​ Need to Understands the Multi-Resolution Adaptation in cocos2dx - cocos2d-iphone

kindly please help me to understand that what changes and what ResolutionPolicy required for project in Android and ios to Support Multi Resolution without stretch images in cocos2dx c++.


Kinect v1 integrates with qt

I have been working with Qt and Kinect v1 for couple of weeks. I don't know how to create a screen inside a Qt GUI and show stream video captured by Kinect.
I have searched for a in-depth tutorial in the Internet but it seems like nothing related directly to my problem.
I prefer programming in C++, using Qt 5.6. I know how to use some basic Qt feature but have never experienced with OpenGL in qt before. I can also run Kinect using Developer Toolkit browser and it works perfectly. Then I saw a tutorial using kinect and C++ at the link: https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~edzhang/tutorials/kinect/kinect2.html.
I followed the instructions and I can create a new windows show the stream video captured by Kinect sensor but when I using the same code in the Qt project, it just only show a black video. I don't know how to resolve the problem at all. The code is too long because I write it in the project created last week.

Cannot use Rotate, FlipVertical, FlipHorizontal in C++ Builder Embarcadero

I am making some simple games using this environment and I need to rotate some bitmaps, but the TBitmap class/objects does not have these functions shown here http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/42237 . I am using C++ Builder XE5 and making VCL Forms Application C++. I know I am not making FireMonkey application, but how is it then possible to rotate image without it? Are there any other ways around these functions? Thanks a lot for any help.

UI using OpenGL ES in BB10

I want to draw button, menu etc. (UI related things) using OpenGL ES in BB10.
How I can accomplish this task?? Any source code reference, tutorial or developer guide will be highly appriciated.
Thanks for your help.
Check the Gameplay - the open-source cross-platform 3D engine that is aimed at the indie game developer ecosystem. It also comes with the UI components.

OpenFrameworks - minus the GL window

I have a project that involves OpenCV among some other media related functionality and after playing with OpenFrameworks it seems to be perfect for the task, well nearly perfect ;)
This project is actually a Flash project and I have a working connection to C++ for all the image processing for speed. The problem is that OpenFrameworks require the following code to init before the ofRunApp:
ofAppGlutWindow window;
ofSetupOpenGL(&window, 1024,768, OF_WINDOW); // <-------- setup the GL context
Is there an easy way to use the OpenCV related functionality in OpenFrameworks without opening any window? Just for the record I would prefer to use OpenFrameworks rather than vanilla OpenCV for the flexibility of OF and it's other features.
Thanks in advance,
There is no 'official' way to do this with openFrameworks.
Since openFrameworks has swappable renderers, you could write one to do this. But this seems to be a lot of work because many openFrameworks internal rely on a window and GL context.
You can find he most promising attempts to solve this problem here and here. Maybe you can search the openFrameworks on your own to find probably more. Even better: feel free to start a new topic to get people see that there is a need for headless rendering.

Porting C++ OpenGL Game to iPad

We have a game, developed in C++ and OpenGL for Windows and Mac.
Now we want to port the game to iPad. Is there a better way than writing the entire program in Objective-C to make our game work on iPad?
Now I am an iPhone/iPad noob, so pardon if the question is dumb.
You probably need to write only a small part in Obj-C that deals directly with iOS(creating a gl surface, input etc). Rest should work fine. You just need to make sure you will be using only the subset of OpenGL that is in OpenGL ES.
I hear DragonFire SDK lets you develop in C++ for iOS, on Windows.