Expo DateRange Picker - expo

I am installing react-native-daterange-picker for date range picker in expo but i am not able to install. I am new to React Native expo. Can anyone help me out yrr.
Error : Could not resolve dependency:
npm ERR! peer react#"^16.13.1" from react-native-daterange-picker#1.5.1


Ember build issue: "Cannot use the decorators and decorators-legacy plugin together"

I have recently encountered an issue with building my ember project with bitbucket pipelines:
+ ember build --environment="production"
Could not start watchman
Visit https://ember-cli.com/user-guide/#watchman for more info.
Environment: production
cleaning up
cleaning up...
Build Error (broccoli-persistent-filter:Babel > [Babel: ember-data]) in ember-data/adapters/json-api.js
Cannot use the decorators and decorators-legacy plugin together
I am currently using ember-cli version 3.8.1.
The issue occurs with all build environments, not just production.
What baffles me is that no new npm package or ember addon was added between last successful build and the ones that have been failing since - and now if I re-run the successful build, that will also fail.
I have gone back in the commit history to a commit that worked, then fast-forward into the present step-by-step - always deleting the node_modules and reinstalling the packages. It always works locally, but it will always fail when the pipeline is run.
I have also tried updating my docker image.
I have already gone through and tried the solutions listed here - but it seems like they have already been addressed in version 3.8.1.
Also, if it is any help, this is my bitbucket-pipelines.yml:
- step:
name: Building Ember Project
- npm install
- npm install firebase-tools
- ember build --environment="production"
- step:
trigger: manual
deployment: production
name: Deploy to Production
- firebase use prod
- firebase deploy --non-interactive --token ${FIREBASE_TOKEN}
Thank you all in advance!
This sounds like a sub-dependency changing on the fly under the hood. Do you have an npm or yarn lockfile commited as part of your repo? Lockfiles are specifically designed to keep from hitting snags like this
I have gone through the below errors,
Build error : “Cannot use the decorators and decorators-legacy plugin together”
Build error: 'relationshipStateFor' is not exported by -private\system\record-data-for.js
On browser got Expected store.createRecordDataFor to be implemented but it wasn't.
Reason for the above error is with ember-data addon and mismatch in ember-cli version installed for my project.
In your package.json, You might have defined ember-cli version( "ember-cli": "^3.11.0",) with ^ symbol this means it will install latest version which is less than the 4.0.0. So your ember-cli in node_modules might be installed to the latest version.
The above mentioned error is caused by the ember-cli version which was installed and pointed to 3.15.0. So I have removed the ^ and updated "ember-cli": "3.11.0", and removed node_modules and did npm install that solves the above problem.

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http already installed

I am new on Ionic Mobile application development, so I am trying to POST data from Ionic app. Whenever I have run the app in browser using
ionic cordova run browser
It display below issue in console,
Native: tried calling HTTP.post, but the HTTP plugin is not installed.
Install the HTTP plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http'.
I have installed same plugin using terminal but terminal give warnings as its already installed.
Please Suggest.
Based on this https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/http/ you also need to run
npm install --save #ionic-native/http
and referencing it correctly in your app, please take a look at above link
Also for running app in browser try below command
Ionic serve
See https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-native/issues/1975
The issue appears to have been fixed but there might be a lag in updating npm
I hade the same problem and I solve it with uninstall and reinstall the plugin
Uninstall plugin completely
ionic cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-advanced-http
npm uninstall #ionic-native/http
and reinstall it
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http
npm install #ionic-native/http
The Native Http plugin is the only way to handle the CORS from the client-side.
The way I see your problem, there might two possible fixes
Check whether the plugin is called after the platform.ready().
Even after it, if doesn't work or show the same error then follow this method.
// Declare cordova as a global constant
declare const cordova;
// directly call the cordova pulgin using "cordova.pulgin.http"
cordova.plugin.http.post(apiUrl, {}, {},
response => {},
response => {})

Error installing ember-cli-mocha

I'm trying to setup an EmberJS project using ember-cli. I want to be able to use Mocha/Chai instead of the default qunit, but I am getting an error at the first step on installing ember-cli-mocha.
I create the new ember project with ember new my-project and then from within the project folder I run ember install ember-cli-mocha, selecting Yes to overwrite the tests/test-helper.js.
In the output, immediately following the Installed browser packages via Bower. message I see:
Package ember-cli/ember-cli-test-loader=ember-cli/ember-cli-test-loader not found
I can't find any information on this directly. I've tried installing the various packages themselves, before the ember-cli-mocha package via npm and bower, but I always get that message when installing ember-cli-mocha through ember-cli.
Anyone else have experience with this? Thanks in advance!

how to install egit in zend studio 9.0.2 offline

install environment:
windows 7 64 bit/XP 32bit
zend stutdio 9.0.2
I want to use git in zend studio 9.0.2 .but my PC can not connect to the internet.so i download egit 3.1.0 package.i try to install this package in "install new software",but failed with error:
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Eclipse Git Team Provider (org.eclipse.egit.feature.group
Missing requirement: Git Team Provider UI (org.eclipse.egit.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.team.core [3.6.100,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Eclipse Git Team Provider (org.eclipse.egit.feature.group
To: org.eclipse.egit.ui []
can anyone help me?
This answer might be applicable to you: Can Install EGit: Missing requirement: Git Team Provider Core In other words, it is an internal version conflict between parts of Eclipse.

Build dashboard

Is there a build dashboard somewhere for the different carbon/wso2 releases?
I just checked out the 4.0.3 tag of carbon ( https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/tags/4.0.3)
and I was assuming tags are stable. But the build failed with the following error
The project org.wso2.carbon:SecVerifier:4.0.0
(/wso2/4.0.3/products/integration/security-verifier/pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to find
org.wso2.carbon:integration:pom:4.0.0 in http://people.apache.org/repo/m2-incubating
repository was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until
the update interval of apache-incubating has elapsed or updates are forced and
'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM # line 22, column 13 -> [Help 2]
Are these tags stable? I am using Maven 3.0.5 and Java 1.6
WSO2 build status dashboard can be found with continuous build too, Bamboo.
If you are trying to build something on a released branch, the easiest would be to build only that component, as for released versions, we have published maven repos with build artifacts.