How to run Custom Rails Plugin as seperate Rails Application? - ruby-on-rails-4

We have a customized plugin from gem. We need to run it locally like Rails Application and provide that URL in another Application. How can we run the plugin in any port?


Can I host a dynamic Flask application on GitHub pages?

I have a web app made with Flask and I want to host it on GitHub pages. However, GitHub pages can't run Python apps, and I can't use something like Frozen-Flask because my app is dynamic.

Angular django rest framework integration

How to serve angular using Django server?
I don't want to host two different server for angular and Django. How to do it with a single django server?
I have developed frontend application using angular 6 and backend using DRF. I am running django server in the back end and using ng serve command to run angular application.
To achieve this, you should serve your Angular project in production mode. This is a must have if you seriously deploy your project to the world, Angular will optimize the bundle to make UX better than on development mode.
And also for Django project, you should deploy it using gunicorn or uwsgi and using nginx as a reverse proxy (reference this gist) for your application.
Hope that helps!

How to add a second web app with jetty alongside with geoserver?

I deployed the Platform Independent Binary of GeoServer on ubuntu. To launch geoserver, I would just run this script /usr/share/geoserver/bin/
So no jetty is actually installed. Geoserver web app can be accessbile via http://localhost:8080/geoserver/web
I wonder how I can configure a second web app which takes this path http://localhost:8080/upload/index.html
Ideally, I would like python and perhaps PHP are supported.
Any tips is appreciated. Thanks.
You can add any other war files to geoserver_dir/webaps/ and Jetty will unpack and run them like any other servlet.
I have no idea how you would add python and PHP to that set up. Maybe you would be better off looking at running tomcat and apache and using the GeoServer war file there.

Ember Inspector won't detect application using Grunt

I'm currently digging into Ember.js, using Yeoman as an automation tool for project deployment. Since Grunt is already included in Yeoman, I'm using it to fire up a Grunt Server everytime I'm working on my project.
I just started my very first Ember.js project using Yeoman when I realized, that Chrome's Ember Inspector Extension isn't able to detect my application as an Ember.js app when I'm running my Grunt Server at localhost. I've already checked the "Allow access to file URLs" option within the Extension settings, still no detection.
When I work on the project without running the Grunt Server, Ember Inspector detects my application immediately.
Any solution how I can use the Inspector while running Grunt?
Change your grunt to run on port 80.
Honestly it might be a problem localhost not being allowed with the extension, but I have a hard time believing that. Can't connect to localhost from Chrome extension

Sencha Touch 2 Development on a Linux Server

Main Question: Is it possible to do all development for a Sencha Touch 2 web app on a Linux server?
I have a Linux server already hosting/running a decent size Django web application for the company I work for and want to build a web app for use on iPads in the field (the web app would only have a small amount of functionality for field crews). Ideally, I would be able to do all the development for this web app on the linux server, and not on my personal Windows computer.
I can't find anything that shows how one would set up such a scenario. Do I put the SDK files in my Django project directory? Would they go in an app directory within my Django directory? How do I set up the apache server to manage the Sencha Touch app?
The Sencha "Getting Started" guide shows code for what looks like a Linux type shell (they say to change to the ST directory by doing cd ~/webroot/sencha-touch-2.0.00gpl/ <- that looks like Linux command line, no?)
Anyone have any guides, information, tutorials, tips about thi