how do I build a new proxyv2 image as some of the envoy code modified? It seems that the official documentation does not have a particularly detailed introduction.
Try this from the Istio Github repo's:
Does anyone have a working link for the docs for Google Cloud pipeline components. The link in the github page under "ReadTheDocs page" is broken. Tried some other tutorial notebooks, such as this one, the link under "The components are documented here." seems to be broken too.
The link is up now.
Pipelines support KFP (Kubeflow pipeline) and TFX (Tensorflow Extended) definitions. You have documentation here
You can find useful resources here especially this notebook
We're looking to leverage the Neptune Gremlin client library to get load balancing and refreshes automatic.
There is a blog article here:
This is also a repo containing the code here:
However, the artifacts aren't published anywhere. Is it still possible to do this? Ideally, we avoid vendoring the code into our codebase since we would then forefeit updates.
The artifacts for several of the tools in that repo can be found here.
I am currently using puckel airflow but now the apache airflow image is also available.
Which one is better and reliable. And given I need to start from scratch, which option would be better?
Official. Puckel is no longer updated
I started with puckel airlfow but as Javier mentioned its no longer updated. Last updated version was 1.10.9. Its easier to start with this image and following updates and mimicking required behaviours from official docker image you can build on it.
What would be the general guidance on versioning when building a docker image using Google Cloud Builder?
I am specifically interested in the situation when the build is triggered by a code commit. Should the image tag reflect the version (as recommended by Kubernetes API)? If it should, how to achieve that?
In your configuration, you can specify the image as (for example)$PROJECT_ID/my-image:${REVISION_ID}, and it will have a tag corresponding to the revision of the commit that triggered the build.
For documentation on the substitution syntax, see
We would like to use a continuous integration tool for our django project. Would like to know if there are any options which will allow us to run this in a cloud environment or locally.
I am sure you must have started using one of the tool, though you can configure django-jenkins to do Continuous integration.
Here are the configuration steps documentation. Hope it helps!
you can use husdon for CI
Recently I found this one, but, in my opinion, $129/month minimal plan is too much.