OpenSearch Dashboard report downloading errors - amazon-web-services

Currently have issues with AWS Opensearch dashboard.
Can't download the AWS OpenSearch dashboard as either PDF or PNG
Created Opensearch dashboard and need to download as PDF. After i click the reporting tab next to "EDIT" Generate Reports appears with Download PDF and PNG. But after i click the PDF OR PNG It keeps refreshing and cant download.
What is the Difference between "Row" and "Formatted" Download excels on dashboard. Both are downloaded as CSV files. Any differences between them?

We are facing the same issue and the AWS has communicated to us that their developers are working on a fix.
As a short cut, the CLI mentioned here is being suggested to be used

I was also facing same problem while downloading reports in Opensearch .
Issue is there are some additional libraries required to run the report extraction in headless mode. I installed required dependencies and issue is resolved.
Please refer this link


Google Cloud Build Step Logs Not Viewable in Console

I am not able to view Google Cloud Build logs in the console. For each step that I click on I cannot see the associated logs in the Build Log window on the right (see picture). This occurs with both the Build Summary and each detail step. The only way to view these logs is to click View Raw, but that is only a great workaround.
Another issue is that each build step status (Success/Failure) is only populated at the end of the entire build process, as opposed to updating after each step.
Is anybody also experiencing this or have suggestions to rememdy this issue? My browser is Google Chrome Version 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Experience shows that there can be adverse interactions between Chrome Plugins and a variety of websites that have rich content or streaming (such as Google's Console). If something seems odd, try and create a new Chrome profile or try running in incognito mode and see if that resolves the issue. If it does, you can incrementally add (or remove) the plugins until you find the one that is causing problems. If you do find the culprit plugin, consider posting that as a comment to others on what you find.
As per the documentation, if you’re storing your build logs in logging, you won’t be able to see them in the cloud build page, instead you will be able to see them in the Logging page(i.e. Operations logging).
To view the build in Cloud Build page in the Cloud Console, if your build logs are present in the Google-created Cloud Storage bucket, grant the Project Viewer role on the project but if your build logs are in a user-specified Cloud Storage bucket, grant the Storage Object Viewer role. And for more information, consider looking at the documentation.
Your second point is an expected behaviour, please look here.
Adding on Kolban's answer above, one of the Chrome extensions that interfered is Imagus. Uninstalling / disabling it should fix the problem.
Another Chrome extension that seems to cause the problem is "Dark Mode". My version is 0.4.2 on Chrome version 96.0.4664.110 and disabling this and refreshing the Build Detail page restored the build log listing.

AWS Step Functions Graph Export API

With regards to the AWS Step Functions graph, is there a way to export/download it programmatically?
I want to automate the downloading of the image below.
I'm posting this feedback incase someone else runs into a similar issue. I decided to extract the Step Functions graph related code from the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and create a small react library to embed in a web page.
Here is the link to my library #tshepomgaga/aws-sfn-graph.
With this library in-hand, I can set up a small web app to load the AWS States Language JSON from a server and render the graph on a page.
Using a library like Puppeteer I can run a headless automation to download the graph image from the web app.
That is my solution in a nutshell but I would have preferred to call an API from AWS to download the image.
You can use AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio Code and the state machine will render right in your IDE.
State machine graph visualization

Update (re-deploy) existing azure webjob

I created an on-demand webjob. In the management portal there is no option to upload a new zip, to update it.
I can delete the existing webjob and create a new one, but I would like to keep my logs.
Is there any way to re-deploy it, overriding the old version, maintaining the logs?
You can connect to the website where the webjob is at via FTP and update the necessary files without erasing your log files.
You can get the credentials to connect via FTP from the Publish Profile.
Added screenshot to find credentiales easier per Erik's comment
You can also use your website's debug console at:
There you get a file explorer in your browser where you can drag/drop files (even zips that will be extracted into your website).
In the file browser go to d:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\jobs\triggered\jobname
Some more info about this at:

SharePoint-hosted Task pane app not authenticating

I have an Office 365 E3 account where I'm trying to deploy a Word task pane app that will read some SharePoint list data. Right now, I'm just trying to get the task pane app to load, however, it shows the Office 365 login page (in the pane) but does not do anything after clicking Login.
I went through the instructions provided here:
Basically, I create an App for SharePoint configured as SharePoint-hosted, then in the same project, added an App for Office (Task Pane App for Word only). The SharePoint app also has a custom document library.
I am able to install the app to my App Catalog, and it correctly shows up in Site Contents where I see it being provisioned to the app web. I can also launch Word 2013 with the Trusted App Catalog configured correctly, and I am able to see my Task Pane App and insert it. When I click Insert, it loads it but prompts for credentials.
I am using the same credentials all throughout this exercise so by virtue of being able to install and deploy the SharePoint app, you can trust that I'm providing the right credentials.
It also appears the custom document library is never created - I wonder if both suffer from the same underlying issue.
I encountered the same problem and the solution provided in the answer below did not help.
After some desparation i created a taskpane app using the Napa Cloud App, opened the application in Visual Studio and went looking for differences.
In the Taskpane app manifest.xml file i found the following entries which were missing in my own application manifest:
This solved my problem and cured one horrible friday.
I was able to get this to work. It turns out doing a Deploy from Visual Studio (whether you right-clicked Deploy or F5-debug), the installation of the app isn't enough.
To make it work, I skipped doing a Deploy all together, but instead published my app. I then took the .app file and loaded it in my App Packages folder, and then deployed it from there.
Unfortunately, I don't know the difference between the two, but I'm assuming it has something to do with provisioning the app web for the Office App.

AWS java project creation error

I have installed aws plugins from
While creating aws java project, next and finish buttons are not enabling.
While opening eclipse, I am getting below errors.
Couldn't read regions file,
Failed to cache regions file,
Unable to check status of AWS SDK for Java download and Unable to refresh security groups: Unable to execute HTTP request: peer not authenticated.
The problem is,your AWS SDK is not installed and updated properly . Just click on >Help in eclipse and then click on >Installation Details and from that reinstall AWS Eclipse plugin .
Please make sure that url of plugin is appropriated for your eclipse version.
It will solve your problem.
Try using a new workspace and you will be good to go.
Let know if the problem still persists.