Cross-reference latex table in RMarkdown - r-markdown

I made a latex table in a Rmarkdown document. Now, I want to refer to this table in my text, but somehow all the options I could find online do not work. If I do \label{table1} or label{tab:table1} or \label{tbl: table1} after the \begin{table} command, and I subsequently refer to the table using \#ref(table1) or \#ref(tab:table1} or \#ref(tbl:table1} or \ref(table1), it all does not seem to work. The place in the text where I refer to the table shows questions marks. So, my question is: How do I refer to my latex table in a RMarkdown file?


Is there a way to embed a fully contained html table into xaringan slides?

I am trying to embed an html table produced using kable. The code producing the table takes a while to run, so I don't want to include it in my xaringan slides.
Using xfun::file_string() to read a saved txt file removes the formatting of the table. Is there a way to embed a saved and self-contained table into the slides?
You may use the chunk option results='asis':
```{r, results='asis', echo=FALSE}

I can't filter the column description in the datacatalog(GCP)

I'm trying to filter the gcp data catalog, in which I try to filter column descriptions, using the description qualifiers: student name attribute.
Unfortunately, no return.
other qualifiers that I couldn't get back were also:
Can anyone help me?
May I ask what is the column description and what is the exact query you are searching for?
Column descriptions should be searchable.
If you are using the data catalog UI, on the main search page tag templates (and entry groups) are hidden as they show on separate pages.

Can Query Builder in SAS EG be used to output fixed-width columns?

thanks for any help! I’ll try to be concise.
I am new to SAS and have inherited a SAS run that outputs a table with 15 columns, which I export as an excel file and deliver.
The recipient would now like it as a .txt file with fixed-width columns, and has provided the character limit/width for each column.
Is this something that can be done in query builder, so I can just query the existing table rather than modifying the code in the run? I tried filling the field for ‘Length’ when you add a column to query builder, but it did not have the desired result.

sas adding sheets to existing excel file formatting error

I use SAS EG 6.1 to add sheets to an existing excel file (xlsx). I use a simple proc export with DBMS=xlsx. The data is written to the excelfile succesfully.
However it appears that formatting in Excel is taken from the already existing sheets. There also is a difference between cells that contains numbers vs. cells that contain text. For instance when in the existing sheet i used header 1 cell style, the numbers in the exported worksheets also had this header 1 style.
Screenshot of the existing sheet: Existing Worksheet
Screenshot of the added sheet (wrong formats)
The wrongly formatted added worksheet
I tried the following things:
- add an extra sheet without formatting and place this as first sheet in the workbook. My thought was the exported work sheets then wouldn't have the format either. No succes.
- add an extra sheet without formatting and place this as last sheet in the workbook. My thought was the exported work sheets then wouldn't have the format either. No succes.
2 alternative possible solutions i think of are:
1) using the pcfiles and ranges method. I will try this and post the results.
2) recreate the existing workbook and pray to see different results.
Did anyone have this experience and solved this problem?
update 17-1-2016: added screenshots and tried the procedure with a fresh excel workfile. The latter didn't result in succes.

MFC - Format rtf document to two columns

I am merging many rtf files into a single file for printing. In order to save paper, I would like to have the printout of the merged rtf document in two columns per page.
What is the best way to do this?
I found out a way of doing this.
Load the rtf document into a CRichEditCtrl.
Use the CRichEditCtrl's FormatRange method to format and render the text to different part of the paper; left column and right column in this case.