How to get only Desired Entity Property for Microsoft Business Central - microsoft-dynamics

I am getting all the metadata's of all the entity like customer/vendor but it's coming deeply nested in xml format and I am developing a connect app on third party platform so there isn't much option to apply all the programming functionality, If anyone is familiar with Business Central API is there a way to pass any filter or select query parameter to get only desired metadata for example if somehow I can get all the fields of Customer Entity only not for all the Entity, Currently I am using below URL and endpoint, any help will be highly appreciated.$metadata


When creating a "Restful" webservice can standard http get & http post syntax be used?

We are working in the office using Oracle APEX to create some web services. After beating our heads against the wall we finally figured out that the terms get & post when talking about RESTful services are not the same as standard HTTP.
We will need to create two types of web services;
In the first, the external application passes a few fields and the method queries a record and sends the data back to the external application.
In the second an external application builds a 30 field record that needs to be inserted by the method into the DB.
In a normal web app we would in both cases typically http post the data to to a cgi (asp, aspx, pl...) page that would parse the fields and do what needs to be done.
Since we have written the new app in APEX, and we would like to join the late 20th century, we thought we would use a web service on the provider side. The consumer will be AS3/flex/flash.
Can we still use the traditional http post and/or http get methodology of defining name=data pairs and send them to the web service?
What we have seen so far is that the data passed (at least in an APEX Restful GET) needs to be positional and not name=data pairs.
I guess the first question is where can we get some basic concepts on how to pass data using "RESTful" get & post? Something aimed at a web service dolt would be good.
Another question is if the HTTP get/post methodolgy can be used, how would it be done in Oracle APEX v5.0?
There is a lot of questions inside your post, perhaps if you narrow it down to a specific problem, you'd get better answers. I've used RESTful services with APEX 4.2, 5, 5.1 and they work just fine.
In the first, the external application passes a few fields and the method queries a record and sends the data back to the external application.
This is typical GET request. You pass the parameters (I usually pass them as part of the URL), use them in query, and return the values. You can even pass them to PL/SQL block, do whatever processing you need, then return the results.
In the second an external application builds a 30 field record that needs to be inserted by the method into the DB.
This is typcial POST request (although you still can use GET but not recommended). The format of how the data is being sent is important. I've done that using JSON format, and received as bind variable :body at APEX end. In APEX you can parse it and insert it into a table.
Few resources might help you to get going:
This is especially helpful for POST:

How to connect Rally API (python) to the specific reports under 'Report' section

I have been working on developing a Rally API using python with the help of links pointed by Rally help (Pyral). My code connects well with the Rally server and pulls specific user story I want, but not the columns I am interested in. I am aiming to pull [full] specific reports with fields such as project, tags, etc. under the 'Reports' tab. I tried to find out how can I do it but didn't get direction. Also, the specific user stories I am able to pull include some weird fields like c_name, c_offer and the like. I would really appreciate if someone could help me through this. Like to connect to a specific project/workspace in Rally we have the following code where it asks the details in the manner below:
rally = Rally(server='', apikey='',workspace='',project='')
Is there any way to specify what report/columns I want?
Thanks in advance
Most of the reports on the Reports tab are rendered by a separate Analytics 1 service outside of the standard WSAPI you've been communicating with. Some of that data is available in WSAPI -IterationCumulativeFlowData, ReleaseCumulativeFlowData. What data specifically are you looking for?

Saving Data To Sitecore Analytics From Custom Code

I have been using Sitecore for a couple of years, and now looking to begin utilizing the Experience functionality found in Sitecore 8.
I have a view that will capture some user-provided data. How do I go about creating a "person" (don't know the correct Sitecore terminology) in the Analytics database from custom code.
You'll need to create a Contact. Contacts are a kind of profile store for xDb and allows you to store data about your visitors. A contact has a built in list of facets (email, phone number, name etc) that make up the contact record, but it's also possible to create your own facets.
If you are building a form to capture data you can use the new Tracker api to identify and update facets on a contact.
Here's some code to do this:
There's a walk through of how the code fits together here:
(Apologies for the sound quality)
Also if you are using the WFFM module in Sitecore 8 there are some new save actions that will create contacts and store xDB data.
You may want to spend time on the docs. Please refer here for articles and guides related to Personalization and Personas.
Most of the configuration can be specified in Experience Analytics within Sitecore and you can leverage Rules Engine to perform actions.

Restful API design with composite DTOs

I get the simple Restful design following one type of object:
GET /users
GET /users/123
POST /users/new
POST /users/1/edit (or PUT)
POST /users/1/delete (or DELETE)
Follow a Relationship from a type of object to another:
GET /user/123/company
GET /user/123/roles
POST /user/123/roles/new
What about a composite DTO mixing multiple objects in it? For example:
//Listing all users with their companies and primary role
GET /usersWithCompaniesAndPrimaryRoles
//List all companies with users and roles count in each company
GET /companiesWithUsersAndRolesCount
In this case, my API link doesn’t look very clean or Restful to me anymore? I am wondering how I should structure the CRUD of these composite DTOs in a Restful way? Please advise me, or link me to where I can learn how to do that?
Thank you very much.
A Restful design should have such API paths.
Instead, you should use the GET /users URI, and provide query parameters. for example:
GET /users?with_companies=yes
In the Restful, you should not think about URIs as API commands. Try, instead to think about URIs as entities, that you can Get, Insert, change, and delete.
There is no room for other "commands".
That is why, for example,
There shouldn't be POST /users/new API path.
instead, just post to /users.
Another possible RESTfull way is to create a "Query Resource" object using POST, returning "Query Resource ID Number", which will later be used in a separated GET request.
By that you are creating saved queries which can also be efficient for re-querying as well.

CakePHP Pagination with Webservice

I am invoking a web service and get data. The result has "TotalPages", "TotalResults" information.
Based on this, I need to generate a paging mechanism using cakephp.
Please share some code snippet or advise me on how to achieve this.
The Pagination Helper will make displaying the paginated data a lot easier for you. However, it operates on the assumption that you are using a Cake Model. Luckily, you can create a Datasource (the manual is empty, but the API documentation and searching Google will teach you more) and a Model to use your Datasource and you should be in business.
The Yahoo BOSS and RSS Feed Datasources should be useful examples.