How do i Upgrade from Qt5 to Qt5.4 on Linux? - c++

My OS is Kubuntu 14.04.
I installed Qt5 via apt-get install libqt5-dev
How can i upgrade my Qt to the new Version of Qt(5.4)? I could install it manually but then the files in usr/include etc. are not updated and CMake is always searching there first, therefore not the newest Version will be picked. Is there a way to do something like make install to upgrade the existing Qt Version that will be used as default?


how to install qt specific version libraries

I need to install qt libraries 5.9 in Ubuntu 20.04.
sudo apt install qt5-default
will bring the latest qt release which I don't want.
I need specific qt libraries for compatibility reasons. I have applications running in the field where qt libraries are pre installed as dinamic libraries in the targets and can must be kept unchanged.
Ubuntu only offers the versions available in their repos.
If you want a specific version you can download the Qt installer ( and search for the version you need there. You'll find a list of builds available for download.
However, not all versions are available in their repos as well. In that case you'll have to build the version you need yourself I guess.

how to install QT 5.3.2 version on fedora release 20

I use Fedora release 20 (Heisenbug), I need QT version 5.3.2 and QMake version 3.0
so, I try yum install qt-devel
and rpm -qa | grep qt
How to install qt version 5.3.2 and qmake version3.0?
I think the best way to do it is to go to the QT website and download the package from there. But why do you need an older version? There is a version for linux 5.7.0. Just download the version, probably 5.7.0 for 64bit linux, and then run:
chmod +x
and then ./
Keep in mind it needs to be installed as with root permissions so either use sudo or su. Change the working directory after that.
Now if you want specifically this version, you must find the executables and install them from there, i dont know if fedora provides something like that from their package manager.

How do I deal with qtbase-abi-5-2-1 dependency on Ubuntu?

I build my c++ Qt app on Mint 17.2, using debuild. The $shlibs variable expands to include qtbase-abi-5-2-1. Does that mean one of the dependent shared libraries is using Qt private headers? I'm not using private headers explicitly in my app.
In my .pro I have:
QT += printsupport
QT += widgets svg xmlpatterns network concurrent
Could one of those be causing this dependency?
The problem is my .deb won't install on Ubuntu 15.10 because it can't handle this dependency, since Ubuntu 15.10 comes with a later version of Qt.
Linking Qt statically is not an option for me. So what options do I have? Is there some way I can include libqt5core5a in my deb, and Ubuntu 15.10 will be happy? Or if I use a later version of Qt 5 to build, will the dependency on qtbase-abi-x-x-x go away (for instance, build on Ubuntu 15.10 which uses Qt 5.4.1 I believe, and future releases of Ubuntu won't complain about qtbase-abi-5-4-1)?
I tried building on Ubuntu 15.10, and I have the same problem: the executable is dependent on qtbase-abi-5-4-2.
In case it's helpful, I set up my build machine with this:
sudo apt-get install g++ subversion build-essential devscripts
debhelper libicu-dev qtbase5-dev qt5-default libqt5svg5-dev
libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev qttools5-dev-tools

Qt 4.8.4 (i386/x64) on Ubuntu 13.04 x64

Is there way to keep both x64/x86 packages for qt 4.8.4 on one linux machine?
For example, when I'm trying to install qt4 bin package:
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev-bin:i386
I only get warning:
The following packages will be REMOVED: libqt4-dev-bin
The same thing for qt4-qmake and other qt4 packages.

How to port a Ubuntu C++ library to MinGW?

In Ubuntu, there is a package called uuid-dev. To install and use it, I just need to run apt-get install uuid-dev. However, in MinGW, I couldn't install this package using mingw-get install.
May I know what are the basic steps to port a C++ application/library from Ubuntu to MinGW?
It might already support compilation under MinGW. Generally you would download the source, unpack them and run ./configure and see what happens.
Give that a try and get back to me.