Is there a way to embed a fully contained html table into xaringan slides? - xaringan

I am trying to embed an html table produced using kable. The code producing the table takes a while to run, so I don't want to include it in my xaringan slides.
Using xfun::file_string() to read a saved txt file removes the formatting of the table. Is there a way to embed a saved and self-contained table into the slides?

You may use the chunk option results='asis':
```{r, results='asis', echo=FALSE}


Cross-reference latex table in RMarkdown

I made a latex table in a Rmarkdown document. Now, I want to refer to this table in my text, but somehow all the options I could find online do not work. If I do \label{table1} or label{tab:table1} or \label{tbl: table1} after the \begin{table} command, and I subsequently refer to the table using \#ref(table1) or \#ref(tab:table1} or \#ref(tbl:table1} or \ref(table1), it all does not seem to work. The place in the text where I refer to the table shows questions marks. So, my question is: How do I refer to my latex table in a RMarkdown file?

How do I import a CSV file that has columns with different date formats into Weka?

Suppose I have a CSV file, where the first column of data is a date with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, while the second column is a date with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm. How can I import the CSV file into the Weka Explorer such that both attributes have the "date" type?
I understand that in the Weka Explorer's "Preprocess" tab's "Open file ..." dialog, I can select "Invoke options dialog" to customize the data types of the imported attributes:
However, the resulting configuration window only allows me to specify one dateFormat:
How can I solve the problem? Do I have to manually convert the CSV file into an ARFF file by editing the CSV file in a text editor?
The ADAMS framework has the weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToDate filter that allows the conversion of a range of attributes using a specific date format string. You can wrap multiple of these filters in a weka.filters.MultiFilter to convert all of your various date columns in one go. The MultiFilter would get applied to the initially loaded CSV file, where all the date columns are just string columns.
ADAMS also offers the Weka Investigator, a more powerful tool than the Weka Explorer: multi-session support, multiple files loaded at the same time (you can load train and test files and just select the files from a combobox then), multiple tabs of the same kind (not just a single Classify tab), different types of cross-validation (batched/non-batched), predefined output generators that get applied to evaluations (model, statistics, classifier errors, ...), etc.
Also, for automating all these steps, you can use ADAMS' Flow editor, a workflow engine.
If you don't want to use ADAMS: load the CSV file in the Weka Explorer, save it as ARFF then manually edit the relevant attribute types (see ARFF format) before reloading it in the Weka Explorer.

Insert Csv file values into table apex

I am trying to insert bulk values into the table through an excel.csv file.
I have created a file browser item on the page, now in the process have to write insert code for this to insert the excel values into the table.
the following table I have created: NON_DYNAMIC_USER_GROUPS
Need to create insert process code for this.
I prefer the Excel2Collection plugin for converting any form of Excel document into rows in an Oracle table.
PL/SQL already written, and formulated into an APEX plugin, making it easy to use.
It is possible to uncompress the code and convert it to using your own table, instead of apex_collections, which are limited to 50 columns/fields.

Output classification predictions to CSV in Weka--where is output file saved?

Answers to this question explain how to output classification predictions to CSV in Weka in both Weka 3.6 (right / option-click model and then save predictions) and 3.7 (choose more options and select Output predictions).
In Weka 3.7, I chose more options, selected Output predictions, and chose CSV as the specific type of output. An answer suggests to "Click on 'outputFile' and select a folder and type a filename." However, I cannot see 'outputFile' or where the CSV output is saved.
Where is the output file saved, or how can I click on 'outputFile' to name the output?
In Weka 3.7.12 on OSX, I was able to find 'outputFile' and the other options by clicking on the whitebox containing CSV (after choosing CSV first), much like how you specify the options for certain classifiers by clicking on those whiteboxes. For me I wasn't able to type a filename, but if I created a blank file manually, I was able to correctly save the output the predictions to that file.
If I left click on CSV (once I've selected it first), WEKA allows me to select an existing CSV file to save the predictions

MFC - Format rtf document to two columns

I am merging many rtf files into a single file for printing. In order to save paper, I would like to have the printout of the merged rtf document in two columns per page.
What is the best way to do this?
I found out a way of doing this.
Load the rtf document into a CRichEditCtrl.
Use the CRichEditCtrl's FormatRange method to format and render the text to different part of the paper; left column and right column in this case.