I want to run a websocket server with mongoose how do I solve the error? - c++

#include "mongoose.h"
static const char *s_listen_on = "ws://localhost:80020";
static const char *s_web_root = ".";
// This RESTful server implements the following endpoints:
// /websocket - upgrade to Websocket, and implement websocket echo server
// /api/rest - respond with JSON string {"result": 123}
// any other URI serves static files from s_web_root
static void fn(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fn_data) {
if (ev == MG_EV_OPEN) {
// c->is_hexdumping = 1;
} else if (ev == MG_EV_HTTP_MSG) {
struct mg_http_message *hm = (struct mg_http_message *) ev_data;
if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/websocket")) {
// Upgrade to websocket. From now on, a connection is a full-duplex
// Websocket connection, which will receive MG_EV_WS_MSG events.
mg_ws_upgrade(c, hm, NULL);
} else if (mg_http_match_uri(hm, "/rest")) {
// Serve REST response
mg_http_reply(c, 200, "", "{\"result\": %d}\n", 123);
} else {
// Serve static files
struct mg_http_serve_opts opts = {.root_dir = s_web_root};
mg_http_serve_dir(c, ev_data, &opts);
} else if (ev == MG_EV_WS_MSG) {
// Got websocket frame. Received data is wm->data. Echo it back!
struct mg_ws_message *wm = (struct mg_ws_message *) ev_data;
mg_ws_send(c, wm->data.ptr, wm->data.len, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT);
(void) fn_data;
int main(void) {
struct mg_mgr mgr; // Event manager
mg_mgr_init(&mgr); // Initialise event manager
printf("Starting WS listener on %s/websocket\n", s_listen_on);
mg_http_listen(&mgr, s_listen_on, fn, NULL); // Create HTTP listener
for (;;) mg_mgr_poll(&mgr, 1000); // Infinite event loop
return 0;
I want to create a websocket server, but I am getting an error while running this project.
I tried on different ports but the result did not change.
Error is:
mongoose.c:2774:mg_listen Failed: ws://localhost:80020, errno 0


REQ socket drop message silently if two message coming together very fast

This is a reproducible message silently dropped issue with a very small changes to the lbbroker.cpp.
In the lbbroker.cpp file, a worker will be pop out from work_queue when handling a request from client thread. If we modify the line 163 from std::string worker_addr = worker_queue.front(); to static std::string worker_addr = worker_queue.front();, as the following picture shows. All request will be forwarded to one worker, then we can see some messages will be dropped by the REQ socket the worker. Is it normal? REQ socket cannot receive other message when the worker logic is running ?
The client thread:
static void * client_thread(void *arg) {
zmq::context_t context(1);
zmq::socket_t client(context, ZMQ_REQ);
#if (defined (WIN32))
s_set_id(client, (intptr_t)arg);
client.connect("tcp://localhost:5672"); // frontend
s_set_id(client); // Set a printable identity
// Send request, get reply
s_send(client, "HELLO");
std::string reply = s_recv(client);
std::cout << "Client: " << reply << std::endl;
return (NULL);
The worker thread:
// Worker using REQ socket to do LRU routing
static void *
worker_thread(void *arg) {
zmq::context_t context(1);
zmq::socket_t worker(context, ZMQ_REQ);
#if (defined (WIN32))
s_set_id(worker, (intptr_t)arg);
worker.connect("tcp://localhost:5673"); // backend
// Tell backend we're ready for work
s_send(worker, "READY");
while (1) {
// Read and save all frames until we get an empty frame
// In this example there is only 1 but it could be more
std::string address = s_recv(worker);
std::string empty = s_recv(worker);
assert(empty.size() == 0);
// Get request, send reply
std::string request = s_recv(worker);
std::cout << "Worker: " << request << std::endl;
s_sendmore(worker, address);
s_sendmore(worker, "");
s_send(worker, "OK");
return (NULL);
The main function(start client and worker threads):
Note: std::string worker_addr = worker_queue.front(); is changed to static std::string worker_addr = worker_queue.front(); to let all requests from different clients send to one work thread, then some message will be dropped by the REQ socket in work thread.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Prepare our context and sockets
zmq::context_t context(1);
zmq::socket_t frontend(context, ZMQ_ROUTER);
zmq::socket_t backend(context, ZMQ_ROUTER);
#if (defined (WIN32))
frontend.bind("tcp://*:5672"); // frontend
backend.bind("tcp://*:5673"); // backend
int client_nbr;
for (client_nbr = 0; client_nbr < 10; client_nbr++) {
pthread_t client;
pthread_create(&client, NULL, client_thread, (void *)(intptr_t)client_nbr);
int worker_nbr;
for (worker_nbr = 0; worker_nbr < 3; worker_nbr++) {
pthread_t worker;
pthread_create(&worker, NULL, worker_thread, (void *)(intptr_t)worker_nbr);
// Logic of LRU loop
// - Poll backend always, frontend only if 1+ worker ready
// - If worker replies, queue worker as ready and forward reply
// to client if necessary
// - If client requests, pop next worker and send request to it
// A very simple queue structure with known max size
std::queue<std::string> worker_queue;
while (1) {
// Initialize poll set
zmq::pollitem_t items[] = {
// Always poll for worker activity on backend
{ backend, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 },
// Poll front-end only if we have available workers
{ frontend, 0, ZMQ_POLLIN, 0 }
if (worker_queue.size())
zmq::poll(&items[0], 2, -1);
zmq::poll(&items[0], 1, -1);
// Handle worker activity on backend
if (items[0].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
// Queue worker address for LRU routing
// Second frame is empty
std::string empty = s_recv(backend);
assert(empty.size() == 0);
// Third frame is READY or else a client reply address
std::string client_addr = s_recv(backend);
// If client reply, send rest back to frontend
if (client_addr.compare("READY") != 0) {
std::string empty = s_recv(backend);
assert(empty.size() == 0);
std::string reply = s_recv(backend);
s_sendmore(frontend, client_addr);
s_sendmore(frontend, "");
s_send(frontend, reply);
if (--client_nbr == 0)
if (items[1].revents & ZMQ_POLLIN) {
// Now get next client request, route to LRU worker
// Client request is [address][empty][request]
std::string client_addr = s_recv(frontend);
std::string empty = s_recv(frontend);
assert(empty.size() == 0);
std::string request = s_recv(frontend);
static std::string worker_addr = worker_queue.front();
s_sendmore(backend, worker_addr);
s_sendmore(backend, "");
s_sendmore(backend, client_addr);
s_sendmore(backend, "");
s_send(backend, request);
return 0;

esp32 BLE device scan doesn't work second time it loops

I am trying to connect to a BLE device, and once the callback is received it sends an ACK to a server and then reconnects the BLE device, the BLE device doesn't want to reconnect the second time round though and just skips over that line. I tried disabling and enabling Wi-Fi but that results in a http error code of -1.
My code:
#include "BLEDevice.h"
#include "WiFi.h"
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <Arduino_JSON.h>
//WiFi variables
//HTTPClient http;
bool wifiConnect = 0;
bool scanned = 0;
const char* ssid = "SSID";
const char* password = "Password";
char* serverName = "generic server name";
String serverPath;
String httpRequestData;
int Connection = 0;
int httpResponseCode;
String Data = "";
String externalID = "";
//BLE Device
BLEScan* pBLEScan;
float Temp=0;
// The remote service we wish to connect to.
static BLEUUID serviceUUID("0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
// The characteristic of the remote service we are interested in.
static BLEUUID charUUID("0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb");
static boolean doConnect = false;
static boolean connected = false;
static boolean doScan = false;
static BLERemoteCharacteristic* pRemoteCharacteristic;
static BLEAdvertisedDevice* myDevice;
static void notifyCallback(
BLERemoteCharacteristic* pBLERemoteCharacteristic,
uint8_t* pData,
size_t length,
bool isNotify) {
ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX("my value", pData, length);//NEW, used to neatly show data
Serial.print("The ");
if (pData[3] == 0)
Serial.print("object ");
else if (pData[3] == 1)
Serial.print("body ");
Serial.print("temperature is: ");
Temp = (float(pData[4] * 256 + pData[5])) / 10;
Connection = 1;
scanned = 1;
class MyClientCallback : public BLEClientCallbacks {
void onConnect(BLEClient* pclient) {
void onDisconnect(BLEClient* pclient) {
connected = false;
wifiConnect = 0;
bool connectToServer() {
Serial.print("Forming a connection to ");
BLEClient* pClient = BLEDevice::createClient();
Serial.println(" - Created client");
pClient->setClientCallbacks(new MyClientCallback());
// Connect to the remove BLE Server.
pClient->connect(myDevice); // if you pass BLEAdvertisedDevice instead of address, it will be recognized type of peer device address (public or private)
Serial.println(" - Connected to server");
// Obtain a reference to the service we are after in the remote BLE server.
BLERemoteService* pRemoteService = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
if (pRemoteService == nullptr) {
Serial.print("Failed to find our service UUID: ");
return false;
Serial.println(" - Found our service");
// Obtain a reference to the characteristic in the service of the remote BLE server.
pRemoteCharacteristic = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID);
if (pRemoteCharacteristic == nullptr) {
Serial.print("Failed to find our characteristic UUID: ");
return false;
Serial.println(" - Found our characteristic");
// Read the value of the characteristic.
if (pRemoteCharacteristic->canRead()) {
std::string value = pRemoteCharacteristic->readValue();
Serial.print("The characteristic value was: ");
if (pRemoteCharacteristic->canNotify())
connected = true;
return true;
Scan for BLE servers and find the first one that advertises the service we are looking for.
class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {
Called for each advertising BLE server.
void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice) {
Serial.print("BLE Advertised Device found: ");
// We have found a device, let us now see if it contains the service we are looking for.
if (advertisedDevice.haveServiceUUID() && advertisedDevice.isAdvertisingService(serviceUUID)) {
myDevice = new BLEAdvertisedDevice(advertisedDevice);
doConnect = true;
doScan = true;
} // Found our server
} // onResult
}; // MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks
void setup() {
Serial.println("Starting Arduino BLE Client application..."); \
//WiFi setup
Serial.printf("Connecting to %s\n", ssid);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
//WiFi.config(staticIP, gateway, subnet);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi...");
}//end while
Serial.print("Connected, IP address: ");
HTTPClient http;
serverPath = serverName;
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
// Data to send with HTTP POST
JSONVar json_test;
json_test["id"] = WiFi.macAddress();
httpRequestData = JSON.stringify(json_test);
// If you need an HTTP request with a content type: application/json, use the following:
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
httpResponseCode = http.POST(httpRequestData);
if (httpResponseCode > 0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
Serial.println("This is the response code");
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
Serial.println("This is the setup");
// Free resources
Serial.println("IS this done?");
} else
Serial.println("WiFi disconnected");
} // End of setup.
// This is the Arduino main loop function.
void loop() {
if ((!wifiConnect))
// Retrieve a Scanner and set the callback we want to use to be informed when we
// have detected a new device. Specify that we want active scanning and start the
// scan to run for 5 seconds.
pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan();
pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());
pBLEScan->start(5, false);
// If the flag "doConnect" is true then we have scanned for and found the desired
// BLE Server with which we wish to connect. Now we connect to it. Once we are
// connected we set the connected flag to be true.
if (doConnect == true) {
if (connectToServer()) {
Serial.println("We are now connected to the BLE Server.");
} else {
Serial.println("We have failed to connect to the server; there is nothin more we will do.");
doConnect = false;
// If we are connected to a peer BLE Server, update the characteristic each time we are reached
// with the current time since boot.
/* if ((!connected) && (doScan)) {
BLEDevice::getScan()->start(5); // this is just eample to start scan after disconnect, most likely there is better way to do it in arduino
if (connected)
{ wifiConnect = 1;
} else if (scanned)
HTTPClient http;
serverPath = serverName;
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
// Your Domain name with URL path or IP address with path
// Data to send with HTTP POST
JSONVar json_test;
json_test["id"] = WiFi.macAddress();
httpRequestData = JSON.stringify(json_test);
// If you need an HTTP request with a content type: application/json, use the following:
http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
httpResponseCode = http.POST(httpRequestData);
if (httpResponseCode > 0) {
Serial.print("HTTP Response code: ");
Serial.println("This is the response code");
else {
Serial.print("Error code: ");
// Free resources
} else
Serial.println("WiFi disconnected");
Connection = 0;
delay(1000); // Delay a second between loops.
} // End of loop

hello world example for a mongoose webserver with SSL in C

I am trying to set a mongoose web server v3.3 with a self-signed SSL certificate. I know how to do it without SSL but I want to implement HTTPS.
I have implemented something like this:
void *event_handler(enum mg_event event,
struct mg_connection *conn) {
const struct mg_request_info *request_info = mg_get_request_info(conn);
static void* done = "done";
if (event == MG_NEW_REQUEST) {
if (strcmp(request_info->uri, "/hello") == 0) {
// handle c[renderer] request
if(strcmp(request_info->request_method, "GET") != 0) {
// send error (we only care about HTTP GET)
mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 %d Error (%s)\r\n\r\n%s",
"we only care about HTTP GET",
"we only care about HTTP GET");
// return not null means we handled the request
return done;
// handle your GET request to /hello
char* content = "Hello World!";
char* mimeType = "text/plain";
int contentLength = strlen(content);
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Cache: no-cache\r\n"
"Content-Type: %s\r\n"
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
mg_write(conn, content, contentLength);
return done;
// in this example i only handle /hello
mg_printf(conn, "HTTP/1.1 %d Error (%s)\r\n\r\n%s",
500, /* This the error code you want to send back*/
"Invalid Request.",
"Invalid Request.");
return done;
// No suitable handler found, mark as not processed. Mongoose will
// try to serve the request.
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
const char *options[] = {
"ssl_certificate", "cert.pem",
"listening_ports", "443s",
"num_threads", "10",
static struct mg_context *ctx;
ctx = mg_start(&event_handler, options);
if(ctx == NULL) {
puts("Server running, press enter to exit\n");
The problem is I am not able to access my server from the web browser. I think the problem is that the first event my callback receives is MG_INIT_SSL but I do not know how to handle or process it. Could anybody please help?
Firstly, I believe you should not have to handle other events than MG_NEW_REQUEST in your event handler.
I would also debug using openssl:
openssl s_client -connect <hostname:port>
to see that the SSL connection gets set up properly.
In any case, Cesanta does provide a complete working example for you to use:

multiclent server connected but not receiving messages properly

I have to create a basic p2p connection with c++ sockets, which means each user has a server for listening onto connections and and a client for connecting, right?
For now I'm trying to create a master client which has a dedicated server and is a client too.
This means creating the server and client in the same program and I have used fork() which creates a child process of the server and the parent is the client. Now, fork works fine and I'm using select() to check sockets for reading data and i have modeled the server on this http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/multipage/advanced.html#select
Now when I run the program, the master client is able to connect to its own dedicated server, but the messages don't always get received by the server. Sometimes, it receives it, sometimes it doesn't. Any idea why?
Also, when a second client gets connected to the master client, and it doesn't have it's own server for now, the server shows that it gets a new connection, but when I write the message and send it, it doesn't receive any message from the second client, but it receives a message from the master client sometimes and not always.
EDIT: Added cout.flush
EDIT: I think forking the process causes some delay when a client and server run on the same program.
UPDATE: Added the new server code which causes a delay by one message (in response to the comments)
Here's the code.
while (1) {
unsigned int s;
readsocks = socks;
if (select(maxsock + 1, &readsocks, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
return ;
for (s = 0; s <= maxsock; s++) {
if (FD_ISSET(s, &readsocks)) {
//printf("socket %d was ready\n", s);
if (s == sock) {
/* New connection */
cout<<"\n New Connection";
int newsock;
struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
socklen_t size = sizeof(their_addr);
newsock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&their_addr, &size);
if (newsock == -1) {
else {
printf("Got a connection from %s on port %d\n",
inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr), htons(their_addr.sin_port));
FD_SET(newsock, &socks);
if (newsock > maxsock) {
maxsock = newsock;
else {
/* Handle read or disconnection */
handle(s, &socks);
void handle(int newsock, fd_set *set)
char buf[256];
bzero(buf, 256);
/* send(), recv(), close() */
if(read(newsock, buf, 256)<=0){
cout<<"\n No data";
FD_CLR(newsock, set);
else {
string temp(buf);
cout<<"\n Server: "<<temp;
/* Call FD_CLR(newsock, set) on disconnection */

NS-3 Socket to connect to external program

I am trying for a way to write a socket class to connect my NS-3 simulation to an outside program. So what I want to do is to create packets in NS-3 and send them through this socket to an outside tool, do some simple manipulations on the packet in that tool, and then send it back to NS-3. I don't think the built in NS-3 socket can be used for this purpose.
Has anyone come across something like this before or has any suggestions?
Your help is very much appreciated!
I'm using a TCP socket to connect an external Python TCP Socket using NS-3, here is the code:
* Create a NS-3 Application that opens a TCP Socket and
* waits for incoming connections
#include "ns3/icmpv4.h"
#include "ns3/assert.h"
#include "ns3/log.h"
#include "ns3/ipv4-address.h"
#include "ns3/socket.h"
#include "ns3/integer.h"
#include "ns3/boolean.h"
#include "ns3/inet-socket-address.h"
#include "ns3/packet.h"
#include "ns3/trace-source-accessor.h"
#include "ns3/config.h"
#include "ns3/tos-device.h"
#include "ns3/names.h"
#include "ns3/string.h"
#include "ns3/object.h"
namespace ns3 {
IOProxyServer::IOProxyServer ()
m_socket = 0;
TypeId IOProxyServer::GetTypeId (void)
static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::IoProxyServer")
.SetParent<Application> ()
.AddConstructor<IOProxyServer> ()
"Remote port listening for connections",
"Remote IP listening for connections",
"Local port for incoming connections",
"Local IP for incoming connections",
return tid;
void IOProxyServer::StartApplication (void)
m_socket = Socket::CreateSocket (GetNode (), TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::TcpSocketFactory"));
NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_socket != 0, "An error has happened when trying to create the socket");
InetSocketAddress src = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny(), m_localPortNumber );
InetSocketAddress dest = InetSocketAddress(Ipv4Address(m_remoteIp.c_str()), m_remotePortNumber);
int status;
status = m_socket->Bind (src);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (status != -1, "An error has happened when trying to bind to local end point");
status = m_socket->Connect(dest);
NS_ASSERT_MSG (status != -1, "An error has happened when trying to connect to remote end point");
// Configures the callbacks for the different events related with the connection
m_socket->SetAcceptCallback (
MakeNullCallback<bool, Ptr<Socket>, const Address &> (),
MakeCallback (&IOProxyServer::HandleAccept, this));
m_socket->SetRecvCallback (
MakeCallback (&IOProxyServer::HandleRead, this));
m_socket->SetDataSentCallback (
MakeCallback (&IOProxyServer::HandleSend,this));
m_socket->SetCloseCallbacks (
MakeCallback (&IOProxyServer::HandlePeerClose, this),
MakeCallback (&IOProxyServer::HandlePeerError, this));
// If we need to configure a reception only socket or a sending only socket
// we need to call one of the following methods:
// m_socket->ShutdownSend();
// m_socket->ShutdownRecv();
void IOProxyServer::StopApplication (void)
void IOProxyServer::HandlePeerClose (Ptr<Socket> socket)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
void IOProxyServer::HandlePeerError (Ptr<Socket> socket)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
void IOProxyServer::HandleSend (Ptr<Socket> socket, uint32_t dataSent)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
void IOProxyServer::HandleAccept (Ptr<Socket> s, const Address& from)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << s << from);
s->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback (&IOProxyServer::HandleRead, this));
void IOProxyServer::HandleRead (Ptr<Socket> socket)
NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << socket);
Ptr<Packet> packet;
while ((packet = socket->RecvFrom (from)))
if (packet->GetSize () == 0)
{ //EOF
if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (from))
//Do whatever you need with the incoming info
void IOProxyServer::SendData()
//Do whatever you need for creating your packet and send it using the socket
//Ptr<Packet> packet = Create<Packet>(pointer, sizeof(pointer));
//m_socket->Send(packet, 0, from);
IOProxyServer::~IOProxyServer ()
void IOProxyServer::DoDispose (void)
m_socket = 0;
Application::DoDispose ();
} // namespace ns3