how to pass a uers input from a lineEdit into a SQL Query QT 6.0 c++ - c++

Hello I have tried every forum and resource i have and can still not find the answer to my question.
I am making a booking management system. One of the features is the admin can search someones email and get their details from the database. So i put a line edit so i can get the QString from the email and then i tried to parse it into a SQL query. Thought this would be easy but QT said no. so i am at a complete loss.
Any help will be much appreciated.
The code:
QString email = ui->lineEdit_custsearch->text();
QSqlQuery qry;
QString dets = "SELECT firstname FROM customer WHERE email=="+email+"";
if (qry.exec(dets))
for (int i = 0;;i++)

In SQL you only need to use a single '=', sign, might be worth giving that a try?
SELECT firstname FROM customer WHERE email="+email+"
Just a suggestion, to make it more readable, it might be worth using string interpolation too so something like the below:
string email = '';
QString dets = $"SELECT firstname FROM customer WHERE email='{email}'";


Search Dialogs in Epicor

Hopefully someone here is familiar with creating customizations in Epicor 9. I've posted this to the Epicor forums as well, but unfortunately that forum seems pretty dead. Any help I can get would be much appreciated.
I've created a customization on the Order Entry form to display and store some extra information about our orders. One such field is the architect on the job. We store the architects in the customer table using a GroupCode of AR to distinguish them from regular customers. I have successfully added a button that launches a customer search dialog and filters the results to only display the architects (those with GroupCode AR). Here's where the problems come in. I have two questions:
1: On the customer search, there is a customer type field that defaults to a value of Customer. Other choices are < all>, Suspect, or Prospect. How can I make the search form default to < all>?
2: How do I take the architect (customer) I select through the search dialog and populate its CustID into the ShortChar01 field on my Order Entry customization? Here's the code I have:
private void SearchOnCustomerAdapterShowDialog()
// Wizard Generated Search Method
// You will need to call this method from another method in custom code
// For example, [Form]_Load or [Button]_Click
bool recSelected;
//string whereClause = string.Empty;
string whereClause = "GroupCode = 'AR'";
System.Data.DataSet dsCustomerAdapter = Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions.SearchFunctions.listLookup(this.oTrans, "CustomerAdapter", out recSelected, true, whereClause);
if (recSelected)
System.Data.DataRow adapterRow = dsCustomerAdapter.Tables[0].Rows[0];
// Map Search Fields to Application Fields
EpiDataView edvOrderHed = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["OrderHed"]));
System.Data.DataRow edvOrderHedRow = edvOrderHed.CurrentDataRow;
if ((edvOrderHedRow != null))
edvOrderHedRow["ShortChar01"] = adapterRow["CustID"];
When I select a record and click OK, I get an unhandled exception.
I think the problem you are/were having is that you aren't adding the CustNum to the Sales Order first. In my mind I would do it this way first, but there is might be ChangeCustomer BO method in oTrans that you could call to make sure everything defaults correct.
EpiDataView edvOrderHed = ((EpiDataView)(this.oTrans.EpiDataViews["OrderHed"]));
if (edvOrderHed.HasRow)
edvOrderHed[edvOrderHed.Row]["CustNum"] = adapterRow["CustNum"];
edvOrderHed[edvOrderHed.Row]["ShortChar01"] = adapterRow["CustID"];
Hope that is helpful, even if late.

MAPI, HrQueryAllRows: Filter messages on subject

I'm pretty much new to MAPI and haven't wrote much C++ Code.
Basically I want to read all emails in the inbox and filter them based on their subject text. So far I'm using the source code provided at the microsoft msdn website which basically reads all emails from the inbox. What I want now is to not get all emails but filter them on the subject, lets say: I want all emails in my Inbox with the subject title "test".
So far I figuered out that the following line of code retrieves all the mails:
hRes = HrQueryAllRows(lpContentsTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptCols, &sres, NULL, 0, &pRows);
The parameter &sres is from the type SRestriction.
I tried to implement a filter on 'test' in the subject:
sres.rt = RES_CONTENT;
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING;
sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
sres.res.resContent.lpProp = &SvcProps;
SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
SvcProps.Value.lpszA = "test";
ScvProps is from the type SPropValue.
If i execute the application then I get 0 lines returned. If I change the String test to an empty String then I get all emails.
I'm assuming i'm using the "filter" option wrong, any ideas?
Edit: When I change the FuzzyLevel to:
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_SUBSTRING;
then I can look for subjects that contain a single character but as soon as I add a second character I get 0 rows as result. I'm pretty sure this is just some c++ stuff that I don't understand that causes all this problems ...
I figured the problem out.
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_FULLSTRING;
sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT;
sres.res.resContent.ulFuzzyLevel = FL_SUBSTRING;
sres.res.resContent.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT_A;
SvcProps.ulPropTag = PR_SUBJECT_A;
fixed the problem.

Unable to access WMI on remote machine using

I've had a scout around and can't seem to find the answer anywhere, so need to ask.
I'm trying to query the WMI on a remote machine, but I need to do so as the admin account and I'm having problems doing so.
The code I am using is:
Public Sub OperatingSystem(ByVal computeritem As String)
'set Username and Password which system will access the network with.
Dim options As ConnectionOptions
options = New ConnectionOptions()
options.Authority = "ntdlmdomain:" & ipaddress
options.Username = "Username"
options.Password = "Password"
scope = New ManagementScope("\\" & ipaddress & "\root\cimv2", options)
Dim query As ObjectQuery
query = New ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")
Dim searcher As ManagementObjectSearcher
searcher = New ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query)
the query continues to go and pull all kinds of information through to a spradsheet.. well it would if it worked!
The line of code that is falling over is:
scope = New ManagementScope("\\" & ipaddress & "\root\cimv2", options)
It's giving me an error message that just says 'Invalid parameter'. When I go to view detail, there's nothing in inner exception and the only thing that I can see of any value is ErrorCode:ManagementStatus.InvalidParameter
I apologize if this is something really simple.. I am still fairly new to this but if someone could give me some guidance that would really be appreciated.
Many Thanks.
It looks like the reference to ipaddress is not initialized. Since computeritem is passed as a parameter to the sub, your code might work better with:
scope = New ManagementScope("\\" & computeritem & "\root\cimv2", options)

EventReceiver not Firing on SharePoint List

I am trying to create an EventReceiver for a blog site (for the Posts list) and am having some trouble getting it working. I want to change the Created By column to Anonymous. Basically I have this whole thing working in a console application, however, that will only change the Created By column names when the console application is executed.
I need it to change the Created By whenever a new item is added to the list. My code is do I modify this to use in an EventReceiver project??? Since I already tell the EventReceiver project the URL I want the EventReceiver attached to, I'm not sure what I can remove from this code, right now it just doesn't do anything, no error and no changing of the Created By column when I debug.
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/subsite/"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
SPList list = web.Lists["Posts"];
SPListItemCollection listItemCollection = list.Items;
foreach (SPListItem listItem in listItemCollection)
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web, 22, "Anonymous");
listItem["Author"] = userName;
listItem["Editor"] = userName;
EDIT: Code is in ItemAdded method
EDIT #2: This is trying the same code except without the loop and using properties.ListItem, this was my attempt in a Event Recevier project but no luck. It just doesn't change the Created By field, or any field for that matter (I tried the Title as well)
SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/subsite/");
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web, 22, "Anonymous");
properties.ListItem["Author"] = userName;
properties.ListItem["Editor"] = userName;
*Also from my understanding the SPFieldUserValue will grab either a User or a SharePoint User Group (Permissions) so in my code, the 22 grabs the SharePoint User Group that I want and "Anonymous" is the user from that group...
EDIT #3: More progress, this code works without issues for a list, however, not for the Posts or Comments lists, for those it does not change the Created By field. Could it be because of the approve/reject for all items??? Whether approved orpending it still does not show annonymous, BUT like I mentioned, it works fine in a different list.
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/hr/blog/"); //SPContext.Current.Site;
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web,22,"Anonymous");
SPListItem currentItem = properties.ListItem;
//currentItem["Title"] = userName; //DateTime.Now.ToString();
currentItem["Author"] = userName;
currentItem["Editor"] = userName;
**EDIT #4: Alright I found my issue, when creating the project I chose Custom List as my list to attach to but I needed to choose Posts or Comments and now the above code works!!!
But now I have another problem, all posts on the blog are first submitted for approval...and due to this the event receiver doesn't seem to work for users other than the admin. It works fine for the admin account where I can just directly publish a post or comment but for a user with Contribute permissions whose posts are submitted for approval still shows their name on the Manage Posts page...what could I do about this? Any ideas?**
The code that works:
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPSite site = new SPSite("http://test-sharepoint/hr/blog/"); //SPContext.Current.Site;
SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
SPFieldUserValue userName = new SPFieldUserValue(web, 23, "Anonymous");
SPListItem currentItem = properties.ListItem;
currentItem["Author"] = userName;
currentItem["Editor"] = userName;
In response to edit #4, when working with SharePoint, if code works when executed by the administrator account, but does not work when executed by a "normal" account, permissions are likely to blame.
See the answer to the question SharePoint/WSS: Modify “created by” field? for an example of an SPItemEventReceiver that modifies the Author field.
Note: Many SharePoint developers recommend against the use of RunWithElevatedPrivileges and suggest using impersonation instead. See my answer to the question In which situation use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges with superusertoken? for more details.

Search Informatica for text in SQL override

Is there a way to search all the mappings, sessions, etc. in Informatica for a text string contained within a SQL override?
For example, suppose I know a certain stored procedure (SP_FOO) is being called somewhere in an INFA process, but I don't know where exactly. Somewhere I think there is a Post SQL on a source or target calling it. Could I search all the sessions for Post SQL containing SP_FOO ? (Similar to what I could do with grep with source code.)
You can use Repository queries for querying REPO tables(if you have enough access) to get data related with all the mappings,transformations,sessions etc.
Please use the below link to get almost all kind of repo queries.Ur answers can be find in the below link.
select *--distinct sbj.SUBJECT_AREA,m.PARENT_MAPPING_NAME
--and m.PARENT_MAPPING_NAME like '%ARM%'
order by 1
Please let me know if you have any issues.
Another less scientific way to do this is to export the workflow(s) as XML and use a text editor to search through them for the stored procedure name.
If you have read access to the schema where the informatica repository resides, try this.
SELECT DISTINCT f.subj_name folder, e.mapping_name, object_type_name,
b.instance_name, a.attr_value
FROM opb_widget_attr a,
opb_widget_inst b,
opb_object_type c,
opb_attr d,
opb_mapping e,
opb_subject f
WHERE a.widget_id = b.widget_id
AND b.widget_type = c.object_type_id
AND ( object_type_name = 'Source Qualifier'
OR object_type_name LIKE '%Lookup%'
AND a.widget_id = b.widget_id
AND a.attr_id = d.attr_id
AND c.object_type_id = d.object_type_id
AND attr_name IN ('Sql Query')--, 'Lookup Sql Override')
AND b.mapping_id = e.mapping_id
AND e.subject_id = f.subj_id
AND a.attr_value is not null
--AND UPPER (a.attr_value) LIKE UPPER ('%currency%')
Yes. There is a small java based tool called Informatica Meta Query.
Using that tool, you can search for any information that is present in the Informatica meta data tables.
If you cannot find that tool, you can write queries directly in the Informatica Meta data tables to get the required information.
Adding few more lines to solution provided by Data Origin and Sandeep.
It is highly advised not to query repository tables directly. Rather, you can create synonyms or views and then query those objects to avoid any damage to rep tables.
In our dev/ prod environment application programmers are not granted any direct access to repo. tables.
As querying the Informatica database isn't the best idea, I would suggest you to export all the workflows in your folder into xml using Repository Manager. From Rep Mgr you can select all of them once and export them at once. Then write a java program to search the pattern from the xml's you have.
I have written a sample prog here, please modify it as per your requirement:
make a spec file with workflow names(specFileName).
try {
File inFile = new File(specFileName);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(newFileReader(infile));
String tectToSearch = '<YourString>';
String currentLine;
while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null)
//trim newline when comparing with String
String trimmedLine = currentLine.trim();
if(currentline has the string pattern)
SOP(specFileName); //specfile name
catch(IOException ex)
System.out.println("Error reading to file '" + specFileName +"'");