Celery queue length doesn't match Redis keys - google-cloud-platform

I'm using Celery workers in Google Kubernetes Engine and Redis as a broker. I'd like to be able to scale my Celery GKE deployment based on the number of queued tasks in Celery. I'm able to do this using Horizonal Pod Autoscale using an external metric (redis.googleapis.com/keyspace/keys), but the metric itself isn't reporting like I expected it to.
I can use this code to get the current length of the Celery queue:
with celery_app.pool.acquire(block=True) as conn:
I can also use Google Cloud Monitoring to look at the number of keys in Redis. I expected these numbers to match, but they do not. The number of keys in Redis is very few, usually around 10 keys, with occasional spikes up to hundreds or a thousand keys that last only a couple minutes. However, running the code above very often reports a queue length in the thousands, even when Redis is reporting only ten or so keys.
Clearly I'm misunderstanding how Redis and Celery interact, and I'm hoping someone can enlighten me. I'd also love to get suggestions on how to scale GKE pods based on Celery queue length, if using the Redis key count metric is wrong. Thanks!


How should I pull from Pub/Sub using Compute Engine MIGs

In my personal case, Pub/Sub's pushes to a Python service on Cloud Functions are being unfeasible due to it's short timeout. So the idea of having a container-based managed instance group of Compute Engine instances sounds good, these instances can scale up/down based on Pub/Sub pending task count metrics. These machines' containers would run Python code on startup, the given code would PULL Pub/Sub and process the pulled job accordingly.
Contextualization aside, the question is: Is it a good idea? Are there any gotchas? As there would be several machines at scale, how could I guarantee that a same given 'queued task' would not be picked and have it's processing started on more than one of these machines? I know about ACKs, but ACKs should just be emitted when the task ends successfully, isn't it? What strategy to use to prevent the initially mentioned and other problems?

Custom metrics from celery workers into prometheus

I have a few celery workers running in containers under kubernetes. They are not auto-scaled by celery and each run in a single process (i.e. no multiprocessing). I would like to get a bunch of different metrics from them into prometheus. I've looked at celery-prometheus-exporter (unmaintained) and celery-exporter but they are focused on metrics at celery level rather than app metrics inside of the celery workers.
It looks like two options would be either to find some hacky way to get app level metrics to celery-prometheus-exporter which then would make them available to prometheus OR to use pushgateway.
Which is better, or maybe there's another option I missed?
Just use the default client and let it run the http server in a thread.

How to use Google Cloud PubSub and Run to handle resource-intensive long-running tasks?

I've got a Google Cloud PubSub topic which at times has thousands of messages and at times zero messages coming in. These messages represent tasks which can take upwards of an hour each. Preferably I'm able to use Cloud Run for this, as it scales really well to the demand, if a thousand messages gets published, I want 100s of Cloud Run instances to spin up. These Run instances get started by a push subscription. The problem is that PubSub has a 600 second timeout for the acknowledgement. This means in order to have Cloud Run process these messages they have to finish within 600 seconds. If they do not, PubSub times it out, and sends it again, causing the task to be restarted until the first task finally does acknowledge it (this causes the same task to be ran many times). Cloud Run acknowledges the messages by returning a 2** HTTP status code. The documentation states
When an application running on Cloud Run finishes handling a request, the container instance's access to CPU will be disabled or severely limited. Therefore, you should not start background threads or routines that run outside the scope of the request handlers.
So is it maybe possible to acknowledge a PubSub request through code and continue the processing, without having Google Cloud Run hand over the resources? Or is there a better solution I'm unaware of?
Because these processes are so code/resource-intensive, I feel Cloud Functions will not suffice. I've looked at https://cloud.google.com/solutions/using-cloud-pub-sub-long-running-tasks and https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/gcp/how-google-cloud-pubsub-supports-long-running-workloads. But these didn't answer my question.
I've looked at Google Cloud Tasks, which might be something? But the rest of the project has been built around PubSub/Run/Functions, so preferably I stick with that.
This project is written in Python.
So preferably I would like to write my Google Cloud Run tasks like this:
#app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def index():
"""Endpoint for Google Cloud PubSub messages"""
pubsub_message = request.get_json()
logger.info(f'Received PubSub pubsub_message {pubsub_message}')
if message_incorrect(pubsub_message):
return "Invalid request", 400 #use normal NACK handling
# acknowledge message here without returning
# ...
# Do actual processing of the task here
# ...
So how can or should I solve this, so that the the resource-intensive tasks get properly scaled on demand ( so a push PubSub subscription ). And the tasks only get executed once.
In short what has been answered. Cloud Run and Functions are just not suited for this problem. There is no way to have them do tasks that take longer than 9 or 15 minutes respectively. The only solution is to switch over to another Google Service and use a pull style subscription and lose out on auto-scaling of GC Run/Functions
Cloud Run on GKE can handle long process, more CPU and memory than available on managed platform. However, you have a GKE cluster always running and you loose the "pay-as-you-use" benefit.
If you want to use this solution, don't link directly PubSub push subscription to your Cloud Run on GKE. Use Cloud Task with HTTP job for this. The timeout is longer than PubSub (up to 24h instead of 10 min) and the retry policies are customizables.
Neither Cloud Functions nor Cloud Run is sufficient for arbitrarily long running operations. Cloud Functions has a hard cap of 9 minutes per invocation, and Cloud Run caps at 60. If you need more time, you're going to have to delegate the work to another product, such as Google Compute Engine. It should be possible to kick off some Compute Engine work from one of the serverless products.
Give the limits of pubsub acks, you'll probably have to find a way for a client to be able to poll or listen to some resource to find out when the work is actually done. You could use a database for that, and Cloud Firestore lets you listen to documents to find out when they change. So you could use that to track the status of your long-running work.

How to fix CloudRun error 'The request was aborted because there was no available instance'

I'm using managed CloudRun to deploy a container with concurrency=1. Once deployed, I'm firing four long-running requests in parallel.
Most of the time, all works fine -- But occasionally, I'm facing 500's from one of the nodes within a few seconds; logs only provide the error message provided in the subject.
Using retry with exponential back-off did not improve the situation; the retries also end up with 500s. StackDriver logs also do not provide further information.
Potentially relevant gcloud beta run deploy arguments:
--memory 2Gi --concurrency 1 --timeout 8m --platform managed
What does the error message mean exactly -- and how can I solve the issue?
This error message can appear when the infrastructure didn't scale fast enough to catch up with the traffic spike. Infrastructure only keeps a request in the queue for a certain amount of time (about 10s) then aborts it.
This usually happens when:
traffic suddenly largely increase
cold start time is long
request time is long
We also faced this issue when traffic suddenly increased during business hours. The issue is usually caused by a sudden increase in traffic and a longer instance start time to accommodate incoming requests. One way to handle this is by keeping warm-up instances always running i.e. configuring --min-instances parameters in the cloud run deploy command. Another and recommended way is to reduce the service cold start time (which is difficult to achieve in some languages like Java and Python)
I also experiment the problem. Easy to reproduce. I have a fibonacci container that process in 6s fibo(45). I use Hey to perform 200 requests. And I set my Cloud Run concurrency to 1.
Over 200 requests I have 8 similar errors. In my case: sudden traffic spike and long processing time. (Short cold start for me, it's in Go)
I was able to resolve this on my service by raising the max autoscaling container count from 2 to 10. There really should be no reason that 2 would be even close to too low for the traffic, but I suspect something about the Cloud Run internals were tying up to 2 containers somehow.
Setting the Max Retry Attempts to anything but zero will remedy this, as it did for me.

Cloud composer tasks fail without reason or logs

I run Airflow in a managed Cloud-composer environment (version 1.9.0), whic runs on a Kubernetes 1.10.9-gke.5 cluster.
All my DAGs run daily at 3:00 AM or 4:00 AM. But sometime in the morning, I see a few Tasks failed without a reason during the night.
When checking the log using the UI - I see no log and I see no log either when I check the log folder in the GCS bucket
In the instance details, it reads "Dependencies Blocking Task From Getting Scheduled" but the dependency is the dagrun itself.
Although the DAG is set with 5 retries and an email message it does not look as if any retry took place and I haven't received an email about the failure.
I usually just clear the task instance and it run successfully on the first try.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem?
Empty logs often means the Airflow worker pod was evicted (i.e., it died before it could flush logs to GCS), which is usually due to an out of memory condition. If you go to your GKE cluster (the one under Composer's hood) you will probably see that there is indeed a evicted pod (GKE > Workloads > "airflow-worker").
You will probably see in "Tasks Instances" that said tasks have no Start Date nor Job Id or worker (Hostname) assigned, which, added to no logs, is a proof of the death of the pod.
Since this normally happens in highly parallelised DAGs, a way to avoid this is to reduce the worker concurrency or use a better machine.
EDIT: I filed this Feature Request on your behalf to get emails in case of failure, even if the pod was evicted.