Unable to connect cloudbuild to compute engine - google-cloud-platform

I want to execute a script which is in my compute engine using cloudbuild but somehow cloudbuild is not able to ssh into my vm , in my vm "OS LOGIN" is enabled and also have only internal ip.
here is my cloudbuild.yaml file
name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud' id: Update staging server entrypoint: /bin/sh args:
set -x &&
gcloud compute ssh vm_name --zone=us-central1-c --command='/bin/sh /pullscripts/pull.sh'
I am attaching my error pics
cloudbuild error page 1
cloudbuild error page 2
Also my question is , is it possible connect a vm using cloud sdk if "os login" is enabled.

You'll probably have to add the roles/iap.tunnelResourceAccessor role to the cloudbuild service account. Please read this Google documentation, which shows you what to do with a certain error code.
Error code 4033
Either you don't have permission to access the instance, the instance doesn't exist, or the instance is stopped.

in fact, you can use gcloudbuild to connect in any vm, just need a docker configuration and upload the files (private_key, scripts, etc). I've this repo to solve this problem: https://github.com/jmbl1685/gcloudbuild-vm-ssh-connect
I hope that the above help you

Try adding --internal-ip which looks like as follows:
gcloud compute ssh vm_name --zone=us-central1-c --internal-ip


Adding multiple scopes to a Compute Engine VM instance on Google Cloud not working

I'm trying to create a Compute Engine VM instance sample in Google Cloud that has an associated startup script startup_script.sh. On startup, I would like to have access to files that I have stored in a Cloud Source Repository. As such, in this script, I clone a repository using
gcloud source repos clone <repo name> --project=<project name>
Additionally, startup_script.sh also runs commands such as
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json --iam-account <account>
which creates .json credentials, and
EXTERNAL_IP = $(gcloud compute instances describe sample --format='get(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)' --zone=us-central1-a)
to get the external IP of the VM within the VM. To run these commands without any errors, I found that I need partial or full access to multiple Cloud API access scopes.
If I manually edit the scopes of the VM after I've already created it to allow for this and restart it, startup_script.sh runs fine, i.e. I can see the results of each command completing successfully. However, I would like to assign these scopes upon creation of the VM and not have to manually edit scopes after the fact. I found in the documentation that in order to do this, I can run
gcloud compute instances create sample --image-family=ubuntu-1804-lts --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --metadata-from-file=startup-script=startup_script.sh --zone=us-central1-a --scopes=[cloud-platform, cloud-source-repos, default]
When I run this command in the Cloud Shell, however, I can either only add one scope at a time, i.e. --scopes=cloud_platform, or if I try to enter multiple scopes as shown in the command above, I get
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.create) unrecognized arguments:
Adding multiple scopes as the documentation suggests doesn't seem to work. I get a similar error when use the scope's URI instead of it's alias.
Any obvious reasons as to why this may be happening? I feel this may have to do with the service account (or lack thereof) associated with the sample VM, but I'm not entirely familiar with this.
BONUS: Ideally I would like to run the VM creation cloud shell command in a cloudbuild.yaml file, which I have as
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud'
entrypoint: gcloud
args: ['compute', 'instances', 'create', 'sample', '--image-family=ubuntu-1804-lts', '--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud', '--metadata-from-file=startup-script=startup_sample.sh', '--zone=us-central1-a', '--scopes=[cloud-platform, cloud-source-repos, default]']
I can submit the build using
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
Are there any issues with the way I've setup this cloudbuild.yaml?
Adding multiple scopes as the documentation suggests doesn't seem to work
Please use the this command with --scopes=cloud-platform,cloud-source-reposCreated and not --scopes=[cloud-platform, cloud-source-repos, default]:
gcloud compute instances create sample --image-family=ubuntu-1804-lts --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --zone=us-central1-a --scopes=cloud-platform,cloud-source-reposCreated
sample us-central1-a n1-standard-1 RUNNING
Also consider #John Hanley comment.

Unable to SSH/gcloud into default Google Deep Learning VM

I created a new Google Deep Learning VM keeping all the defaults except for asking no GPU:
The VM instance was successfully launched:
But I cannot SSH into it:
Same issue when attempting to use with gcloud (using the command provided when clicking on the instance's arrow down button at the right of SSH):
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255].
VM instance details:
Turns out that the browser-based SSH client and browser-based gcloud client were disabled by my organization, this is why I couldn't access the VM. The reason I was given is that to allow browser-based SSH, one would have to expose the VMs to the entire web, because Google does not provide a list of the IPs they use for browser-based SSH.
So instead one can SSH into a GCP VM via one's local SSH client by first uploading one's SSH key using the GCP web console. See https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/connecting-advanced#linux-macos (mirror) for the documentation on how to use one's local SSH client with GCP.
Since the documentation can be a bit tedious to parse, here are the commands I run on my local Ubuntu 18.04 LTS x64 to upload my SSH key and connect to the VM:
If you haven't installed gcloud yet:
# https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install#linux (<- go there to get the latest gcloud URL to download via curl):
sudo apt-get install -y curl
curl -O https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-sdk-310.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xvf google-cloud-sdk-310.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
Once gcloud is installed:
# Connect to gcloud
gcloud auth login
# Retrieve one's GCP "username"
gcloud compute os-login describe-profile
# The output will be "name: '[some large number, which is the username]'"
# Create a new SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/gcp001 -C USERNAME
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/gcp001
# if you want to view the public key: nano ~/.ssh/gcp001.pub
gcloud compute os-login ssh-keys add --key-file ~/.ssh/gcp001.pub
gcloud compute ssh --project PROJECT_ID --zone ZONE VM_NAME
# Note that PROJECT_ID can be viewed when running `gcloud auth login`,
# which will output "Your current project has been set to: [PROJECT_ID]".
In order to connect to the VM Instance you will have to follow the guide from GCP and then set up the role with the necessary authorization under IAM & Admin.
Please do:
sudo gcloud compute config-ssh
gcloud auth login
Login to your Gmail account. Accept access of Google Cloud.
Later set project if not yet done:
gcloud config set project YOU-PROJECT-ID
Run gcloud compute ssh with all you need.
If you still have a problem, please remove this:
rm .ssh/google_compute_engine
Run gcloud compute ssh with all you need again and the issue should be solved!

kubectl get componentstatus Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp xx.xxx.xx.x:xxx: i/o timeout

While I'm trying to get the pods or node states, from Google Cloud Platform Cloud Shell, I'm facing this error? Can someone please help me? I can see the output of the "kubectl config view".
Posting this answer as community wiki for better visibility and the fact that the possible solution was posted in the comments:
Does this answer your question? Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o time out
Adding to that:
Below command:
$ kubectl config view
is used to show the configuration stored in your ./kube/config file. The fact that you can see the output of this command doesn't mean you have correct cluster configured to use with kubectl.
From the perspective of Google Cloud Platform and Cloud Shell
There is an official documentation regarding troubleshooting issues with GKE:
Cloud.google.com: Kubernetes Engine: Docs: Troubleshooting
There could be several reasons why you are getting following error:
You are referencing wrong cluster in your ~/.kube/config file.
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME --zone=ZONE - you will need to run this command to fetch the correct configuration
You can also get above command from the Kubernetes Engine page (Connect button)
You are referencing a cluster in your ~/.kube/config file that was deleted
You created Private GKE cluster
For more information you can look in the Cloud Console -> Kubernetes Engine -> CLUSTER_NAME
You can also run:
$ gcloud container clusters list - this command will show clusters and their state (status) they are in
$ gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME --zone=ZONE - this command will show you the configuration of the cluster

I see GCP App Engine instances deployed but cannot access them via SSH from gcloud

I'm trying to debug a problem with deploying an Express server, and I need to see the logs. I can't do it locally because the issue is my launch configuration/app.yaml.
So below is a picture of my console, where I can see the instance.
Also in the terminal I can use gcloud and see the same instance, but when I try to ssh into it or enable debug the CLI tells me there are no such instnaces
You need to add instance id after the command
gcloud app instances enable-debug 0061...

Unable to connect to Google Container Engine

I've updated gcloud to the latest version (159.0.0)
I created a Google Container Engine node, and then followed the instructions in the prompt.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod --zone us-west1-b --project myproject
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for prod
kubectl proxy
Unable to connect to the server: error executing access token command
"/Users/me/Code/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud ": exit status
Any idea why is it not able to connect?
You can try to run to see if the config was generated correctly:
kubectl config view
I had a similar issue when trying to run kubectl commands on a new Kubernetes cluster just created on Google Cloud Platform.
The solution for my case was to activate Google Application Default Credentials.
You can find a link below on how to activate it.
Basically, you need to set an environmental variable to the path of the .json with the credentials from GCP
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS -> c:\...\..\..Credentials.json exported from Google Cloud
I found this solution on a kuberenetes github issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30617
PS: make sure you have also set the environmental variables for:
It looks like the default auth plugin for GKE might be buggy on windows. kubectl is trying to run gcloud to get a token to authenticate to your cluster. If you run kubectl config view you can see the command it tried to run, and run it yourself to see if/why it fails.
As Alexandru said, a workaround is to use Google Application Default Credentials. Actually, gcloud container has built in support for doing this, which you can toggle by setting a property:
gcloud config set container/use_application_default_credentials true
or set environment variable
Using GKE, update the credentials from the "Kubernetes Engine/Cluster" management worked for me.
The cluster line provides "Connect" button that copy the credentials commands into console. And this refresh the used token. And then kubectl works again.
Why my token expired? well, i suppose GCP token are not eternal.
So, the button plays the same command automatically that :
gcloud container clusters get-credentials your-cluster ...