How to Install ONOS using Bazel in Ubuntu 20.04? - build

I have been trying to install ONOS using Bazel's new version i.e., Bazel-5.1.1 in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS for mininet/containernet. I have been having issues regarding Bazel build onos command. I have searched for the installation process all over and tried as well many. But have similar issues. Is there any link or article where there is a clear step-by-step procedure to do so? I am having a task for the installation which I need to finish in a week. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
The error I get:
sendate#sendate04:~/onos$ bazel build onos
ERROR: The project you're trying to build requires Bazel 3.7.2 (specified in /home/sendate/onos/.bazelversion), but it wasn't found in /home/sendate/.bazel/bin.
Bazel binaries for all official releases can be downloaded from here:
You can download the required version directly using this command:
(cd "/home/sendate/.bazel/bin" && curl -fLO && chmod +x bazel-3.7.2-linux-x86_64)
I tried doing the steps given like downloading the same version and also tried to change the version in the .bazelversion file. But nothing succeeded in Bazel build.

1.bazel —-version
If you didn’t download bazel version 3.7.x download it. If you download java version 11.You need create java default symbolic link. It will be /bar/lib/jam. . Test echo $PATH it will give ONON path. Then run sudo apt install —-reinstall build-essential. Build onos


How to build PythonQt in ubutnu

I want to embed the python script in my c++ Qt application, By searching on the net I found that PythonQt is exactly what I am looking for but when I went to it's github repo there is build description given for windows system but not for ubuntu system so after cloning the repo if I include it's src in my Qt .pro file it gives me output that
Python.h not found, I think the reason is that I didn't build it in my system. Is there anyone who could tell me that how to build PythonQt in ubuntu. The link for their repo is this:
If this didn't work you can also suggest me some other thing which will help me to embed python scripts into my Qt c++ application.
First clone the repo by using the following command
After that cd into the clone folder and execute the below command to build it into your system.
This command will generate the MakeFile into your current directory run the following command to completely build the PythonQt in your system.
sudo make all
sudo make install
While executing those commands if you get the following error
fatal error: 'private/qmetaobjectbuilder_p.h'
Run the below command to solve this
sudo apt install qtbase5-private-dev


I just tried to compile the latest AzerothCore on Debian 9 and did not touch the source, just pulled it and used exactly the sh described in the installation guide. CMake gives me that error:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
Debian 9 with the latest AzerothCore. Ace is definitely installed with their latest version.
Expected: No error.
Actual Result: Error.
sudo apt-get update then do sudo apt-get install libace-6.* libace-dev
current version working for myself at this time is 6.3.3.
Also, I don't use the sh installer, so not sure if that could be your issue.
I just use cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/youruser/azeroth-server/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++ -DTOOLS=0 -DSCRIPTS=1
I started with the TrinityCore requirements and sadly forgot to install the libace needed for AzerothCore. Needed to to sudo apt-get install libace-6.* libace-dev like DJ Boxer suggested.

“make: protoc: Command not found” while installing grpc from source

I have cloned this repository for installing the grpc. I want to use the framework with C++ programming so I followed the instructions given in folder src/cpp.
To build grpc for C++ from the source (in OpenSUSE) there are some pre-requisites given in this link
$ [sudo] apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config
As mentioned, to build from source and run tests, one needs
$ [sudo] apt-get install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev
$ [sudo] apt-get install clang libc++-dev
I could not find any build-essential, libgflags-dev and libgtest-dev. I don't know whether this is the reason for not getting grpc installed.
I have manually installed protocol buffer compiler protoc before running the make.
When I run make in the grpc root directory. I get this error
[PROTOC] Generating protobuf CC file from src/proto/grpc/channelz/channelz.proto
make: protoc: Command not found
make: *** [Makefile:2601: /home/rohan/Downloads/grpc/gens/src/proto/grpc/channelz/] Error 127
Unable to figure out why this error is showing as I already have installed protoc. Is some linking problem, then please share how to solve it. I am new to Linux so I really am a little bit hesitant to change and env file or some make file by my own.
Please suggest some help. Thanks for your time.
I have resolved this problem by installing protocol buffer compiler properly.
The important step which I forgot to do earlier is to update the submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive when you are building protoc with git repository.
The steps for C++ version are mentioned at this link.

RedHawk building from source --- locate the code installing uhd3.5.3

I am trying to build from source for RedHawk installation and trying to replace uhd3.5.3 with a higher version of uhd for USRP_UHD module. I saw USRP_UHD source code, but found nowhere for uhd3.5.3 source code. I am guessing it might simply use "yum install ..." to download and install uhd host code and suporting libraries. Does anybody know where this code is located in redhawk_src_2.0 package? Or is there an efficient way in linux to search for this among all the files in redhawk_src_2.0 package?
Thanks in advance!
UHD is the USRP Harware driver softwware from Ettus Research. The UHD is distributed from:
Version 3.5.3 is here:
The current release is 3.9.2:
Hopefully this helps. I wasn't 100% sure what you are asking for.
First, clone the uhd library:
git clone git://
Then checkout the 3.9.2 tag:
git checkout release_003_009_002
Using the instructions from Ettus (, install the dependencies listed under the Fedora section:
sudo yum -y install boost-devel libusb1-devel python-mako doxygen python-docutils cmake make gcc gcc-c++
Next, generate the Makefiles with CMake:
cd <uhd-repo-path>/host
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/uhd ../
I recommend using an alternate install prefix at first to preserve the 3.5.3 version, just in case, but if you don't want to, just run:
cmake ../
instead of the longer command with the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX flag. (Note: I couldn't get cmake to find the installed boost version, so you may have to do some other research on that since it is probably a whole different stackoverflow post in and of itself)
Now build and install the uhd library:
make test
sudo make install
Now that the library is installed, you should edit the USRP_UHD/cpp/ so that the PKG_CONFIG_PATH points to your install prefix (either the one specified in the flag above, or if you did the default, just leave it, as it should already be pointing to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig). Also in the file, make sure to change the uhd version number to 3.9.2.
Now you should be able to rebuild the USRP_UHD Device:
./reconf && ./configure && make install
I don't guarantee that the Device will build against the new version of the uhd library, that will depend on what (if anything) has been deprecated an removed from the library between the supported version and the newest one.
Finally, if you get through all of those steps successfully and if you specified a non-standard install prefix, you will have to add this prefix to either the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or an /etc/ script in order for the Device to correctly execute.
Clarification - you can follow the Redhawk manual appendix B for building Redhawk from source AFTER installing UHD v3.9.3 from source as per pwolframs instructions. The UHD v3.5.3 is not packaged with the Redhawk source code, only the Redhawk RPM, disregard all those RPMs when building UHD and Redhawk from source.

Not able to install GDB on Fedora

How to download and install GDB(GNU Debugger) on Fedora Linux Machine.. I have tried downloading from gnu website 7.1 package, but then it fails during
./configure and then make command...
Please share the source from where i can get information on the same.
I have found this tutorial which might be helpful to install gdb.
But for me the command:
yum install gdb
You may need to install some development packages with header files needed to build gdb. The exact package list depends on error messages from ./configure and make. Here is installed package list on my system:
# rpm -qa "*devel"
Try to install all of them with yum.