Unable to connect to Google Container Engine - google-cloud-platform

I've updated gcloud to the latest version (159.0.0)
I created a Google Container Engine node, and then followed the instructions in the prompt.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials prod --zone us-west1-b --project myproject
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for prod
kubectl proxy
Unable to connect to the server: error executing access token command
"/Users/me/Code/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud ": exit status
Any idea why is it not able to connect?

You can try to run to see if the config was generated correctly:
kubectl config view
I had a similar issue when trying to run kubectl commands on a new Kubernetes cluster just created on Google Cloud Platform.
The solution for my case was to activate Google Application Default Credentials.
You can find a link below on how to activate it.
Basically, you need to set an environmental variable to the path of the .json with the credentials from GCP
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS -> c:\...\..\..Credentials.json exported from Google Cloud
I found this solution on a kuberenetes github issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30617
PS: make sure you have also set the environmental variables for:

It looks like the default auth plugin for GKE might be buggy on windows. kubectl is trying to run gcloud to get a token to authenticate to your cluster. If you run kubectl config view you can see the command it tried to run, and run it yourself to see if/why it fails.
As Alexandru said, a workaround is to use Google Application Default Credentials. Actually, gcloud container has built in support for doing this, which you can toggle by setting a property:
gcloud config set container/use_application_default_credentials true
or set environment variable

Using GKE, update the credentials from the "Kubernetes Engine/Cluster" management worked for me.
The cluster line provides "Connect" button that copy the credentials commands into console. And this refresh the used token. And then kubectl works again.
Why my token expired? well, i suppose GCP token are not eternal.
So, the button plays the same command automatically that :
gcloud container clusters get-credentials your-cluster ...


We are in the process of configuring Kubectl to manage our cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service

1.Can we get azure kubectl(exe/bin) as downloadable link instead of installing it using command line 'az aks install-cli' or can I use the kubectl from kuberenetes?
2.Is there any azure-cli command to change the default location of kubeconfig file, As by default it is pointing to '.kube\config' in windows ?
Example : Instead of using '--kubeconfig' flag like 'kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig D:\config' can we able to change the default location ?
you can use the default kubernetes CLI (kubectl) and you can get credentials with the Azure CLI az aks get-credentials --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --name <AKS_CLUSTER_NAME> or over the Azure portal UI.
You can use the flag --kubeconfig=<PATH> or you can overwrite the default value of the variable KUBECONFIG that is pointing to $HOME/.kube/config with KUBECONFIG=<PATH>.
export KUBECONFIG=D:\config

GCP Cloud code plugin in intellij "Failed to enable GCP auth addon"

While trying to locally run the "java cloud run hello word sample" Cloud Run: Run Locally
I keep getting
Enabling GCP auth addon...
Failed to enable GCP auth addon. Deployment will continue but GCP
credentials will not be added to minikube. Please ensure you have up
to date application default credentials (ADC) by running gcloud auth login --update-adc
Things that I have tried and didn't solve the problem
run gcloud auth login --update-adc
use a different service account
not provide a service account
provide the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
Current configuration
What am I missing?
It appears to be a bug with minikube
The workaround:
Install minikube https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
In your terminal, run minikube delete --all
Delete the existing minikube images from Docker
The original workaround and issue details can be found below:

gcloud \ kubectl authentication problem: forget service account

I'm using gcloud and kubectl to handle my resources (Kubernetes, VM and so on). Everything worked find until I read some article that created a new service account and activate it via cloud. Something like this:
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=path/to/key
The created service account has limited permissions to few resources. When I run commands, like:
kubectl --namespace production get pods
I'm getting back response like:
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User
cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace
"production": requires one of ["container.pods.list"] permission(s).
The SA SA-USER#PROGECTNAME.iam.gserviceaccount.com is the service account that I created yesterday. For some reason, it took control on my default permissions and I'm locked out because this user almost has no permissions.
I tried to make the gcloud forget this service account without success. Things I tried:
Uninstall & Install of gcloud and kubectl
Remove the config directory ("~/.config/gcloud/")
gcloud auth login
All those tried was failed. I still getting the same message as above.
How I can make gcloud and kubectl forget this service account?
UPDATE for the new auth plugin:
Some time ago, gke adopted the new auth plugin architecture for kubernetes.
In the new plugin gke-gcloud-auth-plugin, the authentication cache is at
macOS: ~/.kube/gke_gcloud_auth_plugin_cache
(Please edit this answer to include locations in others operation systems.)
You can just delete that file.
There is a problem with the expiration of the authentication token used by kubectl.
When you choose a new user via gcloud and make a kubectl request, an authentication token is cached locally.
A workaround is to edit your ~/.kube/config and set a date in the past for the expiry field on the relevant user section.
You can perform a gcloud auth application-default login
You can also see the current configuration of your gcloud CLI by doing gcloud config list. You can change some default parameter with gcloud config set param_name param_value. For example (because you will use often it if you have several projects)
gcloud config set project MyProjectId
With these, you will be able to solve your issue

getting get-credentials requires edit permission error on gcp

I'm trying to setup credentials for kubernetes on my local.
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ***** --zone **** --project elo-project-267109
This query works fine when I tried it from cloud shell, but I got this error when I tried run it from my terminal:
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.get-credentials) get-credentials requires edit permission on elo-project-267109
I've tried this query from admin account as well as default service account also from new service account by assigning editor role and it still doesn't seem to work for me.
i am using macOs Mojave(10.14.6) and gcloud SDK version installed in my system is 274.0.1
i was able to resolve this issue on my local but i was actually trying to build a CI/CD from gitlab and the issue persists there, i have tried using gcloud(279.0.0) image version.
i am new to both gitlab and gcloud. i am trying to build CI/CD pipeline for the first time.
Do gcloud auth list to see which account are you logged into.
You need to login with the account which has the correct credentials to access the action that you're trying to perform.
To set the gcloud account: gcloud config set account <ACCOUNT>
It's turned out to be the image version mismatch issue on GitLab.

Using Google Cloud Source Repositories with service account

Is it possible to access a Google Cloud Source Repository in an automated way, i.e. from a GCE instance using a service account?
The only authentication method I am seeing in the docs is to use the gcloud auth login command, which will authenticate my personal user to access the repo, not the machine I am running commands from.
If you want to clone with git rather than running through gcloud, you can run:
git config --global credential.helper gcloud.sh
...and then this will work:
git clone https://source.developers.google.com/p/$PROJECT/r/$REPO
On GCE vms running
gcloud source repos clone default ~/my_repo
should work automatically without extra step of authentication, as it will use VMs service account.
If you running on some other machine you can download from https://console.cloud.google.com service account .json key file and activate it with
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file KEY_FILE
and then run the above clone command.
In case somebody like me was trying to do this as part of Dockerfile, after struggling for a while I've only managed to get it to work like this:
RUN gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file KEY_FILE ; \
gcloud source repos clone default ~/my_repo
As you can see, having it to be part of the same RUN command was the key, otherwise it kept failing with
ERROR: (gcloud.source.repos.clone) You do not currently have an active account selected.
Enable access to the "Cloud Source Repositories" Cloud API for the instance. You should do this while creating or editing the instance in the Admin console
From a shell inside the instance, execute gcloud source repos clone <repo_name_in_cloud_source> <target_path_to_clone_into>
If you are running on GCE, take advantage of the new authentication method that needs fewer lines of code.
When creating your VM instance, under "Access & Security," set "Cloud Platform" to "Enabled."
Then the authentication code is this simple:
from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())