How can I expand the LearnPress course excerpt? - customization

I've asked Thimpress and they say it can't be done. I find that hard to imagine. I've tried (with a friend who knows what they are doing! LOL) changing the PHP using a Child Theme - no luck. I tried to edit the Customize settings for "Course Archive". The excerpt on the "customize" settings are already set to 55 words but only a few words show. Nothing changes the display. screenshot of the excerpt section I'm referring to


I want to redirect original Error Page. (Oracle APEX 21.1)

My professora :D
I don't want to create an error process for errors that would only appear when unlucky, e.g. "ORA-00055: maximum number of DML locks exceeded".
But if I don't do anything about it, APEX show the error log screen. I don't like that thing.
Is it possible to change the error screen in the settings within the Application?
For example, displays a message "Please wait some time and then execute again" with an image of a cute cat.
Thank you for your kindness that tried to answer my question.
And imagining a picture of a cute cat :)
Haven't done this myself since I'm not that fan of cute cats when I get errors in my application but this is how I would go about doing it.
In apex the look and feel of pages, regions, buttons, lists, etc is configured in templates. So if you want to change how something looks, templates is the place to look.
Look up what template is used for the error page. Navigate to "Shared Components > Themes > #your theme# > Component Defaults" and look for "Error Page".
In my case the value is "Standard" so that needs to be changed. Navigate to "Shared Components > Templates" and look for the Page template "Standard". Take a copy and name it "My template with Cat".
Modify the template to your needs. Add the cat picture here.
Modify the Component Default in step (1) from "Standard" to "My template with Cat"
Note that this will work for apex error only. If you are encountering ORDS errors, it will go to the default ORDS error page (no idea how to change that).

How to acess the html of a page on Microweber?

F‌irst of all, sorry for my bad english.
I started to use the Dream Template and I added some changes on the template files and in the custom.css to make the site like I want to.
But I am facing a problem.
Image of my actual navbar
This is how my menu looks like, the problem is that I need that 3 of the sub categories of the menu have each one a different background than the rest of them.
The 3 Sub-Categories I need to change
I need that these three be different from all the others, but how i do that if I don't see the menu on the HTML Editor, and I cannot edit that on the header.php of the template?
So Microweber Support have answered to me and showed me how to do it.
U can style using the data-item-id atribute on CSS (I never have learned about it)
So i will leave this topic here for people that can face the same problem than i haved.
Thanks a lot guys.

Joomla 3.8 switching templates/styles?

Okay, so I understand that you can set a template/style in a menu item which I understand. However.. What would you do in this situation..
The website uses two different templates/styles depending on what section of the website they are in.
What if you are in section 1 of the website and need to go to section 2 that uses a different style? And this action is controlled by a controller on if a condition is met.
I've managed to do this so far using $app->redirect and including the Menu Id so that joomla picks up the correct template/style to use. However this just seems wrong, as I can't determine the Menu Id once the component is installed elsewhere...
Doing the getView() approach to show a certain view seems like the correct procedure, however it doesn't allow me to change the template/style and will use the template/style from the original menu item.
Is there another method I don't know about? Does Joomla simply not have something in place for this? It's almost as if I need to change getView to accept a template/style parameter
They changed the name Template/Style to theme.
JFactory::getApplication()->set('theme', 'my_system');

opencart checkout not expand,just show the 6 steps

Hi i have problem with opencart,my checkout dont like to expand and to show register or login when you proces to buy the product just,show the 6 step whit out to expand,The buttons at the one-page checkout are not expanding. If u visit this link: u can see there is not button are not doing anything, so we cannot fill in any information or select any options. Is there a simple solution for this problem or is there bad coding behind those buttons?
kind regards
Well this looks like it could be anything.
First thing that comes to mind,have you added a Jquery library to the header.tpl file recetly? if you have,there's your problem.
Try some checkups to see where the issue is coming from
1:turn off the theme you are using and check the cart again
2:Turn off any new modules you have installed
3:check your error log,and see what you have there,dont forget to check the vqmod/logs
usually that area of opencart works without a its either some code you did,the theme you are using or a bad module
DO not forget to do a backup before you do anything

Track down where content comes from

Being new to Joomla I do not know all the tricks for troubleshooting etc. Currently I have a page that has a section of content on it. The content is created by DT Register but I've been through the CP several times and cannot find the section?
I hope someone is up and can share with me how to track down where pieces of content come from so I can find where this is being generated and change as needed.
The page in question is a DT Register form. I can locate and modify every section of the page EXCEPT one.
The section is titled USER INFORMATION and captures userid & password to create an account. Looking at the element in developer tools it would appear it is part of the dt register generated code but as I mentioned I can't find it.
The sandbox I am playing in is here:
The section is towards the top and is hard to read on the page...which is why I want to find it.
Thank you for any help or direction.
So unfortunately my question was poorly worded. I have no trouble at all getting the css changed. It is the origin of the content that I am really trying to track down. Where does it come from etc. Is there a way to detect if it came from an article, or a component, etc. I thought there might be clues as how to figure that out.
For troubleshooting issues like this, tools like Firebug or Web Inspector for Chrome and Safari are your go to tools. If you aren't already familiar with them you'll find lots of help online.
There is default body text styling of colour #D9A362 getting into your page from one of the stylesheets. I can't find the source quickly myself, though it's easy enough to write an override.
One place you could do this is open with a text editor. Below the existing body rule # line 7, add something like
This will fix the H2 text at the top of the page which you mention, plus the 'user information' line immeadiately above the form.
Hope this helps!
You have something which is writing the following style to your page head and this is the culprit:
body {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; line-height:21px; color:#D9A362; }
It's even on your home page so it's not necesaarily related to DT Register. To me it looks like it's coming from your menu extension.