Ionic2 build demos not working - ionic2

I want to build the demos from the forked Ionic 2 repository. when I run 'gulp'
I get the following errors on my terminal:
ERRROR: Command failed: node --max_old_space_size=8096 /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/.bin/ngc -p /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/demos/tsconfig.json
Error: Error at /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/#types/protractor/index.d.ts:22:27: Module 'webdriver' has no exported member 'IButton'.
Error at /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/#types/protractor/index.d.ts:25:24: Module 'webdriver' has no exported member 'IKey'.
Error at /Users/luki/Applications/ionic-fork/ionic/node_modules/#types/protractor/index.d.ts:28:45: Property 'Error' does not exist on type 'typeof error'.
I installed 'typings install selenium-webdriver but it doesn't help. Maybe some other typings are missing ...
Anybody got a clue about this ?


Error with modules gumdrop-cli.ts metaplex

I've been testing metaplex and wanted to try testing gumdrop, I downloaded the gumdrop repo from here and tried running it but it didn't work. I then placed it inside the original metaplex folder (~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop) as I thought that would maybe fix it but I now run into this error:
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes, diagnostics);
TSError: тип Unable to compile TypeScript:
~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts:4:10 - error TS2305: Module '"commander"' has no exported member 'program'.
4 import { program } from 'commander';
~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts:11:8 - error TS2307: Cannot find module '#aws-sdk/client-sesv2' or its corresponding type declarations.
11 } from '#aws-sdk/client-sesv2';
~/metaplex/js/packages/gumdrop/packages/cli/src/gumdrop-cli.ts:13:26 - error TS2307: Cannot find module 'discord.js' or its corresponding type declarations.
13 import * as discord from 'discord.js';
copying the repo into the old location is not correct. It only causes those package issues that you saw.
To make the gumdrop cli work you
need to have yarn installed.
Should run yarn install in the packages/cli folder
Run the cli with ts-node

Can't run ember test

After many successful times running ember test and ember test -s, I can't run either of them on a specific project. The only thing I can think of that happened since it last ran successfully is that crashed while ember test -s was running.
Now when I run ember test -s on that project, I always get this error:
Global error: Error: Assertion Failed: The initializer 'container-debug-adapter' has
already been registered at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 38210
Global error: Error: Assertion Failed: The tests file was not loaded. Make sure your
tests index.html includes "assets/tests.js". at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 38210
Error: Assertion Failed: The initializer 'container-debug-adapter' has already been
registered at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 38210
Error: Assertion Failed: The tests file was not loaded. Make sure your tests
index.html includes "assets/tests.js". at http://localhost:7357/assets/vendor.js, line 38210
If I try running ember test -s on a different project, it works fine. So it seems to me that there must be something untracked by git that is sitting somewhere in the project folder that causes this problem.
Ember: 3.14.1
Ember CLI:
I solved the problem by deleting node_modules and package-lock.json and then running npm install.
I wish that I understood what could cause this and why reinstalling all of my dependencies would fix it.

Error: Module build failed: Error: Couldn't find preset "react-app" relative to directory "/[project] frontend"

I am following the tutorials to create a react app using create-react-app.
There were a number of dependencies that didn't get installed when loading the webpack-dev-server.
I get the following error when I try to npm run start.
What does this mean and can anyone tell me what is needed to fix it?
Module build failed: Error: Couldn't find preset "react-app" relative to directory "/[Proeject folder]/frontend"
run npm install babel-preset-react-app

{Yocto} "opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package <package_name>." Errors

I am working with YOCTO project and running into the problem that made the build progress fail. The failure was at a last task do_rootfs
Below is the error log:
ERROR: Unable to install packages. Command '/home/yocto/Work/skrzg1h_iWg21m_QtHmi/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/opkg-cl -f /home/yocto/Work/skrzg1h_iWg21m_QtHmi/build/tmp/work/iwg21m-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-weston/1.0-r0/opkg.conf -o /home/yocto/Work/skrzg1h_iWg21m_QtHmi/build/tmp/work/iwg21m-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-weston/1.0-r0/rootfs --force_postinstall --prefer-arch-to-version install locale-base-en-us locale-base-en-gb' returned 255:
Unknown package 'locale-base-en-us'.
Unknown package 'locale-base-en-gb'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package locale-base-en-us.
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package locale-base-en-gb.
ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/yocto/Work/skrzg1h_iWg21m_QtHmi/build/tmp/work/iwg21m-poky-linux-gnueabi/core-image-weston/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_rootfs.31252
ERROR: Task 7 (/home/yocto/Work/skrzg1h_iWg21m_QtHmi/build/../poky/meta/recipes-graphics/images/, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 5097 tasks of which 5096 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
No currently running tasks (5096 of 5098)
Summary: 1 task failed:
/home/yocto/Work/skrzg1h_iWg21m_QtHmi/build/../poky/meta/recipes-graphics/images/, do_rootfs
If you guys already run into this problem also, kindly support me how to fix this.

Error when building frama-clang: Unbound module Parameter_sig

I downloaded frama-clang from here, installed opam and used it to install Ocaml 2.02.3. Then I built frama-c Aluminium (which went fine) and following that I ran ./configure and then make.
In the latter step, I get an error saying:
File "frama_Clang_option.mli", line 26, characters 22-42:
Error: Unbound module Parameter_sig
make: *** [frama_Clang_option.cmi] Error 2
I've been googling for hours now but I didn't find out how to install that (seemingly) missing module Parameter_sig. I am sure I have installed every required software (llvm, ocaml etc.) so what is missing and how can I solve that problem?