Opensuse upgrad software package - opensuse

in opensuse leap15.2, how can I upgrade my gnuplot (current version 5.2) to version 5.4 or 5.5. I want to install directly via yast the rpm package, so do not compile from source myself?


How to install tensorflow for python 2?

I would like to use tensorflow with ROS and ROS 1 does only support python 2.7 at the moment.
Is there a way to install tensorflow 1 or 2 for python 2.7?
According to this older post: How to install Tensorflow on Python 2.7 on Windows?
Tensorflow does not support python2.7 anymore.
This is the system requirement for Tensorflow available: :
System requirements
Python 3.5–3.8
Python 3.8 support requires TensorFlow 2.2 or later.
pip 19.0 or later (requires manylinux2010 support)
Ubuntu 16.04 or later (64-bit)
macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or later (64-bit) (no GPU support)
Windows 7 or later (64-bit)
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019
Raspbian 9.0 or later
GPU support requires a CUDA®-enabled card (Ubuntu and Windows)
Here you have the reference to the C++ reference:
The easiest way of using tensorflow is to download anaconda and then download the packages of anaconda!

OpenSuse: Cannot start Omnisharp because Mono version >=3.10.0 is required

Im running Visual Studio Code on OpenSuse 13.2 and get "Cannot start Omnisharp because Mono version >=3.10.0 is required". I have reinstalled mono-complete and mono-devel.
OpenSuse 13.2 repositories contains mono version 3.8.0. To install newer version, firstly uninstall current version of mono and then visit this page and click "1-click Install mono-complete" to install latest version of mono (currently version 4.0.2)

How do i Upgrade from Qt5 to Qt5.4 on Linux?

My OS is Kubuntu 14.04.
I installed Qt5 via apt-get install libqt5-dev
How can i upgrade my Qt to the new Version of Qt(5.4)? I could install it manually but then the files in usr/include etc. are not updated and CMake is always searching there first, therefore not the newest Version will be picked. Is there a way to do something like make install to upgrade the existing Qt Version that will be used as default?

How to install GCC 5.1 on Linux (Ubuntu)

I'd like to experiment with the new GCC 5.1 C++ compiler on Ubuntu.
How can I install GCC 5.1 on Ubuntu?
I'd prefer some form of pre-built executable that I could just download and install, instead of downloading GCC's sources and building the whole GCC 5.1 from them.
Moreover, since I read libstdc++'s ABI changed in GCC 5, must a new version of libstdc++ be installed with GCC 5.1, too?
Package g++-5 (gcc version 5.2.1) is available in debian testing or in ubuntu wily. Previous milestones are 4.9 and 4.8. It would be more difficult to get a version in between, like 5.1.
If still satisfied with 5.2.1 then add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb stretch main
Try to install package and its dependencies:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install g++-5
Then hope it is going to be installed without problems.
(It strongly depends which ubuntu version is used on host.)
A g++-4.9 install from stable debian (jessie) to ubuntu trusty (gcc 4.8) has been successful for me. When done comment out previously added line from sources list and
# apt-get update
If you are fond of eternal upgrades then set an apt pinning rule instead.

Qt 4.8.4 (i386/x64) on Ubuntu 13.04 x64

Is there way to keep both x64/x86 packages for qt 4.8.4 on one linux machine?
For example, when I'm trying to install qt4 bin package:
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev-bin:i386
I only get warning:
The following packages will be REMOVED: libqt4-dev-bin
The same thing for qt4-qmake and other qt4 packages.