How to delete amzon sagemaker studio project - amazon-web-services

I am unable to delete the project in amazon sagemaker studios have tried using the different methods

There's no hard delete on SageMaker Projects. When you delete them through the SDK or CLI (API reference), it updates the status of the project to 'Deleted'. You can extend the left pane to see the status, like the screenshot below.


Failing to delete GCP project due to non-existent DialogFlow agent

I am trying to delete a GCP project.
Now, it used to have a Google Assistant integration (~ 3 years ago) but now I don't need it anymore and I want to delete it.
When I try to delete the project -> it tells me it can't because it's liked to a Dataflow agent. It provides me with a link but when I follow it, there are no agents listed there. I browsed all available regions, but no agents are listed.
I went to Actions from GCP console, but I can't delete the Actions project either (same reason). When I go to my defined action, I am prompted to migrate to Actions Builder (but I get a generic error trying to do that). In any case, if I try to edit my action in Dataflow, it takes me to the same homepage which prompts me to create an agent - as it doesn't list any.
So I'm stumped - I can't delete my project because of an existing Dataflow agent but Dataflow doesn't list any agents in any region.
Can anyone with Dataflow/GCP experience provide any insight into anything I may try ? Thanks!
There are mainly two possible situations for the issue Failing to delete GCP project due to non-existent DialogFlow agent:
The agent has been deleted, but the lien was not deleted.
The agent was not deleted.
You can follow the steps below to solve the issue:
Delete the agents associated with the project and try again to delete the project. If this does not solve the issue then follow step2.
Even though you deleted the agent, the lien used by the agent is not deleted. Run this CLI command gcloud alpha resource-manager liens list to list liens and then run the gcloud alpha resource-manager liens delete LIEN_NAME command then you can try again to delete the project. For more information, you can refer to the google cloud documentation. If this does not solve the issue then follow step3.
Deactivate the Dialogflow API from the GCP console: Open APIs & Services dashboard then click on Dialogflow API then click on Disable API. After disabling the Dialogflow API, try again to delete the project.

Receiving AWS Network Error when trying to enable Amplify Studio

Really stumped right now. I want to use Amplify for a Cloud assignment and have done amplify init in VS Code terminal to create the app. Unfortunately, I've been receiving this error when I try to enable Amplify Studio via the AWS webpage.
I thought my roles and permissions might need to be adjusted but I have AdministratorAccess-Amplify on the users I need. I also couldn't delete any of my test applications due to a similar error, but I managed to delete them via the CLI with no issues.
So my question is, is there any way to enable Amplify Studio via the CLI, or has anyone run into this issue before and been able to fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Uploading image file to AWS Lambda .Net Core application from browser results in unusable file - how to fix?

I was uploading a jpg image from my browser, as a part of a form, to my .Net Core web api which resides on AWS Lambda. It uploaded but resulted in errors when I tried to process it using ImageSharp. Also I noticed that the file size of the uploaded version was almost double the size of the original. Note that there was no a problem when uploaded locally in my Windows environment running from Visual Studio 2019 Preview. It is the version that was published to AWS Lambda from Visual Studio that was having issues.
Further info: Image arrived into my .NET Controller as an IFormFile within an IForm.
AWS does something to the file before it gets to AWS Lambda. The fix is simple to implement.
In the Amazon Console, Go to Services, then to the API Gateway page. (Now refer to image below!) Select your API and under your API go to settings. Add these binary types:
And click Save.
Now click on Resources, then click on Actions and select Deploy API.
Now select a stage. (I set the stage to Prod in the box that comes up.) Then click on the Deploy button.
At this point you should be ready to go. If not, maybe it is a cache issue that has not caught up. If that is the case, perhaps redo the deploy api procedure above. Perhaps that kills time in which the cache refreshes or pushes a cache refresh, but soon it should work one way or another.

Unable To Publish To AWS Lambda From Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to take an existing .net core API project and run it as a lambda function (Which should be possible).
I have installed the VS 2017 SDK for AWS. While following tutorials, I am supposed to be able to right click my project and select deploy to AWS Lambda. The only option I have is "Publish To Elastic Beanstalk"
However, when I create a brand new empty function in Visual Studio (New Project). I do have the ability to Publish To Lambda
But I can't seem to figure out the difference between the projects. Every nuget/tooling reference between the two projects is identical when it comes to AWS Packages.
My answer was the following, in my csproj I had the following line :
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="Amazon.Lambda.Tools " Version="1.5.0" />
Notice there is a small space after Tools. No complains from VS though so it was super hard to spot, and only exists because you have to edit the csproj manually when adding DotNetCliTools.

How to view table data in DynamoDB

AWS Console seems to indicate my tables have some data from my test put_item() calls, but I would like to actually see the data. Is there a means to do this in AWS Console? I've read something on AWS Explorer that can be installed as a plugin to eclipse or visual studios, but I'm a PHP developer who doesn't use Eclipse, so it seems silly to install a whole IDE just to ensure the correct data is being entered.
How can I check the data in my DynamoDB tables?
Amazon just launched "Explore Table" for DynamoDB in the AWS Management Console.
If you are using Visual Studio or Eclipse, you can use the AWS Explorer to see all of your tables and data.
In Eclipse it looks like this: