DataFlow Teradata Jdbc connection proporty string - google-cloud-platform

I have nearly 3310000 millons data on teradata. When I want to transfer into the BigQuery via DataFloq, it takes nearly 20 minutes and that time is very high for the whole process.
To decrease the this process time , I have already tried to adjust prefetch and fetchsize, but I got an error as Invalid connection parameter name. What can I do for this situation. Thanks in advance,
Best Regards


Use case for dataflow (small SQL queries)

We're using Cloud Function to transform our datas in BigQuery :
- all datas are in BigQuery
- to transform data, we only use SQL queries in BigQuery
- each query runs once a day
- our biggest SQL query runs for about 2 to 3 minutes, but most queries runs for less than 30 seconds
- we have about 50 queries executed once a day, and this number is increasing
We tried at first to do the same thing (SQL queries in BigQuery) with Dataflow, but :
- it took about 10 to 15 minutes just to start dataflow
- it is more complicated to code than our cloud functions
- at that time, Dataflow SQL was not implemented
Every time we talk with someone using GCP (users, trainers or auditers), they recommend using Dataflow.
So did we miss something "magic" with Dataflow, in our use case? Is there a way to make it start in seconds and not in minutes?
Also, if we use streaming in Dataflow, how are costs calculated? I understand that in batch we pay for what we use, but what if we use streaming? Is it counted as a full-time running service?
Thanks for your help
For the first part, BigQuery VS Dataflow, I discussed this with Google weeks ago and their advice is clear:
When you can express your transformation in SQL, and you can reach your data with BigQuery (external table), it's always quicker and cheaper with BigQuery. Even if the request is complex.
For all the other use cases, Dataflow is the most recommended.
For realtime (with true need of realtime, with metrics figured out on the fly with windowing)
When you need to reach external API (ML, external service,...)
When you need to sink into something else than BigQuery (Firestore, BigTable, Cloud SQL,...) or read from a source not reachable by BigQuery.
And yes, Dataflow start in 3 minutes and stop in again 3 minutes. It's long... and you pay for this useless time.
For batch, like for streaming, you simply pay for the number (and the size) of the Compute Engine used for your pipeline. Dataflow scale automatically in the boundaries that you provide. Streaming pipeline don't scale to 0. If you haven't message in your PubSub, you still have at least 1 VM up and you pay for it.

BigQuery read is Slow in Google DataFlow pipeline

For our Near real time analytics, data will be streamed into pubsub and Apache beam dataflow pipeline will process by first writing into bigquery and then do the aggregate processing by reading again from bigquery then storing the aggregated results in Hbase for OLAP cube Computation.
Here is the sample ParDo function which is used to fetch record from bigquery
String eventInsertedQuery="Select count(*) as usercount from <tablename> where <condition>";
BigQuery bigquery = BigQueryOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
QueryJobConfiguration queryConfig
TableResult result = bigquery.query(queryConfig);
FieldValueList row = result.getValues().iterator().next();"rowCounttt {}",row.get("usercount").getStringValue());
bigquery.query is taking aroud ~4 seconds. Any suggestions to improve it? Since this is near real time analytics this time duration is not acceptable.
Frequent reads from BigQuery can add undesired latency in your app. If we consider that BigQuery is a data warehouse for Analytics, I would think that 4 seconds is a good response time. I would suggest to optimize the query to reduce the 4 seconds threshold.
Following is a list of possibilities you can opt to:
Optimizing the query statement, including changing the Database schema to add partitioning or clustering.
Using a relational database provided by Cloud SQL for getting better response times.
Changing the architecture of you app. As recommended in comments, it is a good option to transform the data before writing to BQ, so you can avoid the latency of querying the data twice. There are several articles to perform Near Real Time computation with Dataflow (e.g. building real time app and real time aggregate data).
On the other hand, keep in mind that the time to finish a query is not included in the BigQuery SLAs webpage, in fact, it is expected that errors can occur and consume even more time to finish a query, see Back-off Requirements in the same link.

AWS Athena - Query over large external table generated from Glue crawler?

I have a large set of history log files on aws s3 that sum billions of lines,
I used a glue crawler with a grok deserializer to generate an external table on Athena, but querying it has proven to be unfeasible.
My queries have timed out and I am trying to find another way of handling this data.
From what I understand, through Athena, external tables are not actual database tables, but rather, representations of the data in the files, and queries are run over the files themselves, not the database tables.
How can I turn this large dataset into a query friendly structure?
Edit 1: For clarification, I am not interested in reshaping the hereon log files, those are taken care of. Rather, I want a way to work with the current file base I have on s3. I need to query these old logs and at its current state it's impossible.
I am looking for a way to either convert these files into an optimal format or to take advantage of the current external table to make my queries.
Right now, by default of the crawler, the external tables are only partitined by day and instance, my grok pattern explodes the formatted logs into a couple more columns that I would love to repartition on, if possible, which I believe would make my queries easier to run.
Your where condition should be on partitions (at-least one condition). By sending support ticket, you may increase athena timeout. Alternatively, you may use Redshift Spectrum
But you may seriously thing to optimize query. Athena query timeout is 30min. It means your query ran for 30mins before timed out.
By default athena times out after 30 minutes. This timeout period can be increased but raising a support ticket with AWS team. However, you should first optimize your data and query as 30 minutes is good time for executing most of the queries.
Here are few tips to optimize the data that will give major boost to athena performance:
Use columnar formats like orc/parquet with compression to store your data.
Partition your data. In your case you can partition your logs based on year -> month -> day.
Create larger and lesser number of files per partition instead of small and more number of files.
The following AWS article gives detailed information for performance tuning in amazon athena
Top 10 performance tuning tips for amazon-athena

Django database; how to download huge data in csv format

I have setup my database in Django in which I have huge amount of data. The task is to download all the data at a time in csv format. The problem which I am facing here is when the data size (in number of table rows) is upto 2000, I am able to download it but when number of rows reaches to more than 5k, it throws an error, "Gateway timeout". How to handle such issue. There is no table indexing as of now.
Also, when there is 2K data available, it takes around 18sec to download. So how this can be optimized.
First, make sure the code that is generating the CSV is as optimized as possible.
Next, the gateway timeout is coming from your front end proxy; so simply increase the timeout there.
However, this is a temporary reprieve - as your data set grows, this timeout will be exhausted and you'll keep getting these errors.
The permanent solution is to trigger a separate process to generate the CSV in the background, and then download it once its finished. You can do this by using celery or rq which are both ways to queue tasks for execution (and then collect the results at a later time).
If you are currently using HttpResponse from django.http then you could try using StreamingHttpResponse instead.
Failing that, you could try querying the database directly. For example, if you use the MySql database backend, these answers might help you:
As for the speed of the transaction, you could experiment with other database backends. However, if you need to do this often enough for the speed to be a major issue then there may be something else in the larger process which should be optimized instead.

Amazon DynamoDB and Provisioned Throughput

I am new to DynamoDB and I'm having trouble getting my head around the Provisioned Throughput.
From what I've read it seems you can use this to set the limit of reads and writes at one time. Have I got that wrong?
Basically what I want to do is store emails that are sent through my software. I currently store them in a MySQL database but the amount of data is very large which is why I am looking at DynamoDB. This data I do not need to access very often but when it's needed, I need to be able to access it.
Last month 142,925 emails were sent and each "row" (or email) in the MySQL table I store them in is around 2.5KB.
Sometimes 1 email is sent, other times there might be 3,000 at one time. There's no way of knowing when or how many will be sent at any given time.
Do you have any suggestions on what my Throughputs should be?
And if I did go over, am I correct in understanding that Amazon throttles it and adds them over time? Or does it just throw and error and that's the end of it?
Thanks so much for your help.
I'm using DynamoDB with the Java SDK. When you have an access burst, amazon first tries to keep up, even allowing a bit above the provisioned throughput, after that it start throttling and also throws exceptions. In our code we use this error to break the requests into smaller batches and sometimes force a sleep to cool it down a bit.
When dealing with your situation it really depends on the type of crunching you need to do "from time to time". How much time do you need to get all the data from the table? do you really need to get all of it? And ~100k a month doesn't sound too much for MySQL in my mind.. it all depends on the querying power you need.
Also note that in DynamoDB writes are more expensive than reads so maybe that alone signals that it is not the best fit for your write-intensive problem.
DynamoDb is very expensive, I would suggest not to store emails in dynamo db as each read and write cost good amount, Basically 1 read unit means 4KB data read per sec and 1 write unit means 1KB data write per sec, As you mentioned your each email is 2.5KB, hence while searching data(if you dont have proper key for searching the email) table will be completely scanned that will cost a very good amount as you will need several write units for reading.