Amazon DynamoDB and Provisioned Throughput - amazon-web-services

I am new to DynamoDB and I'm having trouble getting my head around the Provisioned Throughput.
From what I've read it seems you can use this to set the limit of reads and writes at one time. Have I got that wrong?
Basically what I want to do is store emails that are sent through my software. I currently store them in a MySQL database but the amount of data is very large which is why I am looking at DynamoDB. This data I do not need to access very often but when it's needed, I need to be able to access it.
Last month 142,925 emails were sent and each "row" (or email) in the MySQL table I store them in is around 2.5KB.
Sometimes 1 email is sent, other times there might be 3,000 at one time. There's no way of knowing when or how many will be sent at any given time.
Do you have any suggestions on what my Throughputs should be?
And if I did go over, am I correct in understanding that Amazon throttles it and adds them over time? Or does it just throw and error and that's the end of it?
Thanks so much for your help.

I'm using DynamoDB with the Java SDK. When you have an access burst, amazon first tries to keep up, even allowing a bit above the provisioned throughput, after that it start throttling and also throws exceptions. In our code we use this error to break the requests into smaller batches and sometimes force a sleep to cool it down a bit.
When dealing with your situation it really depends on the type of crunching you need to do "from time to time". How much time do you need to get all the data from the table? do you really need to get all of it? And ~100k a month doesn't sound too much for MySQL in my mind.. it all depends on the querying power you need.
Also note that in DynamoDB writes are more expensive than reads so maybe that alone signals that it is not the best fit for your write-intensive problem.

DynamoDb is very expensive, I would suggest not to store emails in dynamo db as each read and write cost good amount, Basically 1 read unit means 4KB data read per sec and 1 write unit means 1KB data write per sec, As you mentioned your each email is 2.5KB, hence while searching data(if you dont have proper key for searching the email) table will be completely scanned that will cost a very good amount as you will need several write units for reading.


Use Case for Amazon Athena

We are building an web application to allow customers insight into their activity based on events currently streaming into ElasticSearch. A customer is an organisation sending messages to people.
A concern has been raised that a requirement to host this data for three years infers a very large amount of storage and high cost of implementation given Elasticsearch.
An alternative is to process each day's data into a report CSV stored in S3 and use something like Amazon Athena to perform the queries. Is Athena something that our application can send ad-hoc queries to in response to a web browser request? It is unlikely to generate a large volume of requests all the time, but I'm uncertain what the latency could be like.
Yes, Athena would be a possible solution to this use case – and done right it could also be fairly cheap.
Athena is not a low latency query engine, but for reporting purposes it's usually good enough. There's no way to say for sure without knowing more, but done right we're talking low single digit seconds.
You can approach this in different ways, either you do as you say and generate a CSV every day, store these for as long as you need, and run queries against them as needed. From your description it sounds like these CSVs would already be aggregates, and I assume they would be significantly less than a megabyte per customer per day. If you partition by customer and month you should be able to run queries for arbitrary time periods in seconds.
Another approach would be to store all your data on S3 and run queries on the full data set. As you stream data into ElasticSearch, stream it to S3 too. Depending on how you do that you probably need some ETL in the form of Lambda functions that partitions the data per customer and time (day or month depending on the volume). You can then run Athena queries on the full historical data set. The downside would be slower queries (double digit seconds for most queries, but I don't know your data volumes), but the upside would be full flexibility on what you can query.
With more details about the particulars of the use case I could help you with the details.
Athena is serverless. You can quickly query your data without having to set up and manage any servers or data warehouses. Just point to your data in Amazon S3, define the schema, and start querying using the built-in query editor.
Amazon Athena automatically executes queries in parallel, so most results come back within seconds/mins.

AWS Athena too slow for an api?

The plan was to get data from aws data exchange, move it to an s3 bucket then query it by aws athena for a data api. Everything works, just feels a bit slow.
No matter the dataset nor the query I can't get below 2 second in athena response time. Which is a lot for an API. I checked the best practices but seems that those are also above 2 sec.
So my question:
Is 2 sec the minimal response time for athena?
If so then I have to switch to postgres.
Athena is indeed not a low latency data store. You will very rarely see response times below one second, and often they will be considerably longer. In the general case Athena is not suitable as a backend for an API, but of course that depends on what kind of an API it is. If it's some kind of analytics service, perhaps users don't expect sub second response times? I have built APIs that use Athena that work really well, but those were services where response times in seconds were expected (and even considered fast), and I got help from the Athena team to tune our account to our workload.
To understand why Athena is "slow", we can dissect what happens when you submit a query to Athena:
Your code starts a query by using the StartQueryExecution API call
The Athena service receives the query, and puts it on a queue. If you're unlucky your query will sit in the queue for a while
When there is available capacity the Athena service takes your query from the queue and makes a query plan
The query plan requires loading table metadata from the Glue catalog, including the list of partitions, for all tables included in the query
Athena also lists all the locations on S3 it got from the tables and partitions to produce a full list of files that will be processed
The plan is then executed in parallel, and depending on its complexity, in multiple steps
The results of the parallel executions are combined and a result is serialized as CSV and written to S3
Meanwhile your code checks if the query has completed using the GetQueryExecution API call, until it gets a response that says that the execution has succeeded, failed, or been cancelled
If the execution succeeded your code uses the GetQueryResults API call to retrieve the first page of results
To respond to that API call, Athena reads the result CSV from S3, deserializes it, and serializes it as JSON for the API response
If there are more than 1000 rows the last steps will be repeated
A Presto expert could probably give more detail about steps 4-6, even though they are probably a bit modified in Athena's version of Presto. The details aren't very important for this discussion though.
If you run a query over a lot of data, tens of gigabytes or more, the total execution time will be dominated by step 6. If the result is also big, 7 will be a factor.
If your data set is small, and/or involves thousands of files on S3, then 4-5 will instead dominate.
Here are some reasons why Athena queries can never be fast, even if they wouldn't touch S3 (for example SELECT NOW()):
There will at least be three API calls before you get the response, a StartQueryExecution, a GetQueryExecution, and a GetQueryResults, just their round trip time (RTT) would add up to more than 100ms.
You will most likely have to call GetQueryExecution multiple times, and the delay between calls will puts a bound on how quickly you can discover that the query has succeeded, e.g. if you call it every 100ms you will on average add half of 100ms + RTT to the total time because on average you'll miss the actual completion time by this much.
Athena will writes the results to S3 before it marks the execution as succeeded, and since it produces a single CSV file this is not done in parallel. A big response takes time to write.
The GetQueryResults must read the CSV from S3, parse it and serialize it as JSON. Subsequent pages must skip ahead in the CSV, and may be even slower.
Athena is a multi tenant service, all customers are competing for resources, and your queries will get queued when there aren't enough resources available.
If you want to know what affects the performance of your queries you can use the ListQueryExecutions API call to list recent query execution IDs (I think you can go back 90 days at the most), and then use GetQueryExecution to get query statistics (see the documentation for QueryExecution.Statistics for what each property means). With this information you can figure out if your slow queries are because of queueing, execution, or the overhead of making the API calls (if it's not the first two, it's likely the last).
There are some things you can do to cut some of the delays, but these tips are unlikely to get you down to sub second latencies:
If you query a lot of data use file formats that are optimized for that kind of thing, Parquet is almost always the answer – and also make sure your file sizes are optimal, around 100 MB.
Avoid lots of files, and avoid deep hierarchies. Ideally have just one or a few files per partition, and don't organize files in "subdirectories" (S3 prefixes with slashes) except for those corresponding to partitions.
Avoid running queries at the top of the hour, this is when everyone else's scheduled jobs run, there's significant contention for resources the first minutes of every hour.
Skip GetQueryExecution, download the CSV from S3 directly. The GetQueryExecution call is convenient if you want to know the data types of the columns, but if you already know, or don't care, reading the data directly can save you some precious tens of milliseconds. If you need the column data types you can get the ….csv.metadata file that is written alongside the result CSV, it's undocumented Protobuf data, see here and here for more information.
Ask the Athena service team to tune your account. This might not be something you can get without higher tiers of support, I don't really know the politics of this and you need to start by talking to your account manager.

aws dynamo db throughput

There's something which I cant understand about AWS DynamoDb throughput.
Lets consider strongly consistent reads.
Now, I understand that in this case, 1 unit of capacity would mean I can read up to 4KB of per second.
It's the "per second" bit that slightly confuses me. If you know exactly how quickly you want to read data then you can set the units appropriately. But what if you're not too fussy about the read time?
Say I do have only 1 read unit assigned to my table and I try to read an item which is more than 4KB. Now surely that just means that my read is going to take more than 1 second? That would be fine but the documentation talks about Requests failing. How can AWS determine that I used too many units when I didn't request that the data be read within a particular time?
Maybe I am missing something obvious. Can you someone help clear this up?
DynamoDB can consume up to 300 seconds of unused throughput in burst capacity.
The maximum item size in DynamoDB is 400KB and 1 RCU gives you a read of up to 4KB.
Lets say you want to read an item that is 400KB in size and you have 1 RCU on your table. You could retrieve that item once every 100 seconds.
Because of burst capacity there will always be a time you can read that item, because in fact you can use up to 300 RCUs in one go, not just 1.
Imagine starting the table with that 400KB item. You need to wait 100 seconds without spending any RCUs so that you've earned enough burst capacity to get the item. After 101 seconds you make the request, spend 100 RCUs and get the item. After another 5 seconds you make the request again, but get denied with a Throttling Exception.
So no, DynamoDB will not increase request latency to meet your RCU provision. It either returns your results as fast as possible, or throws an exception.
EDIT: By the way, I should mention that all AWS DynamoDB SDKs handle Throttling Exceptions for you. If you try and read an item, but get denied because you don't have enough throughput available, the SDK backs off and try again. So unless your table really is under provisioned, you shouldn't have to worry about handling Throttling Exceptions.

Improving DynamoDB Write Operation

I am trying to call dynamodb write operation to write around 60k records.
I have tried to put 1000 write capacity unites for Provisioned Write capacity. But my write operation is still taking lot of time. Also when I check the metrics I can still see the consumed Write capacity units as around 10 per seconds.
My record size is definitely less than 1KB.
Is there a way we can speed up the write operation for dynamodb?
So here is what I figured out.
I changed my call to use batchWrite and my consumed Write capacity units has increased significantly upto 286 write capacity units.
Also the complete write operation finished within couple of minutes.
As mentioned in all above answers using putItem to load large number of data has the latency issues and it affects your consumed capacities. It is always better to batchWrite.
DynamoDB performance, like most databases is highly dependent on how it is used.
From your question, it is likely that you are using only a single DynamoDB partition. Each partition can support up to 1000 write capacity units and up to 10GB of data.
However, you also mention that your metrics show only 10 write units consumed per second. This is very low. Check all the metrics visible for the table in the AWS console. This is a tab per table under the DynamoDB pages. Check for throttling and any errors. Check the consumed capacity is below the provisioned capacity on the charts.
It is possible that there is some other bottleneck in your process.
It looks like you can send more requests per second. You can perform more request, but if you send requests in a loop like this:
for item in items:
You need to mind the roundtrip latency for each request.
You can use two tricks:
First, upload data from multiple threads/machines.
Second, you can use BatchWriteItem method that allow you to write up to 25 items in one request:
The BatchWriteItem operation puts or deletes multiple items in one or
more tables. A single call to BatchWriteItem can write up to 16 MB of
data, which can comprise as many as 25 put or delete requests.
Individual items to be written can be as large as 400 KB.

How do you handle Amazon Kinesis Record duplicates?

According to the Amazon Kinesis Streams documentation, a record can be delivered multiple times.
The only way to be sure to process every record just once is to temporary store them in a database that supports Integrity checks (e.g. DynamoDB, Elasticache or MySQL/PostgreSQL) or just checkpoint the RecordId for each Kinesis shard.
Do you know a better / more efficient way of handling duplicates?
We had exactly that problem when building a telemetry system for a mobile app. In our case we were also unsure that producers where sending each message exactly once, therefore for each received record we calculated its MD5 on the fly and checked whether it is presented in some form of a persistent storage, but indeed what storage to use is the trickiest bit.
Firstly, we tried trivial relational database, but it quickly became a major bottleneck of the whole system as this isn't just read-heavy but also write-heavy case, since the volume of data going though Kinesis was quite significant.
We ended up having a DynamoDB table storing MD5's for each unique message. The issue we had was that it wasn't so easy to delete the messages - even though our table contained partition and sort keys, DynamoDB does not allow to drop all records with a given partition key, we had to query all of the to get sort key values (which wastes time and capacity). Unfortunately, we had to just simply drop the whole table once in a while. Another way suboptimal solution is to regularly rotate DynamoDB tables which store message identifiers.
However, recently DynamoDB introduced a very handy feature - Time To Live, which means that now we can control the size of a table by enabling auto-expiry on a per record basis. In that sense DynamoDB seems to be quite similar to ElastiCache, however ElastiCache (at least Memcached cluster) is much less durable - there is no redundancy there, and all data residing on terminated nodes is lost in case of scale in operation or failure.
The thing you mentioned is a general problem of all queue systems with "at least once" approach. Also, not just the queue systems, the producers and consumers both may process the same message multiple times (due to ReadTimeout errors etc.). Kinesis and Kafka both uses that paradigm. Unfortunately there is not an easy answer for that.
You may also try to use an "exactly-once" message queue, with stricter transaction approach. For example AWS SQS does that: . Be aware, SQS throughput is far smaller than Kinesis.
To solve your problem, you should be aware of your application domain and try to solve it internally like you suggested (database checks). Especially when you communicate with an external service (let's say an email server for example), you should be able to recover the operation state in order to prevent double processing (because double sending in the email server example, may result in multiple copies of the same post in the recipient's mailbox).
See also the following concepts;
At-least-once Delivery:
Exactly-once Delivery:
Idempotent Processor: