How to store large fetched dataset from postgres in Django view? - django

When user open some Django view there is option to choose what data to load from postgres DB. After that click submit and process is started. But when data is fetched and in the same view pressed reload, then all process starts from begining. Fetched time is about ~10min (best solution to fetched once by opening view and after that just manupulate with data without fetced each reloading)
I want to load data once or by button. But how to implement that i don't understand.

The easier approach is to do this with two pages:
First page: User can choose to load the data
Second page: Loads the data and shows it
If you want to do this on the same page you normally put a div on your page where the data should be loaded and then you need to use Javascript / AJAX to load and update your current page (or a part of it) based on user input like a clicked button.
There are multiple ways to implement this. Here are some examples:
HTMX - Click to load
JQuery - load div on button click
Pure Javascript
I would recommend HTMX, because it allows you to do this without having to write any JavaScript and it works great together with Django templates.


I want to update a DIV that will contain an image from a database PostgreSQL, without refreshing the entire page. Backend Django

I want to update a DIV that will contain an image, initially there is no image, the image is in a database (the images table will have a field with the image path) PostgreSQL. Every time the database loads an image (it can be at any time) the DIV must be updated, showing the new image, without refreshing the HTML page. If the user wants to see the next image loaded in the database, he will only have to refresh the page. Thank you very much for your support.
Simple solution for you...

Django - Is it possible to show loader until a start page is loaded?

My view function takes a long time until returning a template. So, I'd like to show something to a user while running the function.
Is it possible to show loader until a start page is loaded?
What's important is the loader should be shown when loading the first page after first visit of a user?
Thank you for reading my question.
You would have to fetch the page using JS. You could use something like Intercooler or PJAX which provides HTML attributes that show a spinning animation while loading the content via AJAX.
A better solution would be to make your page faster. There are several things you should consider:
Check that all Model fields that you are using for filtering or sorting have set db_index=True unless the tables are small (few hundred entries) or the fields are already unique or foreign/primary keys. Also check that your DB does sorting and merging in RAM not on disk (== the DB has enough RAM resources and has also the correct configuration to use it).
Sometimes, if you show a list of model instances you end up making separate DB requests per row if you access related models in your template. Again, check which statements your DB executes and have a look at Django's select_related, prefetch_related, values and values_list methods that can dramatically increase lookup performance. Make sure your template context contains all necessary data and only the necessary data (e.g. pageing, how much, or maybe you should consider a search index like SOLR or Elastic which can be integrated nicely via Django Haystack).
Load everything except heavy data at once in your main view, which also includes JS. The JS then uses AJAX to load the rest from a second Django view which returns an HTML snippet that your JS simply adds to the DOM.
It really depends on how comfortable you are with JS and how much you want to stick to HTML to make as much use of Django as possible (thinking of Django Forms for example). But first, tune your DB setup (disclaimer: I have written that article).
it's better to make a request with javascript to your Django endpoint, until you get a response back from your server you should show your loader, and when you get the response back successfully you should make display: none for loader and mak display: block for your loaded content
Create a function in and send JsonResponse. URL example: http://localhost:8000/somedata
Render any other HTMLlet's say it's index.html. URL example: http://localhost:8000/home
That index.html file need to have some JavaScript, let's say main.js
In main.js make a request to http://localhost:8000/somedata and fetch data. Use async javascript that way you can easily track fetched data or not

How can I use django to collect and store the pixel locations of mouse clicks on a displayed image?

I have a set of images and I'd like to display them to a user and collect the location of mouse clicks on each image. I'd like to do this using django because ultimately I want to integrate these click event data with an existing database that's managed with django.
I know I could do this by coding up my own Python application that displays the image, collects mouse clicks, and stores them in the database. But is there an existing django extension or form that already does this? I'm having trouble getting any useful hits on google.
From what i understand you are collecting data from a front-end level. For something like this you should collect the data with Javascript running on your page and have it send an AJAX post to you Django API. That would allow you to store the data easily.
As Django forms operate off of HTTP requests I do not think that there is an extension for doing this in the current Django ecosystem.

Reload googlemaps after user clicks a link in Django

I am doing a project in Django and i want to have some google maps displayed in my site. So, i installed django-easy-maps and successfully used it in a sample template. So, i am ready with my maps.
The interface i want to implement is this
I want to display the maps where the Hellow World! container is and with different links on the sidebar i want to refresh the map being displayed on user click without reloading the page.
I did some researching and it seems Ajax is the solution...
Can anybody tell me how i might achieve this (with or without Ajax ) ?
Sorry for sounding like a noob but i am fairly new to this.
The basic steps are:
Create a view for the Google Maps section to the right. This view does not return a full HTML page but only the HTML for that section (which contains your Google Maps map).
When the user clicks on a link on the left, use JavaScript to perform an ajax call to request that page. In short this means: attach an event handler to the onclick event of those links and in code you can perform an ajax call .Many people use a JavaScript library for this purpose, such as jQuery (which has $.ajax()).
You can then use JavaScript to put the received HTML inside the container on the right (using $.html()).

Django 1.4 wizard and tables2 navigation don't mix

We're using Django 1.4's new wizard to create, well, a wizard. We have a wizard where, a few steps into it, the user has to select a row from a listview/datagrid/table. We use Django-tables2 to show this data.
The problem is that django's wizard has a single fixed URL, and uses a hidden form field that tells the wizard at what step it is. So all forms submit via POST back to the very same URL, and Django's wizard figures out from which page the user comes, stores the submitted data and based on the hidden form field, figures out where to go next.
Django-tables2 is an HTML grid that supports paging and sorting through a set of data. However, it does so using http GET, passing some querystring variables to indicate what column to sort and/or what "page" of data to show.
As soon as we use sorting or paging in a tables2 grid inside a Django wizard, the GET will call the same URL, because it is a GET, the Django wizard will not receive the hidden form values it expects that regulates navigation, and it will happily show the first page of the wizard by default.
I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this and knows of a solution to keep both the Django Wizard as well as the Tables2 functional.
Thanks in advance,