AWs Neptune new Database endpoints Status stuck on 'Creating' - amazon-web-services

I am new to Neptune with no previous experience on it. My team wants to start using graph databases so asked me to set up a Neptune DB.
Following the AWs-provided guides step by step, I managed to get the Neptune Cluster created (Status shows available) but the Reader and Writer endpoints are stuck at status = 'Creating' for almost 2 days now.
Is this normal to take so long?
I tried doing this in two seperate Regions as well, thinking it might not be working correctly in Cape Town Region (af-south-1), but get the same scenario if I do it in Ireland Region.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

We would need to look at your cluster specifically to know what is going on. That would mean sharing your cluster and account details with us. The best path ahead would be to open a support case or maybe post via re:Post where official representatives from the team can get in touch with you to get your cluster details.
If you are unable to get help, please do report. We'll find alternate ways to exchange your cluster info securely to get someone to take a look.


not have enough resources available to fulfil the request try a different zone

not have enough resources available to fulfill the request try a different zone
All of my machines in the different zone
have the same issue and can not run.
"Starting VM instance "home-1" failed.
The zone 'projects/extreme-pixel-208800/zones/us-west1-b' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later."
I am having the same issue. I emailed google and figured out this has nothing to do with quota. However, you can try to decrease the need of your instance (eg. decrease RAM, CPUs, GPUs). It might work if you are lucky.
Secondly, if you want to email google again, you will get the message sent from the following template.
Good day! This is XX from Google Cloud Platform Support and I'll be
glad to help you from here. First, my apologies that you’re
experiencing this issue. Rest assured that the team is working hard to
resolve it.
Our goal is to make sure that there are available resources in all
zones. This type of issue is rare, when a situation like this occurs
or is about to occur, our team is notified immediately and the issue
is investigated.
We recommend deploying and balancing your workload across multiple
zones or regions to reduce the likelihood of an outage. Please review
our documentation [1] which outlines how to build resilient and
scalable architectures on Google Cloud Platform.
Again, we want to offer our sincerest apologies. We are working hard
to resolve this and make this an exceptionally rare event. I'll be
keeping this case open for one (1) business day in case you have
additional question related to this matter, otherwise you may
disregard this email for this ticket to automatically close.
All the best,
XXXX Google Cloud Platform Support
So, if you ask me how long you are expected to wait and when this issue is likely to happen:
I waited for an average of 1.5-3 days.
During the weekend (like from Friday to Sunday) daytime EST, GCP has a high probability of unavailable resources.
Usually when you have one instance that has this issue, others too. For me, keep trying in different region waste my time. (But, maybe it just that I don't have any luck)
The error message "The zone 'projects/[...]' does not have enough resources available to fulfill the request. Try a different zone, or try again later." is always in reference to a shortage of resources in a zone.
Google recommends spreading your workload across different zones to reduce the impact of these issues on your workload. Otherwise, there isn't much else to do other than wait or try another zone/region
Faced this Issue yesterday [01/Aug/2020] when GCP free credit was over and below steps helped to workaround this.
I was on asia-south-c zone and moved to us zone
Going to my Google Cloud Platform >>> Compute Engine
Went to Snapshots >>> created a snapshot >>> Select your Compute Engine instance
Once snapshot was completed I clicked on my snapshot.
Ended up under "snapshot details". There, on the top, just click create instance. Here you are basically creating an instance with a copy of your disk.
Select your new zone, don't forget to attach GPUs, all previous setting, create new name.
Click create, that's it, your image should now be running in your new zone
No worry of losting configuration as well.

Deploy hyperledger on AWS - production setup

My company is currently evaluating hyperledger(fabric) and we're using it for our POC. It looks very promising and we're targeting rolling out to production in next few months.
We're targeting AWS as our production environment.
However, we're struggling to find good tutorial/practices/recommendations about operating hyperledger network in such environment.
I'm aware that Cello is aiming to solve/ease deploying/monitoring hyperledger network but i also read that its not production ready yet. Question is, should we even consider looking at Cello at this point?
If not, what are our alternatives? Docker swarm, kubernetes?
I also didn't find information about recommended instance types. I understand this is application and AWS specific but what are the minimal system requirements
(memory&CPU&network) for example for 'peer' node (our application is not network intensive, nor a lot of transactions will be submitted per hour/day, only few of them per day).
Another question is where to create those instances on AWS from geographical&decentralization point of view. Does it make sense all of them to be created in same region? Or, we must create instances running in different regions?
Tnx a lot.
yes, look at Cello.. if nothing else it will help you see the aws deployment model.
really nothing special..
design the desired system, peers, orderer, gateways, etc..
then decide who many ec2 instance u need to support that.
as for WHERE (region).. depends on where the connecting application is and what kind of fault tolerance you need for your business model.
one of the businesses I am working with wants a minimum of 99.99999 % availability. so, multi-region is critical. its just another ec2 instance with sockets open from different hosts..
aws doesn't provide much in terms of support for hyperledger. they have some templates which allow you to setup the VMs initially, but that's stuff you can do yourself as well.
you are right, the documentation is very light and most of the time confusing. I got to the point where I can start from scratch with a brand new VM and got everything ready and deploy my own network definition and chaincode and have the scripts to do that.
IBM cloud has much better support for hyperledger however. you can design your network visually, you can download your connection profiles, deploy and instantiate chaincode, create and join channels, handle certificates, pretty much everything you need to run and support such a network. It's light years ahead of AWS. They even have a full CI / CD pipepline that you could replicate for your own project. if you look at their marbles demo, you'll see what i mean.
Cello is definitely worth looking at, with the caveat that it's incubation meaning, not real yet, not production ready and not really useful until it becomes a fully fledged product.

how to fetch data from aws

Recently, I start to learn aws and also try to work on it, but there is one query at the time of data fatching from aws to our app.
I follow all the ateps which are mention in aws's suggestion but, steel got error. access deniel so, if any one know about it than please help me.

AWS and Railo setup

I wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction in regards to installing Railo on AWS.
In my spare time I've put together a website to sell illustrations, but due to cost I'm unable to keep on spending money hosting it on a dedicate CF server with almost zero budget for marketing. I've been toying with the idea of setting up an account with Amazon and installing Railo.
Over the past few months I've had different advice, such as get a S3 account to host the images and an EC2 account for Railo for the website and DB with SSL, or just have S3 account where I will be able to host Railo and have my images on the same server. I'm not sure what is best and I was wondering if you can advise what you think a good solution would be.
I've read a few blogs some with good details on setups but they seem to be over a year+ old, so I'm not sure if they are valid solution any more. It's very much over my head, as I'm a developer, but I'm very eager to learn new things especially about the cloud service as it's not a common area to get involved in when working for companies. In the past I used to tag a long to server rooms and understand the infrastructure but now everything is done remotely and it's not so easy to get involved.
Any basic advice/advanced advice from your experiences of what I should follow and if you know of any good resources would be very much appreciated.
Should I get an S3 and EC2 AWS setup or will one of them do (will need DB connectivity)?
Load balancing two EC2 instances will that be hard to configure, I will need to web servers.
I just posted this very topic a few weeks ago. Should still be more than up to date:

AWS Package for AdMob Like Site

I am working on something similar to AdMob and was planning to use Amazon Web Services this time. I would like to use EC2 instance running Linux on it.
What do you think a AdMob like site has utilization for a month and what's the best configured instance for it be?
It would use HTTPS for which I have already bought SSL certificate. I am more concerned about utilization and data transfer in and out. Is there a way to calculate usage per user?
Your question is really open, but I have a solution :
Look at the AWS Architecture Center :
There are plenty of typical architecture.
You have an adserving architecture here :
Hope this will help you.
[To calculate usage per user, it's not easy. You can save all your user's actions, and public actions, but it will cost you usage costs. The best way is to evaluate it for the next months, with last months datas.]