MSTest setup/teardown methods that run before and after ALL tests - unit-testing

Relatively new to MSTest v2 in Visual Studio 2019. The TestInitialize attribute indicates the method should run before each and every test. Similarly, TestCleanup indicates the method should run after each and every test.
public void Setup()
// This method will be called before each MSTest test method
public void Teardown()
// This method will be called after each MSTest test method has completed
If your test class has N methods, the above methods will run N times.
Is there a way to signal setup and teardown-like methods that run once only? In other words, for each complete run through all N tests, each method will run once only.
Are there similar mechanisms for NUnit3 and xUnit v2.4.0?

After some hunting, I stumbled on this website with a MSTest "Cheat Sheet" which has examples of what I was looking for (in MSTest):
public static void TestFixtureSetup(TestContext context)
// Called once before any MSTest test method has started (optional)
public static void TestFixtureTearDown()
// Called once after all MSTest test methods have completed (optional)
The ClassInitialize method must be public, static, return void and takes a single parameter. The ClassCleanup method must be public, static, return void and takes no parameters.
For NUnit, the attribute references can be found here:
public void TestFixtureSetup()
// Called once before any NUnit test method has started (optional)
public void TestFixtureTearDown()
// Called once after all NUnit test methods have completed (optional)
The OneTimeSetUp method must be public, but can be static or an instance method. Same for the OneTimeTearDown method.
xUnit does not appear to support the Setup / Teardown feature.


How to mock this callback using Mockito?

I have this production code in my Presenter:
public void tryToReplaceLogo(String emailInitiallySearchedFor, String logoUrl) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(logoUrl)) {
} else {
public void downloadAndShowImage(String url) {
final Target target = new Target() {
public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {
public void onBitmapFailed(Drawable errorDrawable) {
public void onPrepareLoad(Drawable placeHolderDrawable) {
Picasso.with(view.getViewContext()).load(url).resize(150, 150).centerInside().into(target);
And this unit test for it:
public void testDisplayLogoIfValidUrlReturnedAndEmailEnteredIsTheSame() throws Exception {
verify(loginView).displayLogoFromBitmap((Bitmap) anyObject());
However, the displayLogoFromBitmap method is never called so my test fails. I need to mock the Target dependency to invoke the onBitmapLoaded method but I don't know how.
Possibly I need to create a static inner class that implements Target so that I can set a Mocked implementation of that in my tests, but how do I invoke the onBitmapLoaded method on the mock?
I have a setter field for Picasso in my LoginPresenter now. In production, (as I am using AndroidAnnotations), I instantiate it in
void initPicasso() {
picasso = Picasso.with(context):
In my test, I mock Picasso like so:
Picasso picasso;
public void setUp() {
picasso = mock(Picasso.class, RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
(I don't remember why, but I can't use Mockito 2 at this point. It was some incompatibility with something, I think)
In my test case, I got to this point and I don't know what to do:
public void displayLogoIfValidUrlReturnedAndEmailEnteredIsTheSame() throws Exception {
when(picasso.load(anyString()).resize(anyInt(), anyInt()).centerInside().into(???)) // What do I do here?
verify(loginView).displayLogoFromBitmap((Bitmap) anyObject());
I need to mock the Target dependency
No; do not mock the system under test. Target is as much a part of that system as anything; you wrote the code for it, after all. Remember, once you mock out a class, you commit to not using its implementation, so trying to mock Target to invoke onBitmapLoaded is missing the point.
What's going on here is that you're passing Target—which is real code you wrote that is worth testing—into Picasso, which is external code you didn't write but do depend on. This makes Picasso the dependency worth mocking, with the caveat that mocking interfaces you don't control can get you into trouble if they change (e.g. a method turns final).
Mock your Picasso instance, and the RequestCreator instance Picasso returns when it loads. RequestCreator implements the Builder pattern, so it's a prime candidate for Mockito 2.0's RETURNS_SELF option or other Builder pattern strategies.
Pass the Picasso instance into your system under test, rather than creating it using Picasso.with. At this point you may not need to stub LoginView.getViewContext(), which is a good thing as your test can interact less with hard-to-test Android system classes, and because you've further separated object creation (Picasso) from business logic.
Use an ArgumentCaptor in your test to extract out the Target method that was called on RequestCreator.into.
Test the state of the system before the async callback returns, if you'd like. It's optional, but it's definitely a state your system will be in, and it's easy to forget to test it. You'd probably call verify(view, never()).onBitmapLoaded(any()).
Call target.onBitmapLoaded yourself. You have the target instance at this point, and it should feel correct to explicitly call your code (that is written in your system-under-test) from your test.
Assert your after-callback state, which here would be verify(view).onBitmapLoaded(any()).
Note that there is an existing test helper called MockPicasso, but it seems to require Robolectric, and I haven't reviewed its safety or utility myself.

Visual Studio 2013: Creating ordered tests

Can someone suggest a way to run tests in a specific order in Visual Studio 2013 Express?
Is there a way to create a playlist for the tests, which also defines the order in which to run them?
By the way: These are functional tests, using Selenium, written as unit tests in C#/Visual Studio. Not actual unit tests. Sometimes a regression test suite is so big it takes a while to run through all the tests. In these cases, I've often seen the need to run the test in a prioritized order. Or, there can be cases where it's difficult to run some tests without some other tests having been run before. In this regard, it's a bit more complicated than straight unit tests (which is the reason why it's normally done by test professionals, while unit tests are done by developers).
I've organised the tests in classes with related test methods. Ex.: All login tests are in a class called LoginTests, etc.
Class LoginTests:
- AdminCanLogin (...)
- UserCanLogin (...)
- IncorrectLoginFails (...)
- ...
- CanCreateEmptyPost (...)
- CanCreateBasicPost (...)
These classes are unit test classes, in their own project. They in turn calls classes and methods in a class library that uses Selenium.
MS suggests creating an "Ordered Unit Test" project. However, this is not available in the Express edition.
To address your playlist request directly see MS article: Resharper also has a nice test play list tool as well.
Here is an article on how to setup Ordered Tests but you cannot use this feature with Express as it requires Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium, Visual Studio Test Professional.
If you need them ordered then they are more then likely integration tests. I am assuming you would like them ordered so you can either prepare data for the test or tear data back down after the test.
There are several ways to accommodate this requirement if it is the case. Using MSTest there are 4 attributes for this you can see more details of when they are executed here
My other suggestion would be to have a helper class to preform the tasks(not tests) you are looking to have done in order, to be clear this class would not be a test class just a normal class with common functionality that would be called from within your tests.
If you need a test to create a product so another test can use that product and test that it can be added to a shopping cart then I would create a "SetupProduct" method that would do this for you as I am sure you would be testing various things that would require a product. This would prevent you from having test dependencies.
With that said, integration tests are good to verify end to end processes but where possible and applicable it might be easier to mock some or all dependencies such as your repositories. I use the Moq framework and find it really easy to work with.
This code is from the blog post linked above, I am placing it here in case the link ever dies.
Here is an example of a test class using the setup / tear down attributes to help with your tests.
public class VSTSClass1
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public TestContext TestContext
return testContextInstance;
testContextInstance = value;
public static void ClassSetup(TestContext a)
Console.WriteLine("Class Setup");
public void TestInit()
Console.WriteLine("Test Init");
public void Test1()
public void Test2()
public void Test3()
public void TestCleanUp()
public static void ClassCleanUp()
Here is the order that the methods were fired.
Class Setup
Test Init
Test Init
Test Init
If you give more information on what you are trying to accomplish I would be happy to assist you in when to use which attribute or when to use the help class, note the helper class is NOT a test class just a standard class that has methods you can utilize to do common tasks that may be needed for multiple tests.

Create global variable in Test Suite accessible by all JUnit Test

I have a question regarding setting up Junit Test Suite. First of all, I am using JUnit libarary version 4.7.
My problem is to create application context in the test suite then allow all the test suite it is running to be accessible to the application context. I need the application context is because some unit test is using it to populate required data. So I am reusing some class to do the deeds.
The following is my snipplet:
public class IntegrationSuite {
public ApplicationContext appCtx;
public static void setUp() {
System.out.println("setting up in Suite");
appCtx = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("/integrationtest/rest_test_app_ctx.xml" );
public static void tearDown() {
System.out.println("tearing down in Suite");
CleanUp cleaner = (CleanUp)appCtx.getBean("cleanup");
I need the appCtx to be accessible to the RestServiceUnitTest class. May I know how is this is done ? Anyone has any idea.
I guess it is pretty similiar to :
Test invocation: how to do set up common to all test suites
But I not sure how to access the variable you created in the testsuite class in unittest as the answer is not mentioning it.

How to tell PEX to use the mock object when the concrete object is a dependency, and then auto-generate test cases?

I am writing client-side components in a provided framework, and need to be able to unit test my components. The components are written using MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern, I want to use PEX to automatically generate unit tests for my presenters.
The following is the code of a presenter.
public partial class CompetitorPresenter : PresenterBase
private readonly ICompetitorView _view;
public IGlobalDataAccess GlobalDataAccess;
public IGlobalUI Globals;
public SystemClient Client;
public bool DeleteRecord()
if (_view.CompetitorName != "Daniel")
return false;
if (Client.SystemName != "Ruby")
return false;
return true;
The problem I am having is that the object SystemClient is provided by the framework, and I cannot use a factory class to create an instance of SystemClient. Therefore when I run PEX to automatically generate unit tests, I have to tell PEX to ignore SystemClient, the result of this is that the method DeleteRecord is not fully covered as the line Client.SystemName != "Ruby" is not tested.
Since I have the mock object MSystemClient (created using moles), I am wondering if somewhere in the configuration I could tell PEX to use MSystemClient, and let PEX to automatically generate test cases to fully cover this method.
You are on the right track. If you cannot control where the instance of CompetitorPresenter.Client is created, you can define a mole for all instances:
MSystemClient.AllInstances.SystemNameGet = () => "SomeName";
Your unit test has to be run in a "hosted environment":
public void TestMethod()
MSystemClient.AllInstances.SystemNameGet = () => "SomeName";
// Test code...

Mbunit and selenium

Can anyone tell me how get mbunit to run more than one test at a time without it setting up and tearing down after every test?
Currently I'm using selenium for UI testing and need to run the tests consecutively do a login page.
Thanks in advance,
Are you looking for FixtureSetUp/FixtureTearDown attribute [used to be called TestFixtureSetUp], which is called at class level, meaning, it will be set up once for all the tests in one test class.
Setup/TearDown attribute is called on Method level.
MbUnit also support test assembly setup and teardown. Here is a link for this.
[assembly: AssemblyCleanUp(typeof(AssemblyCleaner))]
public class AssemblyCleaner
public static void SetUp()
Console.WriteLine("Setting up {0}", typeof(AssemblyCleanUp).Assembly.FullName);
public static void TearDown()
Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up {0}", typeof(AssemblyCleanUp).Assembly.FullName);