how to fetch data from aws - amazon-web-services

Recently, I start to learn aws and also try to work on it, but there is one query at the time of data fatching from aws to our app.
I follow all the ateps which are mention in aws's suggestion but, steel got error. access deniel so, if any one know about it than please help me.


AWs Neptune new Database endpoints Status stuck on 'Creating'

I am new to Neptune with no previous experience on it. My team wants to start using graph databases so asked me to set up a Neptune DB.
Following the AWs-provided guides step by step, I managed to get the Neptune Cluster created (Status shows available) but the Reader and Writer endpoints are stuck at status = 'Creating' for almost 2 days now.
Is this normal to take so long?
I tried doing this in two seperate Regions as well, thinking it might not be working correctly in Cape Town Region (af-south-1), but get the same scenario if I do it in Ireland Region.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!
We would need to look at your cluster specifically to know what is going on. That would mean sharing your cluster and account details with us. The best path ahead would be to open a support case or maybe post via re:Post where official representatives from the team can get in touch with you to get your cluster details.
If you are unable to get help, please do report. We'll find alternate ways to exchange your cluster info securely to get someone to take a look.

Google Cloud Cloud/Key activity logging

I have just recently started to work with Google Cloud and I am trying to wrap my head around some of its inner workings, mainly the audit logging part.
What I want do is get the log activity from when my keys are used for anything and also when someone actually logged into the Google Console Cloud (it could be the Key Vault or the Key Ring, too).
I have been using power shell to extract these logs using gcloud read logging and this is where I start to doubt whether I have the right place. I will explain:
I have created new keys and I see in the Activity Panel this action, and I can already extract this through gcloud read logging resource.type=cloudkms_cryptokey (there could be a typo on the command line, since I am writing it from the top of my head, sorry for that!).
Albeit I have this information, I am rather curious if this is the correct course of action here. I saw the CreateCryptoKey and SetIamPolicy methods on my logs, alright, but am I going to see all actions related to these keys? By reading the GCloud docs, I feel as though I am only getting some of the actions?
As I have said, I am trying to work my way around the GCloud Documentation, but it is such an overwhelming amount of information that I am not really getting the proper answer I am looking for, this is why I thought about resorting to this community.
So, to summarize, am I getting all the information related to my keys the way I am doing right now? And what about the people that have access to the Google Cloud Console page, is there a way to find who accessed it and which part (Crypto Keys page, Crypto Vault page for example)? That's something I have not understood from the docs as well, sadly. Perhaps someone could show me the proper page where I can make references to what I am looking for? Because the Cloud Audit Logging page doesn't feel totally clear to me on this front (and I assume I could be at fault here, these past weeks have been harsh!)
Thanks for anyone that takes some time to answer my question!
Admin activities such as creating a key or setting IAM policy are logged by default.
Data access activities such as listing Cloud KMS resources (key rings, keys, etc.), or performing cryptographic operations (encryption, decryption, etc.) are not logged by default. You can enable data access logging, via the steps at I'm not sure if that is the topic you are referring to, or

Need guidance with AWS website backend

I have a website that I am trying to have the web form connect to a MySQL database running on Amazon's RDS to post and retrieve information. I'm an absolute beginner with code but have managed to get myself this far ( I've had coworkers and friends offer some help, but their knowledge doesn't extend to everything I was told I would need (AWS API Gateway, Lambda--anything else?).
I've been pulling my hair out for a week looking through tutorials, articles, and step-by-step guides but so many presume extensive knowledge on the viewer or they all talk about what I don't need (like phpmyadmin--and php won't work for S3 or Lambda).
Am I jumping too far into the really complex stuff? The person that told me to go the AWS route is certified and brilliant with code--but unfortunately they are fickle, busy, and aren't a good teacher to distill their knowledge. I don't know if I should have gone with something simpler. If you view the website, you'll probably understand how basic it is.
I'm stuck and really stressed about finishing this website and appreciate the help to get me in the right direction! I feel I'm so close! I'm really good at scaling up from a small example of exactly what I need--I just need that initial example!
I'm pleased to hear that you've learnt so quickly. All the terminology floating around can be very confusing. Just remember: AWS is just the platform you deploy to. It can be as simple and complicated as you want it to be
I'm not an AWS expert but here's my birdseye view
You could build an entire running website on your laptop then simply deploy that wholesale to a LAMP server that you've created up in AWS. Now you have a web application running in AWS, without using any of the AWS jargon (beanstalks, lambdas...)
Thats when you would follow this link to provision your server:
Or you could put the database piece of your application into RDS (a database on the cloud) then put the web application piece in a seperate web server then configure those two servers to talk to each other.
You have a web site but it's now running on two seperate machines
Or (I'm a bit hazy on this) for the web app you could instead deploy bits of your web code to lambda and stick them all together
In all cases you can apply 'elastic beanstalk' to automatically grow and shrink the computers running your site.
Like I said it can be as simple and complicated as you want it to be - and you don't need it to be complicated so the BlueHost option is fine.

Picture Manipulation with AWS

I've been a mobile developer for a few years, and Im looking to expand to cloud integration with my apps. Im looking into AWS solutions to fill this need. I don't know a ton about servers or cloud capabilities, so I'm trying to get pointed in the right direction, and maybe be introduced to some good resources.
My goal is to be able to upload some images to AWS and manipulate these images in the cloud. I'm sure that I'll need S3 to store my images, but is an EC2 instance the correct thing to use to perform the manipulation? This is where my lack of knowledge of servers is holding me back.
I think that the best answer I could get would be a comment on whether my needs from AWS are what I listed above, and a point in the right direction towards articles to tutorials of how to get things up and running.
Thanks much for the help!
What I ended up doing was using AWS Lambda to accomplish what I needed. Running a node.js based lambda function with ffmpeg-like manipulation on the images/media that I was uploading worked out quite well.
Side note :: The processing that I was doing was fairly lightweight, so it worked well with lambda. If things scale up any further I might consider switching the processing to an EC2 instance.

AWS and Railo setup

I wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction in regards to installing Railo on AWS.
In my spare time I've put together a website to sell illustrations, but due to cost I'm unable to keep on spending money hosting it on a dedicate CF server with almost zero budget for marketing. I've been toying with the idea of setting up an account with Amazon and installing Railo.
Over the past few months I've had different advice, such as get a S3 account to host the images and an EC2 account for Railo for the website and DB with SSL, or just have S3 account where I will be able to host Railo and have my images on the same server. I'm not sure what is best and I was wondering if you can advise what you think a good solution would be.
I've read a few blogs some with good details on setups but they seem to be over a year+ old, so I'm not sure if they are valid solution any more. It's very much over my head, as I'm a developer, but I'm very eager to learn new things especially about the cloud service as it's not a common area to get involved in when working for companies. In the past I used to tag a long to server rooms and understand the infrastructure but now everything is done remotely and it's not so easy to get involved.
Any basic advice/advanced advice from your experiences of what I should follow and if you know of any good resources would be very much appreciated.
Should I get an S3 and EC2 AWS setup or will one of them do (will need DB connectivity)?
Load balancing two EC2 instances will that be hard to configure, I will need to web servers.
I just posted this very topic a few weeks ago. Should still be more than up to date: