direction of sending message ( veins /omnet++) - veins

Is there a possibility to define the direction of sending a message?? for example, the sender vehicle wants to send a message only to the vehicle behind?
I thought of using Directional antennas;
I found this function :
double Antenna::getGain(Coord ownPos, Coord ownOrient, Coord otherPos)
But i don't know how to use it.
would you give me a hand please?

You can find an explanation of antenna patterns on - in brief: *.**.nic.phy80211p.antenna defines which antenna to use (see The example simulation uses a monopole antenna defined in It is of type SampledAntenna1D, which means that it defines an antenna pattern using a single parameter, samples, which stores a series of gain samples, taken at equidistant intervals from 0 degrees, going clockwise.
The following is an example XML statement configuring such an antenna using very coarse (four) gain samples (+2.0 dBi to the front of the car, +1.1 dBi to the right of the car, -4.0 dBi to the back of the car, +0.9 dBi to the left of the car).
<Antenna type="SampledAntenna1D" id="patch">
<parameter name="samples" type="string" value="2.0 1.1 -4.0 0.9"/>


Sprague–Grundy theorem / Game of nim / Bowlingpins hackerrank

I've been trying to solve this problem in HackerRank called Bowling Pins. Basically you have to code a program that predicts who will win and who will lose. The rules of the game are:
Bowling pins are position horizontally and they are represented as a string of capital i's --> "IIII" (4 pins)
You can either knock down one single pin "I" or two pins that are next to each other "II"
"X" will represent the pins that are knocked down
Last player to knock down wins
Given the string "XIIX", this is a win, since I can knock down the two middle pins.
Given the string "IXIX", is a lose, since the next player will make the last move
Now, I tried to get a basic understanding of combination game theorem. I know that I have to calculate the mex and grundy in order to know who wins and who loses without actually playing the game.
Now my question is if I have three pins "III"
mex {1,2} = 0 , this means a lose. But what happens in the case that I knock down the single middle pin?
The next player turns will look like this "IXI", he/she can either knock down the left or the right pin, regardless I get the last pin and win. right?
I'm very new to these concepts and I'm not sure if I'm implementing the Sprague–Grundy theorem correctly for this game. Can someone explain this to me?
Here's a link to the problem I'm trying to solve -->
I think this document has a really good explanation of the relevant theory: Personally, it took me a bit to get through the document; at first I just tried reading, but I got much more out of it by writing some of the lemmas/theorems down and practicing a bit myself. I think the graphs under "From Games to Graphs" and "The Sprague-Grundy Function" sections were particularly helpful for this problem.
Here's how I started thinking about it: a set of pins is a game position. Each game position is either terminal or has followers, which are other game positions that can be moved to. Each game position can be assigned a Sprague-Grundy (SG) based on the SG values of its followers. Now try creating a graph of game positions:
The only terminal position is no pins left, which we can write as X or XX or however many X based on the number of pins you start with. This position has SG(X) = 0 because it's terminal.
The game position I can have one pin knocked down, which would make it X. So X is a follower of I, and SG(I) = mex{SG(X)} = mex{0} = 1
The game position II can have either one pin knocked down, making it XI == IX == I, or two, making it XX == X. So it has these two followers, and SG(II) = mex{SG(I), SG(X)} = mex{0, 1} = 2.
Now let's look at III, since this is where we get to start using some of the other information from the document. The followers are XII (SG of 2), XXI (SG of 1), and IXI. For this last one, we could see that it only has one follower and get the SG like that, OR we could use the Sprague-Grundy theorem. This says "the SG function for a sum of games on a graph is just the Nim sum of the SG functions of its components". For IXI, it has two games of I, each with SG of 1. When we take the nim sum (xor the binary representations), we get 0. So in conclusion, SG(III) = mex{2, 1, 0} = 3.
And you can keep going bottom to top to get other SGs by taking 1 or 2 II away at a time and calculating nim sums.

How does veins calculate RSSI in a Simple Path Loss Model?

We are working on an application based on Veins framework which needs RSSI value of received signal and the distance between sender and receiver.
We referred to the VeReMi project which also calculates RSSI value and sends it to upper level.
We compared our simulation result (RSSI vs Distance) with the VeReMi dataset and they look quite different. Can you help us to explain how RSSI is calculated and whether our result is normal?
In our application, we obtain the distance and rssi value by
auto distance = sender.getPosition().distance(receiverPos);
auto senderRSSI = sender.getRssi();
In the lower level, the rssi is set in the Decider80211p::processSignalEnd(AirFrame* msg) method as in the VeReMi project.
if (result->isSignalCorrect()) {
DBG_D11P << "packet was received correctly, it is now handed to upper layer...\n";
// go on with processing this AirFrame, send it to the Mac-Layer
WaveShortMessage* decap = dynamic_cast<WaveShortMessage*>(static_cast<Mac80211Pkt*>(frame->decapsulate())->decapsulate());
simtime_t start = frame->getSignal().getReceptionStart();
simtime_t end = frame->getSignal().getReceptionEnd();
double rssiValue = calcChannelSenseRSSI(start, end);
phy->sendUp(frame, result);
Regarding the simulation configuration, our config.xml differs from VeReMi and there is no the following lines in our case.
<AnalogueModel type="VehicleObstacleShadowing">
<parameter name="carrierFrequency" type="double" value="5.890e+9"/>
The 11p specific parameters and NIP settings in the omnetpp.ini are the same.
Also, our simulation is based on Boston map.
The scatter plot of our simulation result of RSSI_vs_Distance is shown in the following figure.
RSSI vs Distance from our simulation shows that even at distance beyond 1000 meters we still have received signal with strong RSSI values
In comparison, we extract data from VeReMi dataset and plot the RSSI vs Distance which is shown in following pic.
VeReMi dataset RSSI vs Distance is what we were expecting where RSSI decreases as distance increases
Can you help us explain whether our result is normal and what may cause the issue we have now? Thanks!
I am not familiar with the VeReMi project, so I do not know what value it is referring to as "the RSSI" when a frame is received. The accompanying ArXiV paper paper mentions no more details than that "the RSSI of the receiver" is logged on frame receptions.
Cursory inspection of the code for logging the dataset you mentioned shows that, on every reception of a frame, a method is called that sums up the power levels of all transmissions currently present at the receiver.
From this, it appears quite straightforward that (a) how far a frame traveled when it arrives at the receiver has only little relation to (b) the total amount of power experienced by the receiver at this time.
If you are interested in the Received Signal Strength (RSS) of every frame received, there is a much simpler path you can follow: Taking Veins version 5 alpha 1 as an example, your application layer can access the ControlInfo of a frame and, from there, its RSS, e.g., as follows:
check_and_cast<DeciderResult80211*>(check_and_cast<PhyToMacControlInfo*>(wsm->getControlInfo())->getDeciderResult())->getRecvPower_dBm(). The same approach should work for Veins 4.6 (which, I believe, the VeReMi dataset you are referring to is based) as well.
In simulations that only use SimplePathlossModel, Veins' version of a free space path loss model, this will result in the familiar curve:

in depth explanation of the side effects interface in clojure overtone generators

I an new to overtone/supercollider. I know how sound forms physically. However I don't understand the magic inside overtone's sound generating functions.
Let's say I have a basic sound:
(definst sin-wave [freq 440 attack 0.01 sustain 0.4 release 0.1 vol 0.4]
(* (env-gen (lin-env attack sustain release) 1 1 0 1 FREE)
(+ (sin-osc freq)
(sin-osc (* freq 2))
(sin-osc (* freq 4)))
I understand the ASR cycle of sound envelope, sin wave, frequency, volume here. They describe the amplitude of the sound over time. What I don't understand is the time. Since time is absent from the input of all functions here, how do I control stuffs like echo and other cool effects into the thing?
If I am to write my own sin-osc function, how do I specify the amplitude of my sound at specific time point? Let's say my sin-osc has to set that at 1/4 of the cycle the output reaches the peak of amplitude 1.0, what is the interface that I can code with to control it?
Without knowing this, all sound synth generators in overtone doesn't make sense to me and they look like strange functions with unknown side-effects.
Overtone does not specify the individual samples or shapes over time for each signal, it is really just an interface to the supercollider server (which defines a protocol for interaction, of which the supercollider language is the canonical client to this server, and overtone is another). For that reason, all overtone is doing behind the scenes is sending signals for how to construct a synth graph to the supercollider server. The supercollider server is the thing that is actually calculating what samples get sent to the dac, based on the definitions of the synths that are playing at any given time. That is why you are given primitive synth elements like sine oscillators and square waves and filters: these are invoked on the server to actually calculate the samples.
I got an answer from droidcore at #supercollider/Freenode IRC
d: time is really like wallclock time, it's just going by
d: the ugen knows how long each sample takes in terms of milliseconds, so it knows how much to advance its notion of time
d: so in an adsr, when you say you want an attack time of 1.0 seconds, it knows that it needs to take 44100 samples (say) to get there
d: the sampling rate is fixed and is global. it's set when you start the synthesis process
d: yeah well that's like doing a lookup in a sine wave table
d: they'll just repeatedly look up the next value in a table that
represents one cycle of the wave, and then just circle around to
the beginning when they get to the end
d: you can't really do sample-by sample logic from the SC side
d: Chuck will do that, though, if you want to experiment with it
d: time is global and it's implicit it's available to all the oscillators all the time
but internally it's not really like it's a closed form, where you say "give me the sample for this time value"
d: you say "time has advanced 5 microseconds. give me the new value"
d: it's more like a stream
d: you don't need to have random access to the oscillators values, just the next one in time sequence

Reading and writing structs remotely

I'm currently building a robot which has some sensors attached to it. The control unit on the robot is an ARM Cortex-M3, all sensors are attached to it and it is connected via Ethernet to the "ground station".
Now I want to read and write settings on the robot via the ground station. Therefore I thought about implementing a "virtual register" on the robot that can be manipulated by the ground station.
It could be made up of structs and look like this:
// accelerometer register
struct accel_reg {
// accelerations
int32_t accelX;
int32_t accelY;
int32_t accelZ;
// infrared distance sensor register
struct ir_reg {
uint16_t dist; // distance
// robot's register table
struct {
uint8_t status; // current state
uint32_t faultFlags; // some fault flags
accel_reg accelerometer; // accelerometer register
ir_reg ir_sensors[4]; // 4 IR sensors connected
} robot;
// usage example:
robot.accelerometer.accelX = -981;
robot.ir_sensors[1].dist = 1024;
On the robot the registers will be constantly filled with new values and configuration settings are set by the ground station and applied by the robot.
The ground station and the robot will be written in C++ so they both can use the same struct datatype.
The question I have now is how to encapsulate the read/write operations in a protocol without writing tons of meta data?
Let's say I want to read the register robot.ir_sensors[2].dist. How would I address this register in my protocol?
I already thought about transmitting a relative offset in bytes (i.e the relative position in memory inside the struct) but I think memory alignment and padding may cause problems, especially because the ground station runs on a x86_64 architecture and the robot runs on a 32-bit ARM processor.
Thanks for any hints! :)
I'm also going to suggest Google Protocol Buffers.
In the simplest case, you could implement one message RobotState like this:
message RobotState {
optional int32_t status = 1;
optional int32_t distance = 2;
optional int32_t accelX = 3;
Then when the robot receives the message, it will take new values from any optional field that is present. It will then reply with a message containing the current value of all fields.
This way it is quite easy to implement field update using the "merge message" functionality of most protobuf implementations. Also you can keep it very simple at start because you only have one message type, but if you need to expand later you can add submessages.
It is true that protobuf does not support int8_t or int16_t. Just use int32_t instead.
I think the Google protocol buffers are an excellent session/presentation layer tool to use. Actually, Google protocol buffers do not support the syntax I am thinking of. So, I will change this part of my answer to recommend XSD by Code Synthesis. Although it is primarily used with XML, it supports different presentation layers such as XDR and may be more efficient than protocol buffers with large amounts of optional data. The generate code is also very nice to work with. XSD is free to use with OpenSource software and even commercial use with limited message structures.
I don't believe you want to read/write register sets at random. You can prefix a message with an enum that denotes a message such as, IR update, distance, accel, etc. These are register groups. Then the robot responds with the register set. All the registers you've given so far are sensors. The write ones must be motor control?
You want to think about what control you want to perform and the type of telemetry you would like to receive. Then come up with a message structure and bundle the information together. You could use sequence diagrams, and remote procedure API's like SOA/SOAP, RPC, REST, etc. I don't mean these RPC frameworks directly, but the concepts such as request/response and perhaps message that are just sent periodically (telemetry) without specific requests. So there would be a telemetry request from the ground station with some sort of interval and then the robot would respond periodically with unsolicited data. You always need a message id (enum above), unless your protocol is going to be stateful, which I would discourage for robustness reasons.
You haven't described how the control system might work or if you wish to do this remotely. Describing that may lead to more ideas on the protocol. I believe we are talking about layers 5,6,7 of OSI. Have fun.

How to represent the Battery Temperature value in Wince using GetSystemPowerStatusEx2 API?

I just want to get confirmation on Battery Temperature data.
I am using GetSystemPowerStatusEx2 API to get battery temperature for windows ce device using c++..
I am using the variable say "psse" of type "SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX2".
On success, the value returned for battery temperature is mentioned below:-
psse.BatteryTemperature = 29 //which is of dword type.
My doubt is what is the actual battery temperature representation?
Is it 2.9 degree celsius or 29 degree celsius & why?
Plz reply. Thanks in advance.
According to the documentation on MSDN
Battery temperature in degrees Celsius. This member can have a value in the range of –3,276.8 to 3,276.7; the increments are 0.1 degrees Celsius.
So a value of 29 means 2.9 degrees Celsius.
did you zero out the BatteryStatusEx2 struct memory to zero before calling the function?
OTOH the OEMs can, but do not need to fill all values correctly. So if the function returns 29, which is 2.9°C, I assume the OEM does not fill the value correctly. Either it is ment as 29°C, which is alos not a real value over time, as the battery temperature should go up during usage of the device.
Posibly the OEM offers a new firmware or service release for the device which corrects the wrong reading.
The accuracy of the values depends on the implementation of the driver. Possibly the battery does not expose any temperature at all and the driver always fills the struct with the value 29.
Do not trust to much in OEMs implementing all features correctl all the time.