Error with modules gumdrop-cli.ts metaplex - blockchain

I've been testing metaplex and wanted to try testing gumdrop, I downloaded the gumdrop repo from here and tried running it but it didn't work. I then placed it inside the original metaplex folder (~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop) as I thought that would maybe fix it but I now run into this error:
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes, diagnostics);
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts:4:10 - error TS2305: Module '"commander"' has no exported member 'program'.
4 import { program } from 'commander';
~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts:11:8 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '#aws-sdk/client-sesv2' or its corresponding type declarations.
11 } from '#aws-sdk/client-sesv2';
~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts:13:26 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'discord.js' or its corresponding type declarations.
13 import * as discord from 'discord.js';

copying the repo into the old location is not correct. It only causes those package issues that you saw.
To make the gumdrop cli work you
need to have yarn installed.
Should run yarn install in the packages/cli folder
Run the cli with ts-node


include sympy library into chaquo

include sympy python packages into Chaquopy:
I started with the example python provided by Chaquopy available at github ( for Android studio 3.0.1.
Than I created 2 wheel files from the sympy source () files, based on python 3.6.3, see the below files that wheel generated:
I tried to install the above files into the build.gradle of the demo example from 1., for testing purposes I tried some of there own wheel files (that process succeeded), but could not install my own wheel files.
I am fairly certain that the local wheel files that I generated are placed in the proper directory, because if I change the directory in the gradle file it complains that it cannot find the file.
I included the wheel files in the build.gradle(Module:app) file as follows:
python {
// Enable and edit the following line if "python" is not on your PATH.
// buildPython "C:/Python27/python.exe"
version "3.6.3"
// Android UI demo
pip {
install "Pygments==2.2.0" // Also used in Java API demo
pip {
install "wheels/mpmath-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl"
// install "wheels/sympy-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl"
// install "numpy==1.9.2"
// install "numpy==1.14.0"
When created the build gradle generates the following error:
sympy-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
Exit status 1
:app:generatePy2DebugPythonRequirements FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:generatePy2DebugPythonRequirements'.
Process 'command 'python'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Get more help at
7 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 6 up-to-date
Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
sympy and mpmath have now been added to the Chaquopy wheel repository (, so you don't need to build your own anymore.
Did some further investigation and did see that I somehow compiled for Py2, while my wheel files where version 3 changing this resulted in a correct executable.
It did run into a different issue, while the mpmath module could be imported into the interactive python console (part of the demo app), the sympy module gave an error:
ModuleNotFoundError: no module named 'distutils'
Let me know if anyone ran into a similar problem!

Error in generating signed apk

I am getting an error while trying to generate a signed apk for my ionic application. I followed the steps from
Below is the error image:
Can someone tell the root cause behind this error.
I had this issue literally yesterday. I believe there has been an update to Google Messaging Service (GMS). Are you using the plugin Background Geolocation cordova-background-geolocation OR PushWoosh plugin (pushwoosh-cordova-plugin)?
I have not received a permanent fix (I believe the guys in charge need to update their plugin), but a temporary fix is to navigate to {projectname}-build.gradle.
You should see a line along the following lines:
dependencies {
compile ''
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.1'
compile 'org.greenrobot:eventbus:3.0.0'
compile(name:'tslocationmanager', ext:'aar')
// logback-android
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21'
compile 'com.github.tony19:logback-android-core:1.1.1-6'
compile('com.github.tony19:logback-android-classic:1.1.1-6') {
exclude group: '', module: 'android'
Change the top line so instead of 11+, it becomes 11.2.0.
If not, comment which plugins you are using please.
I found a new plugin today which can be used precisely for this, cordova-google-api-version:
You can install it by running the following:
cordova plugin add cordova-google-api-version#latest --save

Alamofire- getting 'No such module' error after successful Pod install

Xcode 8, Swift3, cocoapods 1.1+, ios10
I'm getting error - No such module. Below is my pod file and steps I followed. I even looked at same issues from previous versions and solutions mentioned in other threads didn't work.
Fresh, brand new Xcode 8 project.
Added Alamofire to my Podfile:
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target ‘weatherkaka’ do
pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0'
Ran the command $ pod install
Install worked fine, and project compiles via workspace file
Opened xcworkspace file
Import: import AlamoFire
I get the error: "No such module: Alamofire".
What am I missing?
Note: I've done clean, re-open Xcode, clean more, re-compile etc. I've added the Alamofire framework to Linked Frameworks and Build phases.
You might get this error for the first time but try to run that project once and it might go away. Also you can command+click the import Alamofire and check that it points to the Alamofire.
You must be using projectName.xcworkspace not the xcodeproj.

Ionic2 build demos not working

I want to build the demos from the forked Ionic 2 repository. when I run 'gulp'
I get the following errors on my terminal:
ERRROR: Command failed: node --max_old_space_size=8096 /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/.bin/ngc -p /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/demos/tsconfig.json
Error: Error at /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/#types/protractor/index.d.ts:22:27: Module 'webdriver' has no exported member 'IButton'.
Error at /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/#types/protractor/index.d.ts:25:24: Module 'webdriver' has no exported member 'IKey'.
Error at /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/#types/protractor/index.d.ts:28:45: Property 'Error' does not exist on type 'typeof error'.
I installed 'typings install selenium-webdriver but it doesn't help. Maybe some other typings are missing ...
Anybody got a clue about this ?

koji build : 'no package found for'

I'm using a koji to build a package. In error, it's saying:
Error: Package: pacemaker-cluster-libs-1.1.10-14.el6.x86_64 (build)
What does it exactly mean?
'' is in the package 'cluster'. Then I built the clusterlib, and add it into my build, but didn't fix the problem after I put 'cluster' into 'BuildRequires' since another problem 'no package found for cluster' came out.
I think I'm not on the correct track.
I didn't fix it, but did some work around to avoid it. It's '.so', so I don't think the python module I build really need it here. So I commented it out from the spec file. and Just ensure I have these packages installed at the server before I install the new python module.