I am working on a project that includes opencv headers, but I just can't get YouCompleteMe to find them. So autocomplete is not working and I am getting some very ugly highlighting:
OpenCV is installed in /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2 on my PC (running Ubuntu 20.04). I'm using the generic .ycm_extra_conf.py from YCM and I have added the following lines to flags[]:
flags = [
But this is not working for me. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? Many thanks in advance.
I have netbeans IDE v8.2 . Im trying to create a C++ project. I dont have cygwin, but I have already installed MinGW, inside it, i have msys-make.bin, mingw32-gcc-g++.bin. Also, when i installed mingw, it came with nysys 1.0.
This is the tools options table:
However, it keep sending the message "no shell found. Cannot proceed. Please install either cygwin or mysys".
What is the solution for this?
We can solve it if we set as environment variables MinGW (C:\MinGW\bin) and MySYS (C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin).
This is my current setup:
#john I think that i solved it. Yes, minGW has msys 1.0, but i installed mysys standalone version in c:\ and netbeans worked with it. It now seems to work. Thanks.
I am using Eclipse IDE, Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) to build a project. I am trying to use google protocol buffers. But I don't know how to use protoc to compile .proto files and then how to use the source code to build my project. I have downloaded compiler and source code from https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/downloads
But how to integrate it with Eclipse IDE, I have no clue. As I am a beginner in protobuf, it will be a great help to me if someone could explain it step by step that how to use the protoc compiler and source code in eclipse.
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to replace the Arduino IDE with the Arduino Eclipse plugin.
After downloading everything needed and trying to compile even the simplest "Hello World" - Program I get the following error in eclipse:
When calling:
which avr-gcc
in terminal it returns the correct directory, no problems here.
Arduino eclipse plugin V2 (Eclipse Marketplace)
Arduino IDE 1.6 (newest from homepage)
Ubuntu 14.10
Eclipse Luna
From Eclipse > Properties of project > Environment > add the variable A.RUNTIME.TOOLS.AVR-GCC.PATH
You could use XDAQ that provides a scientific ecosystem of powerfull tools with Arduino IDE + Eclipse Luna C++. See more here: XDAQ
You must do some configuration at Eclipse(project). In Eclipse are a Plugin fpr AVR, too.
Here are some links to tutorials, which can help to solve your problem:
If you understand german:
Download arduino 1.6.0 and point your eclipse arduino ide path to that. 1.6.1 to 1.6.3 don't work with the plug in.
I just solved the same problem on my all newly installed laptop ...
Ubuntu 15.04 "vivid"
Arduino 1.6.5
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 4.5.0
AVR Eclipse plugin 2.4.1
Arduino eclipse extensions
I used this video guide to install
I haven't tryed the #misteralex solution but if it work's it's cleaner than mine :-/
In my case, all avr binary are stored in /usr/bin, but Eclipse tool chain wants to use then from /bin . I want to create some links to do the substitution without moving binaries. But there is 28 binaries and I'm a little lazy so I use the commandline to create them :
cd /bin
for ff in `ls /usr/bin/avr-*` ; do ln -s $ff $(echo $ff | awk -F "/" '{ print $4 }') ; done
Now verify command from Eclipse give "Finished building target" message !
I have installed the latest versions of OpenCV and Eclipse CDT, but not able to make OpenCV to be used within Eclipse CDT.
Any ideas on how can I do that?
Thanks a lot.
What platform?
See http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/EclipseOpenCVLinux ?
Otherwise you generally run cmake in the top of the opencv source dir and select the compiler you want, for Eclipse that's possibly mingw (unless there is an eclipse specific version)
I have installed the latest versions of OpenCV and Eclipse CDT, but not able to make OpenCV to be used within Eclipse CDT.
Any ideas on how can I do that?
Thanks a lot.
You have to manually setup Eclipse.
Check this blog post.