using AWS Elastic Beanstalk vs AWS CodeDeploy

I am using AWS Elastic Beanstalk and have deployed my nodejs app on it. Now I want to automate this process i.e committing changes to Github and then automatically reflecting those changes in app. Now I have two options, use whether Elastic Beanstalk or using Code Deploy.
I have searched on both services,
I can automate using deployBot with elastic beanstalk or using
jenkins plugin for automation (AWS Elastic Beanstalk Deployment
Plugin) for elastic beanstalk.
Also found this link to automate:
I can also use AWS CodeDeploy service for automation to deploy my app on EC2
instances using CodeCommit , code pipeline.
In case of code deploy I can also do by using this:
Now both services can be used , but which one is more suitable to use. That will automate my process whether using AWS Elastic Beanstalk or AWS Code Deploy.
The biggest difference is, that:
CodeDeploy is the service that deploys your application to the existing EC2 instance(s). It does not take into account LoadBalancing or scaling etc.
ElasticBeanstalk is more of the PaaS service, that provides you all the wrapping you need to scale your application so you don't need to worry about the DevOps aspect. Like monitoring, scaling etc.
I found this image to describe the differences nicely. Including as well OpsWorks:
If you want to read more about differences of CodeDeploy, Elastic Beanstalk or OpsWorks, check out AWS own document:
The answer is very simple. ElasticBeanstalk offers cookie-cutter automated deployments based on a set of AWS common practices. CodeDeploy is broadly configurable and customizable.
You should use ElasticBeanstalk until you find a use case that cannot be resolved without using CodeDeploy (two use cases suggested by the AWS Documentation posted by Maksim Luzik are deploying to EC2 instances managed internally by your organization and deploying to EC2 instances for third-party integration).
Use the second option instead of using third party tools as AWS platform is supporting to deploy your app using git or bitbucket using python based scripts.
I have worked with both tools and both are great for respective jobs. I found ElasticBeans task convenient but lesser flexible when It comes to work with custom platforms.
I am using codeDeploy in my current application. I decided so because of following use cases.
I am using debian based platform. Elastic BeansTalks does not offer that platform in its default list of available platforms. So what's the point if I need to create custom AMI.
I I have 2 type of applications built on the top of same code base. One is Web and other executes couple of queues in the background. I need to release same code on both type of applications so that's why I found codeDeploy does better job.