I have to create a basic p2p connection with c++ sockets, which means each user has a server for listening onto connections and and a client for connecting, right?
For now I'm trying to create a master client which has a dedicated server and is a client too.
This means creating the server and client in the same program and I have used fork() which creates a child process of the server and the parent is the client. Now, fork works fine and I'm using select() to check sockets for reading data and i have modeled the server on this http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/html/multipage/advanced.html#select
Now when I run the program, the master client is able to connect to its own dedicated server, but the messages don't always get received by the server. Sometimes, it receives it, sometimes it doesn't. Any idea why?
Also, when a second client gets connected to the master client, and it doesn't have it's own server for now, the server shows that it gets a new connection, but when I write the message and send it, it doesn't receive any message from the second client, but it receives a message from the master client sometimes and not always.
EDIT: Added cout.flush
EDIT: I think forking the process causes some delay when a client and server run on the same program.
UPDATE: Added the new server code which causes a delay by one message (in response to the comments)
Here's the code.
while (1) {
unsigned int s;
readsocks = socks;
if (select(maxsock + 1, &readsocks, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
return ;
for (s = 0; s <= maxsock; s++) {
if (FD_ISSET(s, &readsocks)) {
//printf("socket %d was ready\n", s);
if (s == sock) {
/* New connection */
cout<<"\n New Connection";
int newsock;
struct sockaddr_in their_addr;
socklen_t size = sizeof(their_addr);
newsock = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&their_addr, &size);
if (newsock == -1) {
else {
printf("Got a connection from %s on port %d\n",
inet_ntoa(their_addr.sin_addr), htons(their_addr.sin_port));
FD_SET(newsock, &socks);
if (newsock > maxsock) {
maxsock = newsock;
else {
/* Handle read or disconnection */
handle(s, &socks);
void handle(int newsock, fd_set *set)
char buf[256];
bzero(buf, 256);
/* send(), recv(), close() */
if(read(newsock, buf, 256)<=0){
cout<<"\n No data";
FD_CLR(newsock, set);
else {
string temp(buf);
cout<<"\n Server: "<<temp;
/* Call FD_CLR(newsock, set) on disconnection */
I'm currently managing a server that can serve at most MAX_CLIENTS clients concurrently.
This is the code I've written so far:
//create and bind listen_socket_
struct pollfd poll_fds_[MAX_CLIENTS];
for (auto& poll_fd: poll_fds_)
poll_fd.fd = -1;
listen(listen_socket_, MAX_CLIENTS);
poll_fds_[0].fd = listen_socket_;
poll_fds_[0].events = POLLIN;
while (enabled)
const int result = poll(poll_fds_, MAX_CLIENTS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
if (result == 0)
else if (result < 0)
// throw error
for (auto& poll_fd: poll_fds_)
if (poll_fd.revents == 0)
else if (poll_fd.revents != POLLIN)
// throw error
else if (poll_fd.fd == listen_socket_)
int new_socket = accept(listen_socket_, nullptr, nullptr);
if (new_socket < 0)
// throw error
for (auto& poll_fd: poll_fds_)
if (poll_fd.fd == -1)
poll_fd.fd = new_socket;
poll_fd.events = POLLIN;
// serve connection
Everything is working great, and when a client closes the socket on its side, everything gets handled well.
The problem I'm facing is that when a client connects and send a requests, if it does not close the socket on its side afterwards, I do not detect it and leave that socket "busy".
Is there any way to implement a system to detect if nothing is received on a socket after a certain time? In that way I could free that connection on the server side, leaving room for new clients.
Thanks in advance.
You could close the client connection when the client has not sent any data for a specific time.
For each client, you need to store the time when the last data was received.
Periodically, for example when poll() returns because the timeout expired, you need to check this time for all clients. When this time to too long ago, you can shutdown(SHUT_WR) and close() the connection. You need to determine what "too long ago" is.
If a client does not have any data to send but wants to leave the connection open, it could send a "ping" message periodically. The server could reply with a "pong" message. These are just small messages with no actual data. It depends on your client/server protocol whether you can implement this.
I am currently working in a server program in linux, which has to connect to a single client and has to listen to it for commands. Once it receives certain command I have to send some values in return to the client. The values are generated in the main function and the server program is run in a thread.
So, in this case I thought I have to implement non-blocking socket. But I am getting Resource temporarily unavailable error. If any anyone point me in a direction for further research it will would helpful , as I am stuck in this implementation for a long time.
Here is the while loop code,
void server::serve() {
struct sockaddr_in clientAddress;
socklen_t sin_size;
sin_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
if(client = accept(sockId,(struct sockaddr *)&clientAddress,&sin_size) == -1){
while (1) {
if(client = accept(sockId,(struct sockaddr *)&clientAddress,&sin_size) == -1){
cout <<"client "<<client<<endl;
if(transmitFlag != -1)
I'm trying to build a simulation for multiple socket clients.
My server has the following code to listen to multiple clients
My socket are from a very simple class drive from CAsyncSocket and my environment is windows MFC.
m_server.Create(....); // with the correct values
if (m_server.Listen()==FALSE)
and later on the OnSocketAccept() function
if (m_server.Accept(tempSock))
CSocketThread* pThread = (CSocketThread*)AfxBeginThread(RUNTIME_CLASS(CSocketThread), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
My simulation apps has the following code:
for (int i = 0; i < numOfClients; i++)
int rVal = m_sConnected[i].Connect(csIPAddress.GetString(), m_port);
That doesn't work.
In WireShark I can see that my (numOfClients = 10 for example) 10 clients are connected with different client source port.
But each new socket of m_sConnected[i] is becoming NULL after the second connection to all sockets including m_sConnected[0].
Closing the sockets or destroy the simulation app create socket close at the server side for all open threads for the listen sockets.
What is the problem?
Can I use the same process/thread for all my socket clients?
your problem is that you are not using the CSocketThread object the right way.
as mentiend in microsoft documention
after the accept function you need to do the following :
CSockThread* pSockThread = (CSockThread*)AfxBeginThread( RUNTIME_CLASS(CSockThread), THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
if (NULL != pSockThread) {
// Detach the newly accepted socket and save
//the SOCKET handle in our new thread object.
//After detaching it, it should no longer be
//used in the context of this thread.
pSockThread->m_hConnected = sConnected.Detach();
} }
when you attach your socket to the thread then it will run.
link to microsoft doc:
your solution has worked for me. I have used multiple threads to stress test the server in c++ under linux. Pasting my code, it will be helpful to somebody...Experts can improve my code, if they find any flaws in my handling of code. I know, I am doing something wrong but no other go to test the server as no one has provided the solution for this till now. I am able to test the server for 100000 clients using this code. - Kranti.
include //for threading , link with lpthread
void *connection_handler(void *);
#define PORT 9998
#define SERVER_IP ""
#define MAXSZ 100
#define MAXSOCK 70000
int main()
int sockfd[MAXSOCK];//to create socket
int socket_desc , new_socket[MAXSOCK], *new_sock;
struct sockaddr_in serverAddress;//client will connect on this
int n;
char msg1[MAXSZ];
char msg2[MAXSZ];
int NoOfClients = MAXSOCK;
void *ret;
for(int i=0;i<NoOfClients;i++){
//create socket
//initialize the socket addresses
//client connect to server on port
new_socket[i] = connect(sockfd[i],(struct sockaddr *)&serverAddress,sizeof(serverAddress));
printf("new socket connected= %d",new_socket[i]);
pthread_t sniffer_thread[MAXSOCK];
new_sock = malloc(sizeof(int));
*new_sock = new_socket[i];
int p=-1;
if( p = pthread_create( &sniffer_thread[i] , NULL , connection_handler , (void*) new_sock) < 0)
perror("could not create thread");
return 1;
return 0;
* This will handle connection for each client
* */
void *connection_handler(void *socket_desc)
//Get the socket descriptor
int sock = *(int*)socket_desc;
int read_size;
char *message , client_message[50];
printf("we are in connection handler");
//Send some messages to the server
message = "Greetings! I am your connection handler\n";
int wlen = write(sock , message , strlen(message));
printf("write length is %d", wlen);
//Free the socket pointer
return 0;
I have been trying to figure out this problem for over a month now. I have no where else to turn.
I have a server that listens to many multicast channels (100ish). Each socket is its own thread. Then I have a client listener (single threaded) that handles all incoming connections, disconnects, and client messaging within the same server. The idea is that a client comes in, connects, requests data from a multicast channels and I send the data back to the client. The client stays connected and I relay the UDP data back to the client. The client can either request UDP or TCP has the protocol for the data relay. At one point this was working beautifully for a couple of weeks. We did some code and kernel changes, and now we cant figure out whats gone wrong.
The server will run for hours and have hundreds of clients connected throughout the day. But at some point, randomly, the server will just stop. And by stop, I mean: all UDP sockets stop receiving/handling data (tcpdump shows data still coming to the box), the client_listener thread stops receiving client packets. BUT!!! the main client_listener socket can still receive new connections and new disconnects on the main socket. On a new connection, the main sockets is able to send a "Connection Established" packet back to the client, but then when the client responds, the select never returns.
I can post code if someone would like. If anyone has any suggestions where to look or if this sounds like something. Please let me know.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Thank you.
I would like to share my TCP Server code:
This is a single thread. Works fine for hours and then I will only receive "New Connections" and "Disconnects". NO CLIENT PACKETS WILL COME IN.
int opt = 1;
int addrlen;
int sd;
int max_sd;
int valread;
int activity;
int new_socket;
char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
int client_socket[m_max_clients];
struct sockaddr_in address;
fd_set readfds;
for(int i = 0; i<m_max_clients; i++)
if((m_master_socket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==0)
LOG(FATAL)<<"Unable to create master socket";
LOG(FATAL)<<"Unable to set master socket";
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
address.sin_port = htons(m_listenPort);
if(bind(m_master_socket,(struct sockaddr*)& address, sizeof(address))!=0)
LOG(FATAL)<<"Unable to bind master socket";
LOG(FATAL)<<"listen() failed with err";
addrlen = sizeof(address);
LOG(INFO)<<"Waiting for connections......";
FD_SET(m_master_socket, &readfds);
max_sd = m_master_socket;
for(int i = 0; i<m_max_clients; i++)
sd = client_socket[i];
if(sd > 0)
FD_SET(sd, &readfds);
max_sd = sd;
activity = select(max_sd+1,&readfds,NULL,NULL,NULL);
// int err = errno;
// LOG(ERROR)<<"SELECT ERROR:"<<activity<<" "<<err;
if(FD_ISSET(m_master_socket, &readfds))
if((new_socket = accept(m_master_socket,(struct sockaddr*)&address, (socklen_t*)&addrlen))<0)
LOG(INFO)<<"New Connection, socket fd is (" << new_socket << ") client_addr:" << inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr) << " Port:" << ntohs(address.sin_port);
for(int i =0;i<m_max_clients;i++)
//try to set the socket to non blocking, tcp nagle and keep alive
if ( !SetSocketBlockingEnabled(new_socket, false) )
LOG(INFO)<<"UNABLE TO SET NON-BLOCK: ("<<new_socket<<")" ;
if ( !SetSocketNoDelay(new_socket,false) )
LOG(INFO)<<"UNABLE TO SET DELAY: ("<<new_socket<<")" ;
// if ( !SetSocketKeepAlive(new_socket,true) )
// LOG(INFO)<<"UNABLE TO SET KeepAlive: ("<<new_socket<<")" ;
ClientConnection* con = new ClientConnection(m_mocSrv, m_udpPortGenerator, inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr), ntohs(address.sin_port), new_socket);
client_socket[i] = new_socket;
m_clientConnectionSocketMap[new_socket] = con;
LOG(INFO)<<"Client Connection Logon Complete";
delete con;
for(int i = 0; i<m_max_clients; i++)
sd = client_socket[i];
if ( (valread = recv(sd, buffer, sizeof(buffer),MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL)) <= 0 )
//remove from the fd listening set
std::map<int, ClientConnection*>::iterator client_connection_socket_iter = m_clientConnectionSocketMap.find(sd);
if(client_connection_socket_iter != m_clientConnectionSocketMap.end())
client_connection_socket_iter->second->handle_message(buffer, valread);
From the information given I would state the following:
Do not use a thread for each connection. Since you're on Linux use EPOLL Edge Triggered Multiplexing. Most newer web frameworks use this technology. For more info check 10K Problem.
By eliminating threads from the equation you're eliminating the possibilities of a deadlock and reducing the complexity of debugging / worrying about thread safe variables.
Ensure each connection when finished is completely closed.
Ensure that you do not have some new firewall rules that popped up in iptables since the upgrade.
Check any firewalls on the network to see if they are restricting certain types of activity (is your server on a new IP since the upgrade?)
In short I would put my money on a thread deadlock and / or starvation. I've personally conducted experiments in which I've created a multithreaded server vs a single threaded server using Epoll. The results where night and day, Epoll blows away multithreaded implementation (for I/O) and makes the code simpler to write, debug and maintain.
I'm writing client-server application. Until now everything was OK, client sent a request, server recieved it, parse it. But now I want to send back an answer, so I copied those two functions, I put write() from client to server and read() from server to client. And when I run the program now everything blocks, server waits, client waits too. When I ctrl+c client, server unblocks and parse the right request and waits for another. What could be wrong, please?
Part of code from client:
params.port = atoi(params.pvalue.c_str());
hostent *host;
sockaddr_in socketHelper;
int clientSocket;
char buf[BUFFER_LEN];
int size;
string data;
string recieved;
// gets info about server
host = gethostbyname(params.hvalue.c_str());
if(host == NULL) {
// makes a socket
if((clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) {
return ERR_SOCKET;
socketHelper.sin_family = AF_INET;
socketHelper.sin_port = htons(params.port);
memcpy(&(socketHelper.sin_addr), host->h_addr, host->h_length);
// connects the socket
if(connect(clientSocket, (sockaddr *)&socketHelper, sizeof(socketHelper)) == -1) {
// sends data
if((size = write(clientSocket, request.c_str(), request.length())) == -1) {
return ERR_SEND;
// recieves data
while ((size = read(clientSocket, buf, BUFFER_LEN)) != 0) {
recieved.append(buf, size);
data = data + recieved;
// closes a connection
And part of code from server:
while(1) {
int clientSocket = accept(GodParticle, (struct sockaddr*) &GodAddr, &clientSocketSize);
if(clientSocket == -1) {
return ERR_ACCEPT;
if((pid = fork()) == 0) {
while ((size = read(clientSocket, buf, BUFFER_LEN)) != 0) {
recieved.append(buf, size);
request = request + recieved;
if((size = write(clientSocket, sendback.c_str(), sendback.length())) == -1) {
return ERR_SEND;
Ok, let me answer in this way.
recv() is blocking your program by default until it receive some message from server.
And the reason why recv() does not blocks your server program is because you used fork() to create a child process.
So you have to use some other method to avoid this block(maybe like using select or some other things).